BIOS 330 Assignment Zero

Your assignment is to install and configure R and RStudio to produce an html file from the reproducible knitr document below.
  1. Install R and RStudio, then configure RStudio (choose menu Tools-->Global Options-->Sweave, then change the first drop down menu to "knitr")
  2. Install R packages Hmisc, rms
  3. Copy this template
  4. See also

Put the following inside the template:

```{r setup, echo=FALSE} require(Hmisc) knitrSet(lang='markdown') ```

# Descriptive Statistics ```{r desc, results='asis'} getHdata(support) # download from html(describe(support)) ```

# Relationships ```{r relate} with(support, table(dzclass, dzgroup)) with(support, plsmo(age, meanbp, group=dzclass)) ```

```{r box, w=6, cap="Extended box plots for mean arterial blood pressure and serum creatinine"} # Floating figure environment, allowing caption and cross-referencing bpplotM(meanbp + crea ~ dzgroup, data=support, cex.strip=.75) ```

-- FrankHarrell - 08 Jan 2014, 2015-01-02, 2015-01-05, 2016-01-12, 2017-01-10, 2018-01-08, 2020-01-09
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
example.pdfpdf example.pdf manage 161 K 08 Jan 2014 - 14:30 FrankHarrell example knitr report from ~/doc/latex/knitr
Topic revision: r13 - 09 Jan 2020, FrankHarrell
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