############### ## Plot Text ############### text.box <- function(tex, x,y,x.padding, y.padding, vertical.stretch, paragraph.break, bkgr.col, justify, slide.quote, after.){ ## Version 10-17-2008 ## ##################################### ## Use this function to add text to a plot. ## ################# ## Text set up ################# p <- par() default <- list(family=p$family,font=p$font,col=p$col,cex=p$cex) setup.text <- function(tex, default=default, bkgr.col){ tex2 <- unlist( strsplit(paste(tex, collapse=' '), '') ) tex2[tex2=='<'] <- ' <' ; tex2[tex2=='>'] <- '> ' tex3 <- unlist(strsplit(paste(tex2, collapse=''), ' ') ) w <- tex3[tex3!=''] ## (verbatim) ## verbatim has some issues. wow <- which(w=='') w[wow+1] <- paste('*@$%@', w[wow+1], sep='') ; w <- w[w!=''] ## eval() nev <- which(substr(w,1,2)=='<$') ; L <- length(nev) if(L>0){ for(i in nev){ w[i] <- eval(parse(text=substr(w[i],3,nchar(w[i])-2))) }} lonely.bracket <- which(w=='>') ; L <- length(lonely.bracket) if(L>0){ for(i in lonely.bracket){ w[i-2] <- paste(w[i-2],w[i-1],w[i],sep='') w[i-1] <- w[i] <- NA }} w <- w[!is.na(w)] ## interpreting newer commands w <- replace(w, w %in% c('


'), '**NewParagraph**') ; w <- replace(w, w == '
', '**NewLine**') w <- replace(w, w == '', '**NoSpace**') ; w <- replace(w, w == '', '**NoBreak**') ## quotation marks sq <- strsplit(sQuote(NULL),'')[[1]] ; dq <- strsplit(dQuote(NULL),'')[[1]] w <- replace(w, w=='', paste(sq[1], '**NoSpace**')) w <- replace(w, w=='', paste('**NoSpace**', sq[2])) w <- replace(w, w=='', paste(dq[1], '**NoSpace**')) w <- replace(w, w=='', paste('**NoSpace**', dq[2])) w <- replace(w, w=='<*>', paste('**NoSpace**', sq[2], '**NoSpace**')) ## w <- unlist(strsplit(w, ' ')) ## deleting unnecessary commands new.range <- which(substr(w,1,2) != '**') w <- w[c(min(new.range):max(new.range))] drop.ss <- function(w, nn, side=1){ po <- which(w %in% nn) ; if(side==1){tbd <- po[substr(w[po+1],1,2)=='**']} if(side==2){tbd <- po[substr(w[po+1],1,2)=='**' | substr(w[po-1],1,2)=='**']} if(length(tbd)>0) w <- w[-tbd] w } w <- drop.ss(w, '**NoBreak**', side=2) w <- drop.ss(w, '**NoSpace**', side=2) w <- drop.ss(w, '**NewLine**', side=2) w <- drop.ss(w, '**NewParagraph**', side=1) ## NoBreak nobr <- which(w=='**NoBreak**') w[nobr] <- paste('**NoSpace** t **NoSpace**', sep='') w <- unlist( strsplit(w, ' ')) ## L <- length(w) fam <- rep(default$family,L) ; fon <- rep(default$font,L) col <- rep(default$col,L) ; cex <- rep(default$cex,L) ; nonword <- rep(F,L) ## family fam.pos <- c( which(w %in% c('','','','','',''))) fam.posL <- c(fam.pos,L) if(length(fam.posL)>1){ for(i in 1:length(fam.pos)){ fam[fam.posL[i]:fam.posL[i+1]] <- w[fam.posL[i]]}} fam[substr(fam,1,2) == ''] <- 'mono' ; fam[fam==''] <- 'sans' ; fam[fam==''] <- 'serif' ## font fon.pos <- which(w %in% c('','','','','','','','')) fon.posL <- c(fon.pos,L) if(length(fon.posL)>1){ for(i in 1:length(fon.pos)){ fon[fon.posL[i]:fon.posL[i+1]] <- w[fon.posL[i]]}} fon[substr(fon,1,2) == ''] <- 1 ; fon[fon==''] <- 2 ; fon[fon==''] <- 3 ; fon[fon==''] <- 4 ## color col.pos <- which(substr(w,1,4) %in% c('1){ for(i in 1:length(col.pos)){ this.col <- w[col.posL[i]] col[col.posL[i]:col.posL[i+1]] <- substr(this.col,6,nchar(this.col)-1)} col[col==''] <- default$col} ## cex cex.pos <- which(substr(w,1,4) %in% c('1){ for(i in 1:length(cex.pos)){ this.cex <- w[cex.posL[i]] cex[cex.posL[i]:cex.posL[i+1]] <- substr(this.cex,6,nchar(this.cex)-1)} cex[cex==''] <- default$cex} ## finish verbatim verbatim <- which(substr(w,1,5)=='*@$%@') w[verbatim] <- substr(w[verbatim],6,nchar(w[verbatim])) ## quotation mark position quot <- w %in% c(sq,dq) ## after. position if after.!=0 aft. <- substr(w,nchar(w),nchar(w)) == '.' ; aft.[length(w)] <- FALSE if(sum(aft.)>0){ for(i in which(aft.)){ if(w[i+1] == '<~>'){ w[i+1] <- NA ; aft.[i] <- FALSE } } } nonword[c(fam.pos,fon.pos,col.pos,cex.pos,which(is.na(w)))] <- T ## define each word d <- data.frame(words=w, family=fam, font=as.numeric(fon), col=col, cex=cex, nonword, quot, aft., stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[!nonword,] w <- d$words by.paragraph <- as.list(1:(1+sum(w %in% c('**NewParagraph**','**NewLine**')))) ; L <- length(by.paragraph) start <- c(0,which(w %in% c('**NewParagraph**','**NewLine**')), length(w)+1) for(i in 1:L){ by.paragraph[[i]] <- d[(start[i]+1):(start[i+1]-1) ,] } list(main=by.paragraph, paraline=c('P',substr(w[start[-c(1,length(start))]],6,6))) } ################## ## Word Postion ################## xy.pos <- function(d, x, y, vertical.stretch, paragraph.break, justify, slide.quote, after.){ ## date object needs special attention. x.is.date <- FALSE ; y.original <- y if(class(x[1])=='Date'){ x <- as.numeric(x) ; x.is.date <- TRUE } ## computing width and height of each word. R <- nrow(d) wit <- spc <- hig <- rep(0,R) for(i in 1:R){ wit[i] <- strwidth (d$words[i], family=d$family[i], font=d$font[i], cex=d$cex[i]) spc[i] <- strwidth (' ', family=d$family[i], font=d$font[i], cex=d$cex[i]) hig[i] <- strheight(d$words[i], family=d$family[i], font=d$font[i], cex=d$cex[i]) } spc[which(d$aft.)] <- spc[which(d$aft.)] * after. ## NoSpace spc <- c(0,spc[-R]) nsp <- which(d$words=='**NoSpace**') wit[nsp] <- 0 ; spc[c(nsp,nsp+1)] <- 0 ; hig[nsp] <- 0 ## group words together based on **NoSpace** gr.inc <- rep(1,R) ; gr.inc[c(nsp,nsp+1)] <- 0 ; gr <- cumsum(gr.inc) tmp1 <- data.frame(d,wit,spc,hig,stringsAsFactors=F) gr.len <- line.id <- rep(0,max(gr)) for(i in gr){ this <- tmp1[gr==i,] gr.len[i] <- sum(this$wit+this$spc) } x.wit <- diff(x) ; gl <- gr.len ; L <- 1 ## counting number of necessary lines if(any(gl > x.wit)){ stop('X width not wide enough.', '\n') } while(prod(line.id)==0){ temp <- cumsum(gl) line.id[temp0] <- L gl[line.id==L] <- 0 L <- L+1 } ## spliting the data into each line li <- rep(0,R) for(i in 1:R){ li[i] <- line.id[gr[i]] } tmp1$spc[(which(diff(li)>0))+1] <- 0 tmp2 <- data.frame(tmp1,id=li, stringsAsFactors=F)[tmp1$words != '**NoSpace**',] tmp3 <- split(tmp2, tmp2$id) ## compute starting x value for each word ## If the first character of the line is quotation mark, possibly slide the line a little. find.x <- function(d, sq){ cumwit <- cumsum(d$wit) ; cumspc <- cumsum(d$spc) cumwit <- c(0,cumwit[-length(cumwit)]) x.pos <- cumwit + cumspc if(slide.quote & d$quot[1]){ x.pos <- x.pos - 1*strwidth('i', family=d$family[1], font=d$font[1], cex=as.numeric(d$cex[1])) } data.frame(d, x.pos=x.pos+x[1], stringsAsFactors=F) } tmp4 <- lapply(tmp3, find.x, sq=slide.quote) ## putting the data.frame back tmp5 <- unsplit(tmp4, tmp2$id) ## computing the line height and y value for each line l.h <- unique(rep(tmp5$id)) ; lhl <- length(l.h) ; cumy <- rep(0,lhl) for(i in 1:length(l.h)){l.h[i] <- max(tmp5$hig[tmp5$id==i])} y <- cumy[1] <- y - l.h[1] * vertical.stretch clh <- cumsum(l.h[-1]) if(lhl>1){ cumy[2:lhl] <- y - clh * vertical.stretch } tmp5$y.pos <- rep(cumy, table(tmp5$id)) next.y <- min(tmp5$y.pos) - c(0,paragraph.break-1) * tmp5$hig[nrow(tmp5)] * vertical.stretch ## right justification if(justify & max(tmp5$id)>1){ max.id <- max(tmp5$id) tmp5x <- subset(tmp5, id!=max.id) tmp5y <- subset(tmp5, id==max.id) bL <- split(tmp5x,tmp5x$id) words.width.n.space <- wwns <- function(d){ x2 <- x[2] ; lw <- d$words[nd<-nrow(d)] sq <- strsplit(sQuote(NULL),'')[[1]] ; dq <- strsplit(dQuote(NULL),'')[[1]] if(slide.quote & substr(lw,nchar(lw),nchar(lw)) %in% c('.',',',sq,dq,'?','!')){ x2 <- x2+strwidth('.',family=d$family[nd],font=d$font[nd],cex=as.numeric(d$cex)[nd]) } nspace <- sum(d$spc>0) ; ww <- sum(d$wit) new.space <- (d$spc>0) * (x2-d$x.pos[1] - ww) / nspace w.plus.s <- d$wit[-nrow(d)] + new.space[-1] new.x.pos <- cumsum(c(d$x.pos[1],w.plus.s)) d$spc <- new.space ; d$x.pos <- new.x.pos d } by.Line <- lapply(bL, wwns) tmp5x <- unsplit(by.Line,tmp5x$id) tmp5 <- rbind(tmp5x,tmp5y) } tmp5$cex <- as.numeric(tmp5$cex) ## put x in the original scale if it was a Date object if(x.is.date){ tmp5$x.pos <- as.Date(tmp5$x.pos, origin=as.Date('1970-1-1')) } list(main=tmp5, next.y=next.y) } ############### ## Plot Text ############### if(length(x.padding)==1){x.padding <- rep(x.padding,2) } if(length(y.padding)==1){y.padding <- rep(y.padding,2) } x1 <- setup.text(tex, default, bkgr.col) d <- x1$main ; pl <- x1$paraline ; pl <- c(pl, 'P') n <- length(x1$paraline) ; out <- as.list(1:n) i <- 1 ; next.y <- y while(i <= n){ temp <- xy.pos(d[[i]], x, next.y, vertical.stretch, paragraph.break, justify, slide.quote, after.) ny <- temp$next.y next.y <- ny[(pl[i+1]=='P')+1] out[[i]] <- temp i <- i + 1 } out1 <- out[[1]]$main ; outx <- out[[i-1]]$main top.y <- out1$y.pos[1]+out1$hig[1] ; bot.y <- min(outx$y.pos) rect(x[1]-x.padding[1],top.y+y.padding[1],x[2]+x.padding[2],bot.y-y.padding[2], border=bkgr.col, col=bkgr.col) for(i in 1:length(out)){ dat <- out[[i]]$main ; dat$cex <- as.numeric(dat$cex) ; dat$font <- as.numeric(dat$font) datx <- subset(dat, dat$col!=bkgr.col) for(j in 1:nrow(datx)){ text(datx$x.pos[j],datx$y.pos[j],datx$words[j],family=datx$family[j], font=datx$font[j],col=datx$col[j],cex=datx$cex[j],adj=c(0,0)) } } invisible(out) } ## This function is useful when text.box is used in succession. get.next.y <- function(out){out[[length(out)]]$next.y } ## This is an extension of text(). ## Unlike text.box() this should be used for short phrases. text.with.bg <- twb <- function(x,y,tex,bkgr,x.adj=0, width.adj=.01, height.adj=.4, ...){ # Do not use pos and offset with this function. # x.adj = 0 (left), .5 (center), or 1 (right) xa <- round(x.adj*2)+1 wid <- strwidth(tex, ...) ; hig <- strheight(tex, ...) wa <- strwidth('W', ...)*width.adj ; ha <- strheight('W', ...)*height.adj adj <- c(x.adj, .5) x1 <- c(x+wa, x-wid/2, x-wid-wa) y1 <- y-hig/2 rect(x1[xa]-wa,y1-ha,x1[xa]+wid+wa,y1+hig+ha,col=bkgr,border=bkgr) text(x=x+c(wa,0,-wa)[xa],y=y,labels=tex,pos=NULL,offset=0,adj=adj, ...) }