Faculty by Specialty

Methodologic Areas

Adaptive Designs Koyama, Blume, Choi, Yu
Bayesian Statistics Harrell, Chang, Chen, Choi, Fonnesbeck, Slaughter, Shotwell, Yu
Bioequivalence Methodology Chandrasekhar
Bootstrap Harrell, Wang, A Jiang, Shotwell, Greevy, W Dupont, H Chen, Spieker
CART/Recursive Partitioning Yu, Byrne, Wang, G Chen, HChen
Case-Control Studies W Dupont, Wu, Schildcrout, A Jiang, Zhu,Gebretsadik, H Chen, Ran Tao
Causal Inference Shepherd, Schildcrout, Greevy, W Dupont, Spieker
Clinical Trials Methodology Byrne, Donahue, W Dupont, Harrell, Koyama, Shyr, Yu, Choi, Blume
Advanced Clinical Trial Design See ClinRCT, Yu
Correlated Binary Data Yu, Schildcrout, Slaughter, W Wu, H Chen
Continous Quality Improvement Byrne
Data Management Byrne, Zhu, Phillips
Data Reduction Methods Harrell, A Jiang, Yu, W Wu, H Chen
Decision Analysis Fonnesbeck
Diagnostic Tests (Evaluation and Design) Blume, Chen, Koyama, Liu, Spieker
Diagnostic Accuracy Zhou, Harrell, Moons, Yu, Chen, Koyama, Liu, Blume, H Chen, Spieker
Empirical Bayes and Shrinkage Blume, Chen
False Discovery Methods Blume
Foundations of Inference Blume
Functional Data Analysis Zhou, Kang, Blume
Genetics and Bioinformatics Shyr, Zhou, Wang, A Jiang, Tang, Xu, Blume, W Dupont, Ran Tao
Generalized Linear Models Harrell, Chen, Fonnesbeck, Wang, A Jiang, Schildcrout, W Dupont, H Chen, Ran Tao, Spieker
Health Services and Outcomes Research Gebretsadik, Harrell, Zhou, Federspiel, Schildcrout, W Wu, Zhu, Greevy, W Dupont, Chandrasekhar
Imaging Kang, Blume
Latent Variable Models Fonnesbeck, Slaughter, Shotwell
Likelihood Methods Blume, Choi, Kang, Tang, W Dupont, Ran Tao
Limit of Detection methods Chandrasekhar
Linear and nonlinear Mixed Effects Models Yu, Schildcrout, H Chen, Choi, Fonnesbeck, Wang, Slaughter, Kang, Liu, W Dupont
Longitudinal Data Analysis Chen, Schildcrout, H Chen, Harrell, Wang, Blume, Slaughter, Kang, Liu, W Dupont, Spieker
Machine Learning G Chen, Fonnesbeck, Blume
Matching Methodology Greevy
Measurement Error Correction Models Yu, Shepherd
Mechanistic and Biomathematical Modeling Shotwell
Mediation Analysis Blume
Meta-analysis Fonnesbeck, Blume, W Dupont
Missing Data Problem Chen, Fonnesbeck, Harrell, Shepherd, Blume, W Dupont, Ran Tao
Mixture Models Fonnesbeck, Yu, Choi, A Jiang, Blume, W Dupont
Mixed Methodology Davidson
Model Checking and Model Selection Fonnesbeck, Shepherd, Blume, W Dupont
Nonlinear Modeling Shotwell
Nonparametrics and Spline Functions Harrell, Chen, Wang, W Dupont, Spieker
Ordinal Response Models Harrell, Slaughter, Shepherd
Permutation Tests Yu, A Jiang, W Dupont
Pharmacokinetic Modeling Shotwell, Choi
Predictive Modeling and Validation Harrell, Wang, A Jiang, Koyama, Schildcrout, Blume
Propensity Scores Greevy, W Dupont, Chen, Spieker
Proteomics Shyr
Randomization Inference Greevy, Blume
Response feature analysis Chandrasekhar
Restricted Randomization Greevy
ROC Curves Blume, Koyama, Chen, Liu, W Dupont, Spieker
Sample Size and Power Calculations W Dupont, Koyama, Blume, Schildcrout, Shotwell, H CHen
Sensitivity Analyses Shepherd, Schildcrout, Greevy, Spieker
Sampling Methods Yu, Liu
Statistical Computing W Dupont, Fonnesbeck, Harrell, A Jiang, Koyama, Shotwell
Statistical Graphics Donahue, W Dupont, Harrell, Koyama, Byrne, Shotwell
Statistical Reporting Donahue, Harrell, Shotwell
Survival Analysis W Dupont, Harrell, Shyr, H Chen, Chen, A Jiang, Zhu, Liu
Teaching Biostatistics Byrne,W Dupont, Fonnesbeck, Shyr, Davidson, Blume, Spieker
Time Series W Dupont, Yu, Donahue, Kang

General Health and Therapy Areas

Clinical and Pharmaceutical Safety Harrell, Schildcrout, Choi, Byrne, Yu, W Dupont
Diagnosis Harrell, Zhou, Moons, Yu, Chen, Blume, Kang, Liu, Spieker
Disease Clustering Yu
Epidemiology and Public Health Blume, W Dupont, Shepherd, Yu, Schildcrout, Blume, Slaughter, Zhu, P Wu, Fonnesbeck, Tang, Greevy, Phillips,Gebretsadik, Chandrasekhar, Spieker
Evidence-Based Medicine Fonnesbeck, Phillips, Blume
Global Health Shepherd
Health Education and Risk Appraisal Byrne
Long Term Care Shotwell, Chandrasekhar
Medical Malpractice Federspiel
Molecular Biology Wu, Wang, A Jiang, W Wu
Molecular Epidemiology W Dupont, Wu, W Wu
Patient Advocacy Federspiel
Pharmaceutical Research Harrell, Yu, Schildcrout, Choi, Byrne, Blume
Prognosis Harrell, Byrne, Liu, Schildcrout, Spieker
Clinical Pharmacology Yu, Choi, Gebretsadik

Medical Specialty Areas

Anesthesiology Shotwell, Schildcrout
Asthma Yu, P Wu, Gebretsadik, Schildcrout, W Dupont
Autonomic Disorders & Diseases W Dupont
Biomedical Informatics Chen
Breast Cancer Epidemiology W Dupont
Cardiovascular Disease Harrell, Wu, Chen, Liu, Tang, Greevy, Schildcrout, Blume
Clinical Drug Development Donahue, Yu, Choi, Blume
Clinical Informatics W Dupont, Schildcrout, Chen
Clinical Pharmacology Yu, Choi, Byrne
Community-based disease surveillance Yu, Zhu
Critical Care Medicine Chandrasekhar, Harrell, Koyama
Diabetes Greevy, Yu, Kang, Gebretsadik
Emergency Medicine Blume, Harrell, Liu
Gastroenterology Slaughter, Koyama
Gastrointestinal Safety Evaluation Yu
General Clinical Research Center Byrne, Yu
HIV/AIDS Shepherd, Zhu, Spieker
Infectious Pulmonary Disease W Dupont, Gebretsadik, Koyama, Chen
Medical Education and Assessment Davidson
Neonatology Slaughter
Nephrology, Renal Disease Greevy
Neurology Wang, Liu, W Dupont, Spieker
OB/GYN Blume, Slaughter, Spieker
Occupational Health Byrne
Oncology H Chen, Koyama, Shyr, Blume, Phillips
Pain Studies Yu
Pediatrics Zhu, Chen
Pediatric Infectious Disease Fonnesbeck, Gebretsadik
Radiology Blume, Kang
Sports Medicine/Orthopedics Harrell
Surgery Donahue, Byrne, Phillips, Blume
Thoracic (Lung) Blume
Trauma Byrne, Phillips
Tuberculosis Yu, Shepherd
Vaccine studies Zhu, Chen, Spieker

Currently Funded Collaborations By Department, Division, and Center
directory of departments and centers

Department of Medicine

Division of Cardiovascular Medicine

Frank Harrell, Yanna Song, Meng Xu

Division of Genetic Medicine

William Dupont

Division of Nephrology

Robert Greevy

Division of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

William Dupont, Tebeb Gebretsadik

Division of Infectious Diseases

Bryan Shepherd, Cathy Jenkins, Mark Giganti

Department of Anesthesiology

Matt Shotwell, Jonathan Schildcrout

Department of Biomedical Informatics

Cindy Chen, Jonathan Schildcrout

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Frank Harrell, Sam Nwosu, Shirley Liu

Department of Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology

William Dupont

Department of Health Policy website

William Dupont, Robert Greevy, Xulei Liu, Laurie Samuels, Rameela Chandrasekhar

Department of Pediatrics website

William Dupont, Tebeb Gebretsadik, Meng Xu, Jeremy Stephens, Laurie Samuels (Bill Heerman only; not general collaboration with department)

Center for Health Services Research (HSR) website

Robert Greevy, Tebeb Gebretsadik, Jonathan Schildcrout, Laurie Samuels, Rameela Chandrasekhar

Center for Diabetes Translation Research (CDTR) website

Robert Greevy, Tebeb Gebretsadik

Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center (DRTC) website

Robert Greevy, Tebeb Gebretsadik

Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center

Tatsuki Koyama, Zhiguo Zhao, Pengcheng Lu, William Dupont, Heidi Chen, Jeremy Stephens

Evidence-based Practice Center

Chris Fonnesbeck

Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health

Bryan Shepherd

Vanderbilt Digestive Disease Research Center

Tatsuki Koyama, Zhiguo Zhao

Department of Emergency Medicine

Dandan Liu, Cathy Jenkins

Veterans Administration, TVHS, GRECC website

Robert Greevy, Cole Beck, Zhouwen Liu, William Dupont

Department of Neurology

Lily Wang, Yaping Shi, William Dupont

ICU Delirium and Cognitive Impairment

Rameela Chandrasekhar, Jennifer Thompson

Vanderbilt Quality Safety and Risk Prevention

Henry Domenico, Daniel Byrne

Center of Excellence for Children in State Custody

Rameela Chandrasekhar, David Schlueter, Ryan Jarrett

Emerging Infections Program

Rameela Chandrasekhar

School of Nursing

Leena Choi, Rameela Chandrasekhar

Experience with Large Medical Databases

Ambulatory Health Care Data Zhu
HCUP: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project National Inpatient Sample Zhu, Phillips
HCUP: Kids' Inpatient Database Davidson
HRSA: Area Resource File Shotwell
American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP) Shotwell
Health Claims Data Byrne, Federspiel, Phillips, Gebretsadik
Health Risk Assessments Byrne
OPTION Schools Fonnesbeck
TennCare/Medicaid Federspiel, P Wu, Gebretsadik, W Dupont
Trauma Registries Byrne, Phillips
Workers' Compensation Data Byrne, Federspiel
HCUP: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project National Emergency Department Sample Jenkins, Zhu
Veterans Administration National Electronic Health Records Greevy
HCUP: SID - State Inpatient Database with revisit files Phillips
HCUP: SASD - State Ambulatory Surgery Database with revisit files Phillips
SEER: Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program Phillips, W Dupont
U.S. Census Bureau Database Chandrasekhar
Department of Child Services Database Chandrasekhar, Schlueter, Jarrett
Topic revision: r117 - 07 Sep 2018, AndrewJSpieker
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