Marnett 2 Timepoint Study

  • Start Date: 20 October 2004
  • Due Date: 25 October 2004
  • Research Drive Directory: /Marnett/041005
  • Data Type: MicroArray
  • Notes:
  • Status:
    • proc means 100% finished
    • proc univariate is failed since the sample size is too small

Analysis Requests

  • Average the baseline for each time point ( 6, 24)
  • Get the ratio for the other doses(5,20, and 60), then take log2 tansform on each ratio.
  • Run proc means with prt option for the 18 ratio for all 54k genes
  • Run univariate with sign rank test option for the six ration for all 54k genes
  • Summary repot for the top genes


  • summary sheet: \Marnett\041005\new run\summary
  • top100 list and rank : \Marnett\041005\new run\result\top100\final

Change Log

  • Oct 25: change log2 transform before take ratio to after taking ratio.


Topic revision: r5 - 29 Oct 2004, JoanZhang
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