Strategic Planning Meeting

Participants: J Blume, F Harrell, L Stewart, L Wang, C Yu; Regrets: Dan Byrne, J Schildcrout


Goal(s): Growing/retaining people AND establishment of mentoring committees for faculty

  1. # of Assoc Prof positions
  2. # of biostatisticians II and III
  3. # of staff and faculty promotions
  4. % of faculty/staff retained
  1. Are you fulfilled by your work?
  2. Are you respected by your supervisor, colleagues and collaborators?
  3. Are you challenged sufficiently?
  4. Has your knowledge/skill set increased since joining the department?
  5. Are you recognized/rewarded for your work?
  6. Are you receiving adequate mentoring for your career?
Note: A sliding scale (1 to 100) will be used to measure level of satisfaction rather than Y or N.

Other Notes:
  • Recognition of bottom-heaviness
  • Department is maturing (seven years since inception)
  • Success in recruiting Assoc Profs
  • ENSURE that goals have a good distribution of Department and University goals
Mentoring Assistant Professor and below to include all tracks
  • Assistant Professor (TT, NTT and Research)
  • Instructor
  • Assistant In
Exclude Sr Associates and Associates In, i.e., those faculty advanced in their track

Discussion occurred re one to two person mentoring committee (one in department/one outside department at VU)


Goal: Successful implementation of BCC - grow and integrate the Center as a viable resource
  1. Data collection implemented
  2. Responsiveness to needs of other departments - % of requests that are filled within one month


Goal: Publications - elaborate on details w/input from committee (D Byrne, B Dupont, B Shepherd, C Yu)


Goal: Extramural grant support for research and education

  1. Total grants and contracts as PI or co-PI
  2. % effort on projects in comparison to total project directs and/or total indirects
  3. Total directs on collaborative grants multiplied by biostatistician % effort
Notes: Discussion ensued re weighting system for methodological vs collaborative grants


  1. SOM overall goal will be established

Draft version - feel free to edit. There will be a mini retreat to finalize these.

Department of Biostatistics Goals for FY10/11

To accomplish by 07/01/2011


1. Create a healthy work environment that fosters productivity, fun, job satisfaction, harmony, respect for all, and collegiality by implementing the elevate system.

Metric 1a = The person I report to is friendly and helpful - >55% strongly agree. (in 2010 52% answered strongly agree).

Metric 1b = All in all, I am satisfied with my job - > 25% strongly agree. (in 2010 22% answered strongly agreed).

Metric 1c = The medical center is a good place to work - >45% strongly agree. (in 2010 39% answered strongly agreed).

Metric 1 d = The medical center provides effective on the job training - >20% strongly agree. (in 2010 17% strongly agreed).

Metric 1e = I am treated with dignity and respect by everyone I encounter every day without regard to my job title or educational attainment or my race or my ethnicity or my gender or any other distinguishing characteristic.

Metric 1f = I am given the things I need - education, tools, training, encouragement so that I can make a contribution that give meaning to my life.

The materials and equipments are available when I need to perform my job - >20% strongly agree (in 2010 16% strongly agreed).

Metric 1g = I am recognized for what I do.

Staff faculty here receive recognition for a job well done - > 25% strongly agree (in 2010 20% strongly agreed).


2. Improve the quality of support and teaching provided by the Department of Biostatistics:

  • Implement eleVate Must Haves and the Vanderbilt Credo
  • Maximize impact on scientific investigation
  • Demonstrate value in services provided to the VUMC Community
  • Conduct business in a professional and ethical manner
  • Ensure a good system for feedback from collaborators.
Metric 2 = Collaborator/client satisfaction rated as "excellent" > 90%.

QUALITY (Institutional and Department)

3. Implement state of the art statistical methods by creating a culture of life-long learning and continuous quality improvement.

Metric 3 > 90% of projects use state of the art methods.

4. Help Vanderbilt enhance its reputation as a leader in basic science, clinical and translational research.

Metric 4 = US News & World Report (USN&WR) peer assessment > 4.1.

5. Become one of the top 10 Biostatistics departments in the country. (Metric 4 = average ranking ≤ 10 among a random sample of biostatistical leaders in the US.)

6. Create innovative MS and PhD training program. Improve the quality of teaching of biostatistics and improve the retention of learning.

Metric 5 = > 80% of students rate overall course ≥ 9.

7. Use statistical expertise to enhance how the institution measures, analyzes, and interprets its administrative data and research productivity. Provide expertise on study design and analysis to help VUMC reduce hospital mortality. (Metric 6 hospital mortality < 0.7 of expected.)

8. Be a resource to Vanderbilt leadership in accomplishing major research goals by providing expertise on study design, analysis, and continuous quality improvement. Be a key contributor in VUMC becoming a top 10 medical center.

Metric 7 = USN&WR ranking ≤ 10.

9. Increase the number and impact of publications.

Metric 9 = > 150 publications coauthored by members of our department in past year, > 20 papers published in high-profile journals, > 5 books coauthored by our faculty. The overall publication metric is > 1400.


10. Total number of biostatisticians > 60.

Metric 10 = FTEs of biostatistical support > 60.


11. Devise strategies to ensure Vanderbilt's increased grant funding. Create a diverse portfolio of income to provide stability. Analyze Vanderbilt grant applications to determine critical factors related to successful awards.

Metric 11a = NIH funding > $325,000,000.

Metric 11b = Generate > $500,000 in revenue annually from nonNIH contracts.


12. Implement state-of-the-art Graduate Studies program

Metric 12a = Utilization of the most modern statistical methods and cutting-edge curricula with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research

13. Optimize utilization of dbconnect

Metric 13a = Generate reports that facilitate tracking of projects and new assignments prospectively


Topic revision: r23 - 26 Apr 2013, JohnBock
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