On September 22, we will have a class discussing data visualization in biomedical research with guest lecturer, Meridith Blevins. We will review a basic recipe for selecting graphics, an overview of common statistical graphics, different display options, and then some hands on creation of graphics using R. It is not mandatory that students follow along on their computers, but as a tool for teaching and learning, some R code will be provided along with a short introduction to R markdown.

The major directions for setting up for the data visualization class:
  1. Download the R Markdown file.
  2. Place the downloaded file in your desired location.
  3. Download and install R.
  4. Download and install RStudio.
  5. Open RStudio and install the Hmisc and lattice and UsingR and manipulate packages ( Tools -> Install Packages -> Type case-sensitive package name -> Install ).
  6. Open DataVisualizationMarkdown.Rmd with RStudio.
  7. To generate an HTML report that we will review during class, you will need to select Knit HTML from the RStudio GUI.
  8. If successful, a few other files will be created in the directory where you downloaded the markdown file. The html file DataVisualizationMarkdown.html will give you nice views that you can follow along in your browser during class.

As long as steps 1-4 are complete, then Meridith can help troubleshoot the remaining steps during class.

Slides for September 22, 2016 lecture.

Interesting Data Visualizations (online)

Slides for September 13, 2016 lecture.


Topic revision: r7 - 21 Sep 2016, MeridithBlevins
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