Cole Beck's Baseball data set problem

The goal of this problem was to 'reshape' the original data set (bos_pit.csv) to the desired data set.

The following is a possible solution. x <- read.table("bos_pit.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", = TRUE, row.names = 1) # Each row represents a game between BOSTON and # some other team

# (1) Add some columns to x that will be needed when # we "reshape" x from wide to long x <- upData(x, # Whether or not BOSTON won the game won = ifelse(v_score > h_score, v_team, h_team), # Boston's starting pitcher (regardless of whether BOSTON was # the home of visiting team) bstp = ifelse(v_team == "BOS", v_sp_name, ifelse(h_team == "BOS", h_sp_name, NA)), # Boston's winning pitcher (regardless of whether BOSTON was # the home of visiting team) bwp = ifelse(won == "BOS", winning_name, NA), # Boston's saving pitcher (regardless of whether BOSTON was # the home of visiting team) bsvp = ifelse(won = "BOS" & saving_name "(none)", saving_name, NA), # Whether the starting pitcher "won" bstpwon = ifelse(bstp == bwp, bstp, NA) )

# (2) "Reshape" x from wide to long longx <- with(x, data.frame(pitcher = c(bstp, bwp, bsvp, bstpwon))) longx$outcome <- factor(c(rep("started", nrow(x)), rep("won", nrow(x)), rep("saved", nrow(x)), rep("won_as_stp", nrow(x))))

# (3) Remove any missing pitcher values longx <- subset(longx,

# (4) Calculate the number of starts, saves, wins, and wins as # starting pitcher for each pitcher newx <- with(longx, aggregate(x = outcome, by = list(pitcher, outcome), FUN = length))

# (5) Reshape newx so each level of outcome is its own column wide.newx <- reshape(newx, direction = "wide", v.names = "x", timevar = "Group.2", idvar = "Group.1") # Rename the columns names(wide.newx) <- Cs(pitcher, saves, starts, wins, wins_as_stp)

# (6) Make some changes wide.newx wide.newx <- upData(wide.newx, # Replace all missing values with 0 starts = ifelse(, 0, starts), wins_as_stp = ifelse(, 0, wins_as_stp), wins = ifelse(, 0, wins), saves = ifelse(, 0, saves), # Add a "win_per" column = wins_as_stp/starts # --> replace any win_per values of NaN with 0 win_per = ifelse(wins_as_stp =0 & starts = 0, wins_as_stp/starts,
    1. ))
# Change the order of the columns wide.newx <- wide.newx[, Cs(pitcher, starts, wins_as_stp, win_per, wins, saves)]

# (7) Sort wide.newx by pitcher's last name but keep # pitcher column as "firstname lastname" last_name_order <- order(with(wide.newx, mapply(FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, " "))[2], as.character(pitcher)))) finalx <- wide.newx[last_name_order,]
Topic revision: r2 - 27 Nov 2006, TheresaScott
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