IGP 304: Statistics for Biomedical Research

Instructor: Chun Li, Ph.D. (chun.li@vanderbilt.edu; 515D Light Hall; 322-2884)
Assistant: David Reif (david.m.reif@vanderbilt.edu; 511K Light Hall)
Lectures: MWF 2-2:50 pm, 306AB Light Hall
Office hours: MWF after class


Textbook and reading materials


Stata Labs

Students' datasets

Homework and exams

Chun's experimental course blog


  Date To read/do before class Topics
1 01/11 (W) Get the textbook and software Course description; software demostration
2 01/13 (F) EMS 1-2; LHSP Is statistics hard?; SN 15 Presentation of numerical data Ryan's question on dichotomization; Data import and entry; data types; diagnostic quiz
3 01/16 (M) Stata lab; EMS 3; The scandal of poor medical research and correspondence 1, correspondence 2 Simpson's paradox; variable collection, coding, and checking; spreadsheets from hell and heaven; summary of diagnostic quiz
4 01/18 (W) Stata lab; EMS 3; SN 13 Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence EMS 3: Descriptive/exploratory analysis
5 01/20 (F) Stata lab; EMS 4-5; SN 51 Standard deviations and standard errors; SN 10 The normal distribution EMS 4; discuss all assigned reading materials
6 01/23 (M) Stata lab; EMS 6; SN 18 Transformations, means and confidence intervals HW1 due; EMS 5-6
7 01/25 (W) Stata lab; EMS 6-7  
8 01/27 (F) EMS 7 Bob's question on comparing two groups of changes; EMS 7
9 01/30 (M) Stata lab; EMS 8  
10 02/01 (W) Stata lab; EMS 9  
11 02/03 (F) Stata lab; EMS 9 analysis of variance
12 02/06 (M) Stata lab; EMS 10 HW2 due; simple linear regression
13 02/08 (W) Stata lab; EMS 11 Judith's survey study; EMS 11
14 02/10 (F) Stata lab; EMS 12  
15 02/13 (M) Ecological fallacy and here; EMS 13  
16 02/15 (W) EMS 13-14  
17 02/17 (F) EMS 14-15  
18 02/20 (M) EMS 15 HW3 due; other scheduled coverage
19 02/22 (W) EMS 16-17 Sylvie's study on inflammatory process and oxidative damage; EMS 16-17
20 02/24 (F) Stata lab; EMS 17  
21 02/27 (M) EMS 18  
22 03/01 (W) EMS 18  
  03/03 (F) Midterm exam
  03/04-03/12 Spring break
23 03/13 (M) EMS 19 Logistic regressions
24 03/15 (W) Stata lab; EMS 19-20 Logistic regressions
25 03/17 (F) EMS 20-21  
26 03/20 (M) EMS 21  
27 03/22 (W) EMS 22  
28 03/24 (F) EMS 23  
29 03/27 (M) Guest lecture by Dr. Rafe Donahue
30 03/29 (W) Guest lecture by David Reif
31 03/31 (F) Guest lecture by Dr. David Airey, notes
32 04/03 (M) EMS 23, 26 Comparing rates; basic concepts in survival analysis
33 04/05 (W) EMS 26-27 HW4 due; Survival analysis
  04/07 (F) No class due to CHGR event
34 04/10 (M) EMS 30 Nonparametrics
35 04/12 (W) EMS 36 ROC curve; regression to the mean
36 04/14 (F) EMS 37  
37 04/17 (M) EMS 34  
38 04/19 (W) EMS 35 HW5 due; other scheduled coverage
39 04/21 (F) EMS 38  
40 04/24 (M)    
  04/26(W) Final exam at 1-3 pm in 433 Light Hall
Topic revision: r69 - 30 Oct 2006, ChunLi
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