A function that displays the colors you can specify using the colors() function

R has 657 built-in colors that can be accessed using the colors() function. Invoking colors() returns a 657 element character vector, where each element of the vector is a specific color name. The colors() function can als be used in conjunction with the [ ] subsetting operators to extract a specific subset of color names. For example, colors()[4:10]

The following function generates a matrix of rectangles that displays the corresponding color of each of the 657 possible colors you can specify using the colors() function. show.colors <- function(x=22,y=30){ par(mai=c(.4,.4,.4,.4), oma=c(.2,0,0,.2))

plot(c(-1,x),c(-1,y), xlab='', ylab='', type='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', bty='n') for(i in 1:x){for(j in 1:y){ k <- y*(i-1)+j ; co <- colors()[k] rect(i-1, j-1, i, j, col=co, border=1)}}

text(rep(-.5,y),(1:y)-.5, 1:y, cex=1.2-.016*y) text((1:x)-.5, rep(-.5,x), y*(0:(x-1)), cex=1.2-.022*x) title('col=colors()[n]') }

Topic revision: r2 - 10 Nov 2006, TheresaScott
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