January 7, 2008 (2:00-3:00PM/MRB-III, Room 1220)

Good News
    • Successful MS recruitment (seven new staff since 7/1)
    • Introduction of new Employees
      • Lei Xu, Research Assistant Professor, 1/3/08
      • Dana Blakemore, Biostatistician II, 1/7/08
      • Samuel Nwosu, Biostatistician II, 1/7/08
    • Status of faculty and staff recruitment - Frank Harrell
    • Effort reporting and certification - Frank
    • Division of Cancer Biostatistics - Yu Shyr
    • Promotions committee - Robert Greevy
    • Allocation committee - Bryan Shepherd
    • Annual Performance Evaluation due April 30th each year; six month performance conversation reminder for new Employees
    • dbconnect
    • Consulting time report
    • Seminar attendance - Frank
    • Winter event
    • Elevate and Credo
    • CTSA overview/update - Rafe Donahue
    • Clinics - Frank
    • Nashville Linux Users Group; second Tuesday (D2221 conference room)
    • IGP Introductory Biostatistics Course - Chris Slaughter and Frank Harrell
    • Continuous Quality Improvement projects
    • Angel An
    • Mario Davidson
    • Pengcheng Lu
    • VUMC Community Survey
    • Planned work groups
      • Frank Harrell; faculty and staff reports
      • Yu Shyr; faculty and staff reports
      • Bill Dupont; staff direct reports
      • Dale Plummer; staff direct reports
      • Linda Stewart; staff direct reports
    • Client Satisfaction survey
    • R01 submission, February 1; Jonathan Schildcrout PI
    • Graduate Program
    • School of Medicine budget meetings (1/11/08 and 1/18/08)
    • FY09 budget submission late February
Topic revision: r2 - 14 Jul 2008, ColeBeck
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