Massion/Jamshed Preinvasive Study

  • Start Date: 14 Apr 2004 (Continuation)
  • Research Drive Directory: /Massion/040415
    • preinvasive data set (avg_log10.xls) in in /working/preinvasive, the data has been averaged and log10 transformed.
    • the group definition file (groupDef.xls) is in /master.
  • Data Type: MassSpec
  • Notes:
  • Status:
    • Preinvasive Comparison:
    • Kiyoshi and preinvasive Comparison:

Analysis Requests

  • 1 Kiyoshi as training
    • Kiyoshi normal vs tumor as training, use to discriminate normal bronchus, Preinvasive LG, HG and invasive tumors
  • 3 Preinvasive training testing (average data set)
    • Normal alveolar + normal bronchial VS invasive tumor as training, use to discriminate LG preinvasive and HG.
  • 4 Preinvasive intergroup testing (average data set)
    • g1 - A+B vs LG (normal vs preLG)
    • g2 - A+B vs HG (normal vs preHG)
    • g3 - LG vs HG (preLG vs preHG)
    • g4 - LG vs T (preLG vs invasive)
    • g5 - HG vs T (preHG vs invasive)
    • g6 - A+B+LG vs HG+T (Normal preLG vs preHG Invasive)
    • g7 - B vs LG+HG+TS (bronchial vs LG HG SQ)
  • 5 (2004-12-08) Cutoff analysis. wilcox P<0.0005, Fisher P<0.0005, perm t-test P<0.0005, sam > 2, WGA > 2, info = 0
    • Kiyoish as training: A, B, HG, LG and T
  • 6 (2004-12-08) Cutoff analysis. wilcox P<0.0005, Fisher P<0.0005, perm t-test P<0.0005, sam > 2, WGA > 2, info = 0
    • Preinvasive intergroup testing: A+B vs T as training. HG LG as testing.

Change Log:

  • Previous changes to preinvasive.
    • D5, D6 change from #28LUL to #28LUL-D
    • T18, T19 changed from #63 to #63a
    • T32, T33 changed from #63 to #63b
    • B27, B28 removed

  • 14 Apr 2004: Data resubmitted with the following changes:
    • Preinvasive: WF16126 changed from HG to LG.
    • Kiyoshi: 8 tumor metastases samples removed

Contact Info:

  • Primary Study Contact Person: Jamshedur Rahman


Topic revision: r14 - 10 Dec 2004, JeremyRoberts
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