IGP 304: Statistics for Biomedical Research (Spring 2007)

Chun Li, Ph.D. (chun.li@vanderbilt.edu; 515D Light Hall; 322-2884)
Leena Choi, Ph.D. (leena.choi@vanderbilt.edu; D-2213 MCN; 343-3497)
Lectures: MWF 2:00-2:55 pm (206 PRB)
Office hours: MWF after class


Textbook and reading materials

Data sets

Data sets used in examples and notes are posted for your convenience. The use of these data sets is for educational purposes only. The data sets were originally obtained from Essential Medical Statistics, 2nd edition.


Stata Labs

Students' datasets

Homework and exams

Chun's experimental course blog


  Date To read/do before class Topics
1 01/10 (W) Get the textbook and software Course description; software demonstration
2 01/12 (F) EMS 1-2; LHSP Is statistics hard?; SN 15 Presentation of numerical data Data import and entry; data types; spreadsheets from hell and heaven; diagnostic quiz
3 01/15 (M) Stata lab; EMS 3; The scandal of poor medical research and correspondence 1, correspondence 2 Descriptive/exploratory analysis; graphing using STATA
4 01/17 (W) Stata lab; EMS 3-4 Descriptive/exploratory analysis
5 01/19 (F) Stata lab; EMS 4-5; SN 51 Standard deviations and standard errors; SN 10 The normal distribution Means, standard deviations and standard errors
6 01/22 (M) Stata lab; EMS 5 Normal distribution
7 01/24 (W) Stata lab; EMS 6 Confidence interval for a mean
8 01/26 (F) Stata lab; EMS 7 Comparison of two means
9 01/29 (M) Stata lab; EMS 8; SN 13 Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence HW1 due ; P -values and confidence intervals; discuss the assigned reading materials
10 01/31 (W) Summary of stata commands Stata commands and HW1 review
11 02/02 (F) EMS 9 Analysis of variance
12 02/05 (M) Stata lab; EMS 10 Linear regression and correlation
13 02/07 (W) Stata lab; EMS 10-11 in 419BCD Light Hall Multiple regression
14 02/09 (F) Stata lab; EMS 11 Multiple regression
15 02/12 (M) Stata lab; EMS 12 HW2 due ; Goodness of fit and regression diagnostics
16 02/14 (W) Stata lab; EMS 13; SN 18 Transformations, means and confidence intervals Transformations
17 02/16 (F) EMS 14-15 Probability, risks and odds; proportions and the binomial distribution
18 02/19 (M) EMS 15-16 Binomial distribution; Comparing two proportions
19 02/21 (W) EMS 16 Comparing two proportions
20 02/23 (F) EMS 16-17 Comparing two proportions; Chi-squared tests
21 02/26 (M) EMS 17 HW3 due ; Chi-squared tests
22 02/28 (W) Review Lecture Review
  03/02 (F) Midterm exam
  03/03-03/11 Spring break
23 03/12 (M) Guest lecture by Dr. Rafe Donahue
24 03/14 (W) Guest lecture by Dr. David Airey (materials here)
25 03/16 (F) EMS 18  
26 03/19 (M) EMS 19  
27 03/21 (W) EMS 19-20  
28 03/23 (F) EMS 20  
29 03/26 (M) EMS 21  
30 03/28 (W) EMS 21  
31 03/30 (F)    
32 04/02 (M) EMS 22  
33 04/04 (W) EMS 23 HW4 due
34 04/06 (F) EMS 26  
35 04/09 (M) EMS 26  
36 04/11 (W) EMS 27  
37 04/13 (F) EMS 30 non-parametrics
38 04/16 (M) EMS 36 ROC
39 04/18 (W) EMS 35 HW5 due
40 04/20 (F)   reviews
41 04/23 (M)   reviews
  04/25 Final exam 2-4 pm
Topic revision: r56 - 24 Jun 2009, LeenaChoi
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