
JabRef is a comprehensive java-based BibTeX reference database manager that also imports references from Pubmed and other sources and can export to a variety of formats. To install it use the following steps. [I could not figure out how to get the Ubuntu package jabref to find java.]
  1. Download the latest .jar file from http://jabref.sourceforge.net and store it in /usr/local/bin
  2. Put a command called jabref in /usr/local/bin that contains the following:
    java -jar /usr/local/bin/JabRef-2.10.jar $1 &
    and make the jabref file executable by typing chmod a+x jabref (replace 2.10 with whatever the latest version is)
  3. Make sure /usr/local/bin is in your path (this is specified in ~/.bashrc)
You can now run JabRef from the command prompt or by entering Alt-F2 specifying jabref
Topic revision: r4 - 09 Jul 2014, FrankHarrell
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