TwoStageInf <- function(p0, p1, n1, R1, nT, RT, x1, m2=nT-n1, x2, conf.level=0.9, two.sided=TRUE, ...){ ## Last update: 2021/8/5 ## ----------------------------------------------- ## ## Proper Inference from Simon's Two-Stage Designs ## ## ----------------------------------------------- ## ## Please cite ## Koyama T and Chen H. ``Proper inference from Simon's two-stage designs'' ## Statistics in Medicine 27(16), 2008. PMID: 17960777. PMCID: PMC6047527. ## --------------------- ## ################ ## User input ## ################ # p0 ... P[Success under H0] # p1 ... P[Success under H1] # n1 ... Stage 1 sample size # R1 ... Stage 1 critical value # nT ... Final planned sample size # RT ... Final planned critical value # Convention is to use r1 (= R1 - 1) and rT (= RT - 1) # x1 ... Stage 1 data # m2 ... New stage 2 sample size (if changed) # x2 ... Stage 2 data ####################################### ## Design and design characteristics ## ####################################### TwoStageInf.prob <- function(p0, p1, n1, R1, nT, RT){ ## Continue if X1 >= R1. ## Reject if Xt >= RT. ## Convention is to use r1 = R1-1 and rT = RT-1 n2 <- nT-n1 x1v <- 0:n1 px0 <- dbinom(x1v, n1, p0) px1 <- dbinom(x1v, n1, p1) cont <- x1v >= R1 R2 <- pmax(RT - x1v, 0) cp0 <- replace(1 - pbinom(R2 - 1, n2, p0), x1v < R1, 0) cp1 <- replace(1 - pbinom(R2 - 1, n2, p1), x1v < R1, 0) PROB <- data.frame(x1v, px0, px1, cp0, cp1) ## Stage 1 pmf and conditional power POWE <- c( sum(px0 * cp0), sum(px1 * cp1) ) ## Unconditional type I erro rate and power PET <- c( pbinom(R1-1, n1, p0), pbinom(R1-1, n1, p1) ) ## Probability of early termination EN <- n1 + (nT-n1) * (1-PET) ## Expected sample size DESIGN <- data.frame(p0=p0, p1=p1, n1=n1, R1=R1, nT=nT, RT=RT) CHARA <- data.frame(POWE, PET, EN) row.names(CHARA) <- c('NULL','ALT') list(DESIGN, CHARA) } ############# ## p-value ## ############# pval.st2 <- function(p, n1, R1, nT, RT, m2, x1, x2){ ## p is p0 (because this is for p.value) unless computing confidence interval. ## m2 is the actual sample size for stage 2. If there is no change, use m2 = nT-n1. n2 <- nT - n1 ## Continue if X1 >= R1. ## Convention is to use r1 = R1-1 and rT = RT-1 x1c <- R1:n1 x2c <- RT - x1c - 1 R2 <- RT - x1 d1m <- dbinom(x1c, n1, p) ## is such that A(x1,n2, = conditional p.value cond.pval <- pbinom(x2-1, m2, p, lower.tail=FALSE) ## <- qbeta(cond.pval, R2, m2-R2+1) ## Gone back to original 6/16/2020 ## <- qbeta(cond.pval, R2, n2-R2+1) ## Fixed 12/29/2019 <- qbeta(cond.pval, max(R2,0), n2-R2+1) ## p2m <- pbinom(x2c, m2,, lower.tail=FALSE) ## Gone back to original 6/16/2020 ## p2m <- pbinom(x2c, n2,, lower.tail=FALSE) ## Fixed 12/29/2019 p2m <- pbinom(x2c, n2,, lower.tail=FALSE) ## Fixed 12/29/2019 sum(d1m*p2m) } ######################### ## Confidence interval ## ######################### <- function(n1, R1, nT, RT, m2, x1, x2, conf.level=0.9, two.sided=TRUE){ alp <- (1 - conf.level) / (1 + as.numeric(two.sided)) f1 <- function(x,a,n2,R1,nT,RT,m2,x1,x2) pval.st2(x, n1, R1, nT, RT, m2, x1, x2) - a lower.bound <- uniroot(f1, interval=c(0,1), a=alp, n2=n2,R1=R1,nT=nT,RT=RT,m2=m2,x1=x1,x2=x2)$root median.estimate <- uniroot(f1, interval=c(0,1), a=0.5, n2=n2,R1=R1,nT=nT,RT=RT,m2=m2,x1=x1,x2=x2)$root upper.bound <- 1 if (two.sided){ upper.bound <- uniroot(f1, interval=c(0,1), a=1-alp, n2=n2,R1=R1,nT=nT,RT=RT,m2=m2,x1=x1,x2=x2)$root } out <- list() out$ <- c(lower.bound, upper.bound) out$median.est <- median.estimate out } ########################## ## Putting all together ## ########################## result <- list() param <- TwoStageInf.prob(p0, p1, n1, R1, nT, RT) result$parameter <- param[[1]] result$character <- param[[2]] result$data <- data.frame(x1=x1, n2=nT-n1, m2=m2, x2=x2) if (x1 < R1) { result$phat <- x1/n1 result$p.value <- 1-pbinom(x1-1, n1,p) } else { result$p.value <- pval.st2(p0,n1,R1,nT,RT,m2,x1,x2) conf <-,R1,nT,RT,m2,x1,x2, ...) result$conf <- conf[[1]] result$med.esti <- conf[[2]] } result } ## --- ## ## END ## ## --- ## ## EXAMPLE in Koyama and Chen (2008) # In Section 3.4 # OPTIMAL design for p0=0.1, p1=0.3, alpha=0.05, beta=0.20 # p0 <- 0.1 ; p1 <- 0.3 # n1 <- 10 ; R1 <- 2 ; nT <- 29 ; RT <- 6 # x1 <- 2 ; x2 <- 4 # m2 <- nT-n1 ## No sample size change TwoStageInf(p0=0.1, p1=0.3, n1=10, R1=2, nT=29, RT=6, x1=2, x2=4) # Section 4.1 and Section 4.2 # MINIMAX design for p0=0.3, p1=0.5, alpha=0.05, beta=0.20 # p0 <- 0.3 ; p1 <- 0.5 # n1 <- 19 ; R1 <- 7 ; nT <- 39 ; RT <- 17 # x1 <- 7 ; x2 <- 10 # sample size change for stage 2 # m2 <- 23 # With sample size change n2=20, m2=23 TwoStageInf(p0=0.3, p1=0.5, n1=19, R1=7, nT=39, RT=17, x1=7, m2=23, x2=10) ## Another example # p0 <- 0.05 ; p1 <- 0.25 # n1 <- 13 ; R1 <- 1 ; nT <- 20 ; RT <- 3 # x1 <- 5 # m2 <- nT - n1 ## No sample size change # x2 <- 2 TwoStageInf(p0=0.05, p1=0.25, n1=13, R1=1, nT=20, RT=3, x1=5, m2=7, x2=2)