New Functions in the R Hmisc Package


In place of summary(group ~ a + b + c, method='reverse') (which calls summary.formula) use summaryM(a + b + c ~ group)


This is for graphing lowess nonparametric trend lines. This provides a much better summary than summary.formula method = "response" which in the example below would by default categorize age and bp into quartiles in order to get simple proportions of y. set.seed(177) sex <- factor(sample(c("m","f"), 500, rep=TRUE)) age <- rnorm(500, 50, 5) bp <- rnorm(500, 120, 7) units(age) <- 'Years'; units(bp) <- 'mmHg' label(bp) <- 'Systolic Blood Pressure' L <- .5*(sex == 'm') + 0.1 * (age - 50) y <- rbinom(500, 1, plogis(L)) png('/tmp/summaryRc.png', height=750) spar(mfrow=c(3,2), top=2, cex.axis=1) summaryRc(y ~ age + bp) # For x limits use 1st and 99th percentiles to frame extended box plots summaryRc(y ~ age + bp, bpplot='top', datadensity=FALSE, trim=.01) summaryRc(y ~ age + bp + stratify(sex), label.curves=list(keys='lines'), nloc=list(x=.1, y=.05)) summaryRc.png


summaryD is for summarizing data using a user-specified function and produce a dot chart using the Hmisc dotchart3 function. This allows for major and minor categories, all in one panel. set.seed(135) maj <- factor(c(rep('North',13),rep('South',13))) g <- paste('Category',rep(letters[1:13],2)) n <- sample(1:15000, 26, replace=TRUE) y1 <- runif(26) y2 <- pmax(0, y1 - runif(26, 0, .1)) png('/tmp/summaryD.png', width=550, height=800) spar(mfrow=c(3,2)) f <- function(x) sprintf('%4.2f', x) summaryD(y1 ~ maj + g, xlab='Mean', auxtitle='', fmtvals=f) summaryD(y1 ~ maj + g, groupsummary=FALSE) summaryD(y1 ~ g, fmtvals=f, auxtitle='') Y <- cbind(y1, y2) summaryD(Y ~ maj + g, fun=function(y) y[1,], pch=c(1,17)) rlegend(.1, 26, c('y1','y2'), pch=c(1,17))

summaryD(y1 ~ maj, fun=function(y) c(mean(y), n=length(y)), auxvar='n')
summaryD.png png('/tmp/summaryD2.png', width=300, height=100) # Or: pdf('/tmp/z.pdf', width=3.5, height=1.25) spar() summaryD(y1 ~ maj, fmtvals=function(x) round(x,4), xlab=labelPlotmath('Velocity', 'm/s')) summaryD2.png


This is for graphing extended box plots for multiple variables getHdata(support) # Automatically analyze all numeric variables with more than 5 unique values bpplotM(data=support, groups='dzgroup', cex.strip=.4, cex.means=.3, cex.n=.45) bpplotM.png

bpplotM also supports an R formula as the first argument, e.g. bpplotM(age + weight + height ~ treatment * sex)


This is like bpplotM but for purely categorical data. It produces a "tall and thin" data frame with numerator and denominator frequencies. A plot method makes multi-panel dot plots using the R trellis dotplot function with a special panel function, to depict proportions by a series of cross-classifying variables, plus optionally a superpositioning variable groups. summaryP provides special support for a series of "checklist" yes/no variables through an internal function yn. For yn, a positive respose is taken to be y, yes, present (ignoring case) or a logical TRUE. n <- 100 f <- function(na=FALSE) { x <- sample(c('N', 'Y'), n, TRUE) if(na) x[runif(100) < .1] <- NA x } set.seed(1) d <- data.frame(x1=f(), x2=f(), x3=f(), x4=f(), x5=f(), x6=f(), x7=f(TRUE), age=rnorm(n, 50, 10), race=sample(c('Asian', 'Black/AA', 'White'), n, TRUE), sex=sample(c('Female', 'Male'), n, TRUE), treat=sample(c('A', 'B'), n, TRUE), region=sample(c('North America','Europe'), n, TRUE)) d <- upData(d, labels=c(x1='MI', x2='Stroke', x3='AKI', x4='Migraines', x5='Pregnant', x6='Other event', x7='MD withdrawal', race='Race', sex='Sex')) dasna <- subset(d, region=='North America') with(dasna, table(race, treat))

png('/tmp/summaryP.png', width=550, height=550) s <- summaryP(race + sex + yn(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, label='Exclusions') ~ region, data=d) # add exclude1=FALSE above to include female category plot(s, val ~ freq | region * var, groups='treat') # best looking # The above uses the latticeExtra package's useOuterStrips function to improve output # Default output without using latticeExtra: plot(s, groups='treat', outerlabels=FALSE)

Also try: plot(s, groups='treat') # plot(s, groups='treat', outerlabels=FALSE) for standard lattice output plot(s, groups='region', key=list(columns=2, space='bottom')) plot(summaryP(race + sex ~ region, data=d, exclude1=FALSE), col='green')


summaryS summarizes multiple response variables and makes multipanel scatter or dot plots. An optional fun argument can specify a wide variety of summary statistics to compute. require(Hmisc) n <- 100 set.seed(1) d <- data.frame(sbp=rnorm(n, 120, 10), dbp=rnorm(n, 80, 10), age=rnorm(n, 50, 10), days=sample(1:n, n, TRUE), S1=Surv(2*runif(n)), S2=Surv(runif(n)), race=sample(c('Asian', 'Black/AA', 'White'), n, TRUE), sex=sample(c('Female', 'Male'), n, TRUE), treat=sample(c('A', 'B'), n, TRUE), region=sample(c('North America','Europe'), n, TRUE), meda=sample(0:1, n, TRUE), medb=sample(0:1, n, TRUE))

d <- upData(d, labels=c(sbp='Systolic BP', dbp='Diastolic BP', race='Race', sex='Sex', treat='Treatment', days='Time Since Randomization', S1='Hospitalization', S2='Re-Operation', meda='Medication A', medb='Medication B'), units=c(sbp='mmHg', dbp='mmHg', age='years', days='days'))

s <- summaryS(age + sbp + dbp ~ days + region + treat, data=d) # plot(s) # 3 pages plot(s, groups='treat', datadensity=TRUE, scat1d.opts=list(lwd=.5, nhistSpike=0))

plot(s, groups='treat', panel=panel.loess, key=list(space='bottom', columns=2), datadensity=TRUE, scat1d.opts=list(lwd=.5)) summaryS2.png

plot(s, groups='treat', panel=function(...) {panel.xyplot(...); panel.loess(...)}) summaryS3.png

plot(s, groups='treat', panel=pan, paneldoesgroups=TRUE, scat1d.opts=list(lwd=.7), cex.strip=.8) summaryS4.png

s <- summaryS(age + sbp + dbp ~ region + treat, data=d, fun=mean) plot(s, groups='treat', funlabel=expression(bar(X))) summaryS5.png

# Compute parametric confidence limits for mean, and include sample sizes f <- function(x) { x <- x[!] c(, na.rm=FALSE), n=length(x)) } s <- summaryS(age + sbp + dbp ~ region + treat, data=d, fun=f) # Draw [ ] for lower and upper confidence limits in addition to thick line plot(s, funlabel=expression(bar(X) %+-% t[0.975] %*% s), pch.stats=c(Lower=91, Upper=93)) # type show.pch() to see defs. summaryS6.png

plot(s, textonly='n', textplot='Mean', digits=1) summaryS7.png

# Customize printing of statistics to use X bar symbol and smaller # font for n=... cust <- function(y) { means <- format(round(y[, 'Mean'], 1)) ns <- format(y[, 'n']) simplyformatted <- paste('X=', means, ' n=', ns, ' ', sep='') s <- NULL for(i in 1:length(ns)) { w <- paste('paste(bar(X)==', means[i], ',~~scriptstyle(n==', ns[i], '))', sep='') s <- c(s, parse(text=w)) } list(result=s, longest=simplyformatted[which.max(nchar(simplyformatted))]) } plot(s, groups='treat', cex.values=.65, textplot='Mean', custom=cust, key=list(space='bottom', columns=2, text=c('Treatment A:','Treatment B:'))) summaryS8.png

## Demonstrate simultaneous use of fun and panel ## First show the same quantile intervals used in panel.bppplot by ## default, stratified by region and day

d <- upData(d, days=round(days / 30) * 30) g <- function(y) { probs <- c(0.05, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375) probs <- sort(c(probs, 1 - probs)) y <- y[!] w <- hdquantile(y, probs) m <- hdquantile(y, 0.5, se=TRUE) se <- as.numeric(attr(m, 'se')) c(Median=as.numeric(m), w, se=se, n=length(y)) } s <- summaryS(sbp + dbp ~ days + region, fun=g, data=d) plot(s, groups='region', panel=mbarclPanel, paneldoesgroups=TRUE)

## Similar but use half-violin plots s <- summaryS(sbp + dbp ~ days + region, data=d) plot(s, groups='region', panel=medvPanel, paneldoesgroups=TRUE) summaryS9v.png

## Show Wilson confidence intervals for proportions, and confidence ## intervals for difference in two proportions g <- function(y) { y <- y[!] n <- length(y) p <- mean(y) se <- sqrt(p * (1. - p) / n) structure(c(binconf(sum(y), n), se=se, n=n), names=c('Proportion', 'Lower', 'Upper', 'se', 'n')) } s <- summaryS(meda + medb ~ days + region, fun=g, data=d) plot(s, groups='region', panel=mbarclPanel, paneldoesgroups=TRUE) summaryS10.png


tabulr is a front-end to the tabular function in the tables package. tabular provides an elegant syntax for advanced multi-level LaTeX and regular text tables. tabulr makes use of Hmisc package variable attributes label and units for nicely labeling table components. By default, all variables appearing in the table that have labels have those labels used (and units of measurement, if present) in place of variable names. Also provided are some utility functions to mimic summaryM output for continuous variables (see trio) and functions for creating various LaTeX macro definitions that are useful in table making. See this knitr output for an example.

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
bpplotM.pngpng bpplotM.png manage 89 K 30 Jul 2013 - 15:55 FrankHarrell Example of the Hmisc package bpplotM function
summaryD.pngpng summaryD.png manage 18 K 08 Aug 2013 - 13:00 FrankHarrell Examples of Hmisc summaryD function
summaryD2.pngpng summaryD2.png manage 2 K 09 Aug 2013 - 15:02 FrankHarrell summaryD second example
summaryP.pngpng summaryP.png manage 32 K 18 Dec 2013 - 15:23 FrankHarrell Example of the Hmisc package summaryP function
summaryRc.pngpng summaryRc.png manage 48 K 10 Aug 2013 - 13:04 FrankHarrell Example of Hmisc summaryRc function
summaryS1.pngpng summaryS1.png manage 53 K 28 Dec 2013 - 21:19 FrankHarrell summaryS example 1
summaryS10.pngpng summaryS10.png manage 18 K 04 Jan 2014 - 14:59 FrankHarrell summaryS example: confidence intervals for proportions and differences
summaryS2.pngpng summaryS2.png manage 35 K 28 Dec 2013 - 21:20 FrankHarrell summaryS ex. 2
summaryS3.pngpng summaryS3.png manage 56 K 28 Dec 2013 - 21:20 FrankHarrell summaryS ex. 3
summaryS4.pngpng summaryS4.png manage 30 K 28 Dec 2013 - 21:21 FrankHarrell  
summaryS5.pngpng summaryS5.png manage 13 K 28 Dec 2013 - 21:21 FrankHarrell  
summaryS6.pngpng summaryS6.png manage 20 K 28 Dec 2013 - 21:21 FrankHarrell  
summaryS7.pngpng summaryS7.png manage 20 K 28 Dec 2013 - 21:22 FrankHarrell  
summaryS8.pngpng summaryS8.png manage 17 K 28 Dec 2013 - 21:22 FrankHarrell  
summaryS9.pngpng summaryS9.png manage 19 K 04 Jan 2014 - 14:58 FrankHarrell summaryS example: multiple quantile intervals
summaryS9v.pngpng summaryS9v.png manage 18 K 29 Jan 2014 - 16:34 FrankHarrell Example of summaryS: half-violin plots over time
tabulr.pdfpdf tabulr.pdf manage 131 K 17 Aug 2013 - 12:44 FrankHarrell knitr output demonstrating tabulr function in Hmisc
Topic revision: r18 - 29 Jan 2014, FrankHarrell
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