Good News


  • New faculty and staff:
  • Division
    • Ce'Aira Arving, Administrative Assistant (temporary)
    • Yolanda Ayuso, Administrative Assistant III
    • Tina Yang, Research Intern
  • Department
    • David Afshartous, Research Associate Professor
    • Ning Chen, Biostatistician II
    • Hank Domenico, Biostatistician II
    • Dexter Duncan, Computer Systems Analyst II (ST date = 1/10/11)
    • Kelly Lu, Biostatistician II (ST date = 3/1/11)
    • Hui Nian, Biostatistician II
    • Matt Shotwell, Assistant Professor
  • Promotions:
    • Eve Anderson, Administrative Assistant II
    • WJ Cunningham, Manager, Administrative
  • Departures: Lei Xu, Research Assistant Professor; Renee Torres, Biostatistician I
  • Pillar Survey
  • Recognition and Reward Program Update and Recipients
  • Research Compliance Expert (RCE) - Chun Li
  • Recruitment update



  • CREDO Expert Performance
  • Vanderbilt purchases (regardless of cost center) = Vanderbilt property
  • dbconnect and purchasing process



  • Graduate Program

VISION presentation (part one): Frank Harrell

-- LindaStewart - 20 Dec 2010
Topic revision: r9 - 05 Jan 2011, LindaStewart
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