Don Hong, Ph.D. ( CV)
Visiting Professor of Biostatistics, VU
Professor of Mathematics, ETSU
Phone: 615.936.1415
Fax: 615.936.2602 Biostatistics Shared Resource Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
Department of Biostatistics
571 Preston Building
Nashville, TN 37232-6848

Research Interests

  • Splines, Wavelets, and Applications in Statistics.
  • Actuarial Mathematics, Survival Analysis, and Biostatistics
  • Approximation Theory, Computational Analysis, and Applied Probability.

Editorial Appointments


  • Faculty Research Award (2001), ETSU College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Listed in Who's Who in America, 2004.
  • Listed in Who's Who in Sciences Higher Education, 2004.


  • NSF IGMS Award #0408086, 2004
  • NSF Award #9950600, 1999

RECENT PUBLICATIONS (click here for a complete list)

Book/Proceedings/Special Issue

Articles in Refereed Journals

  • Don Hong and Yu Shyr, Mass Spectrometry Data Processing Using Mathematical Tools and Statistical Techniques, manuscript 2004

  • Ming Li, Huiming Li, Johnathan Xu, Don Hong, and Yu Shyr, Wavelets and Evolution Algorithms for Mass Spectrometry Data Processing, manuscript 2004.

  • Shuo Chen, Don Hong, and Yu Shyr, A Novel Algorithm for MALDI-TOF MS Data Processiong Using Mathematical Tools, manuscript 2004.

  • Xingchen Yuan, Don Hong, and Yu Shyr, Survival Model and Estimation for Lung Cancer Patients, manuscript 2004.

  • Huiming Li, Don Hong, Ming Li, Richard Caprioli, and Yu Shyr, Projecting Spectrum Binning for Mass Spectrometry Data, manuscript 2004.

  • D. Hong and Y. Shyr, Wavelet Applications in Cancer Study, Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, to appear.

  • Don Hong and Qingbo Xue, Construction of Piecewise Linear Prewavelets over Regular Triangulations, Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, to appear.

  • Huan-Wen Liu, Don Hong, and Dun-Qian Cao, Bivariate $C^1$ cubic spline space over non-uniform type-2 triangulation and its subspaces with boundary conditions, Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, to appear.

  • Don Hong, Martin Barrett, and Panrong Xiao, Biorthogonal Spline Wavelets and EZW Coding for Image Compression, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 299 (Tarn, Tzyh-Jong; Chen, Shan-Ben; Zhou, Changjiu (Eds.)), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, pp.281--303.

Graduate Advisees:

Brad Dyer (1998), Anna Mu (1999), Renee Fugerson (2000), Andrew Sell (2000), Hao Gu (2000), Rusty Mawk (2001), Lesley Baker (2001), Panrong Xiao (2001), Jiansheng Cao (2002), Qingbo Xue (2002), Xiaoyu Mu (2003), Yong Chen (2004), Shuo Chen (2004), Xingchen Yuan (2004).

Don Hong's ETSU Website:

Topic revision: r7 - 23 Jul 2004, DonHong
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