OREF data project.


Assigned to Due date Description State Notify  
LauraHuston 31 Dec 2006 Create datadictionary for ORF data set. (go to action) open CharlesDupont edit
WarrenDunn 31 Dec 2006 Generate list of variables that are unimportant. (go to action) open   edit
CharlesDupont 31 Dec 2006 Perform Index error checking. (go to action) blocked   edit
CharlesDupont 31 Dec 2006 Check for data errors in data set. (go to action) blocked   edit
CharlesDupont 31 Dec 2006 Preform data type conversion on data set. (go to action) blocked   edit
Topic revision: r3 - 27 Nov 2017, DalePlummer
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