Using LaTeX or Image Manipulation Software to Produce Posters and Other Graphics Layouts

Flexible Graphics Layouts in LaTeX | Graphics Inclusion Guide

Using minipage or parbox to create a layout with one tall graphic on the left half of the page and two smaller graphics on the right half

% Usage: latex graphLayout  (pdftex option below makes pdf, finds colors)
% Figure layout can be done using a tabular environment, specialized
% LaTeX packages, or as shown here, minipage or parbox.  The parbox
% example that produced p. 2 has a problem with the vertical position
% of the title over the top right panel
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf, .jpg, .png}
\topmargin -.2in  % was -.75 then -.25in
\textheight 9in    % was 9.5
\oddsidemargin -.25in
\evensidemargin -.25in
\textwidth 7in
\parskip 14pt
\parindent 0ex
\renewcommand\sfdefault{phv}%               use helvetica for sans serif
\renewcommand\familydefault{\sfdefault}%    use sans serif by default

\newcommand{\heading}[1]{{\color{Blue}\Large\textbf #1}}


{\Huge\textbf{\color{Blue}Overall Title}}


\heading{Title for Left Panel}\\
\heading{Title for Top Right Panel}\\
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{roy06dicb} \\
\heading{Title for Bottom Right Panel}\\

{\Huge\textbf{\color{Blue}Overall Title}}


\heading{Title for Left Panel}\\
\heading{Title for Top Right Panel}\\
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{roy06dicb} \\
\heading{Title for Bottom Right Panel}\\
The output is attached below.

Making a Montage of Graphics Images (Including pdf)

The montage program that is part of the amazing Imagemagick package can take a series of graphics files and combine them into a single graph with descriptive labels. Layout options are limited. Here is an example. The geometry argument can be used to specify the resolution of the final image. The pointsize argument needs to vary with the geometry, to specify the size of the labels.
montage -pointsize 30 -geometry 512x512 \
-label "Jane Doe" doe.jpg \
-label "John Doe" jdoe.jpg \
-label "Evan Verbose" verbose.jpg \
-label "Walter Perfect" perfect.jpg \
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
graphLayout.pdfpdf graphLayout.pdf manage 105 K 17 Jan 2009 - 11:04 FrankHarrell Example output for 1x2 figure layout
Topic revision: r3 - 16 Mar 2009, FrankHarrell
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