########### ## tplot ## ########### tplot <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("tplot") tplot.default <- function(x, ..., type="d", dist=NULL, jit=NULL, names, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, main=NULL, sub=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, col=NULL, group.col=FALSE, boxcol=NULL, boxborder=NULL, pch=par("pch"), group.pch=FALSE, median.line=FALSE, mean.line=FALSE, median.pars=list(col=par("col")), mean.pars=median.pars, boxplot.pars=NULL, show.n=FALSE, cex.n=NULL, my.gray=gray(0.75), ann=par("ann"), axes=TRUE, frame.plot=axes, add=FALSE, at=NULL, horizontal=FALSE, panel.first=NULL, panel.last=NULL) { ## Version 3.2.1 6/17/14 localPoints <- function(..., tick) points(...) localAxis <- function(..., bg, cex, lty, lwd) axis(...) localBox <- function(..., bg, cex, lty, lwd, tick) box(...) localWindow <- function(..., bg, cex, lty, lwd, tick) plot.window(...) localTitle <- function(..., bg, cex, lty, lwd, tick) title(...) localMtext <- function(..., bg, cex, lty, lwd, tick) mtext(..., cex=cex.n) args <- list(x, ...) namedargs <- if (!is.null(attributes(args)$names)){ attributes(args)$names != ""} else { logical(length(args)) } groups <- if (is.list(x)){ x} else { args[!namedargs] } pars <- args[namedargs] if ((n <- length(groups)) == 0){ stop("invalid first argument") } if (length(class(groups))){ groups <- unclass(groups) } if (!missing(names)){ attr(groups, "names") <- names } else { if (is.null(attr(groups, "names"))) attr(groups, "names") <- 1:n names <- attr(groups, "names") } ng <- length(groups) # number of groups l <- sapply(groups, length) # size of each group g <- factor(rep(1:ng, l), levels=1:ng, labels=names(groups)) # groups as.numeric nv <- sum(l) # total count if (is.null(at)) at <- 1:ng if (length(at) != ng) stop("'at' must have same length as the number of groups") # set y scale if (is.null(ylim)) { r <- range(groups, na.rm=TRUE, finite=TRUE) pm <- diff(r) / 20 ylim <- r + pm * c(-1,1) } # set x scale if (is.null(xlim)) { if (is.null(at)) xlim <- c(0.5, ng+0.5) else xlim <- c(0.5, max(at)+0.5) } if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "" if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "" if (is.null(main)) main <- "" if (is.null(sub)) sub <- "" type <- match.arg(type, choices=c("d","db","bd","b"), several.ok=TRUE) # type of plot for each group # if ((length(type) > 1) && (length(type) != ng)) # warning("length of 'type' does not match the number of groups") type <- rep(type, length.out=ng) #type[l > 1000] <- "b" # Handle default colors defcols <- c(my.gray, par("col")) # use 50% gray for box in back, otherwise default color if (is.null(boxborder)){ boxborder <- defcols[2-grepl(".b", type)] } boxborder <- rep(boxborder, length.out=ng) # use 50% gray for dots in back, otherwise default color if (is.null(col)) { col <- defcols[2-grepl(".d", type)] group.col <- TRUE } if(!is.null(boxcol)) boxcol <- rep(boxcol, length.out=ng) if( is.null(boxcol)) boxcol <- rep(0, length.out=ng) # Use colors by group if (group.col) { # if (length(col) != ng) # warning("length of 'col' does not match the number of groups") g.col <- rep(col, length.out=ng) col <- rep(g.col, l) # Use colors by individual or global } else { # if((length(col) > 1) && (length(col) != nv)) # warning("length of 'col' does not match the number of data points") col <- rep(col, length.out=nv) g.col <- rep(1, length.out=ng) } # Use plot characters by group if (group.pch) { # if (length(pch) != ng) # warning("length of 'pch' does not match the number of groups") pch <- rep(rep(pch, length.out=ng), l) # Use plot characters by individual or global } else { # if((length(pch) > 1) && (length(pch) != nv)) # warning("length of 'pch' does not match the number of data points") pch <- rep(pch, length.out=nv) } # split colors and plot characters into groups col <- split(col, g) pch <- split(pch, g) # remove any NAs from the data and options nonas <- lapply(groups, function(x) !is.na(x)) groups <- mapply("[", groups, nonas, SIMPLIFY=FALSE) l <- sapply(groups, length) col <- mapply("[", col, nonas, SIMPLIFY=FALSE) pch <- mapply("[", pch, nonas, SIMPLIFY=FALSE) # whether or not to display a mean and median line for each group mean.line <- rep(mean.line, length.out=ng) median.line <- rep(median.line, length.out=ng) # set defaults for dist and jit if (is.null(dist) || is.na(dist)) dist <- diff(range(ylim)) / 100 if (is.null(jit) || is.na(jit)) jit <- 0.025 * ng # 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 4 2 # ------------------- # 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 3 how.many.so.far <- function(g) { out <- NULL u <- unique(g) for (i in 1:length(u)) { j <- g == u[i] out[which(j)] <- 1:sum(j) } out } how.many.so.far2 <- function(g) { ## This is slower than how.many.so.far() above... rank(g, ties='first') - rank(g, ties='min') + 1 } # turns the values in each group into their plotting points grouping <- function(v, dif) { vs <- sort(v) together <- c(FALSE, diff(vs) <= dif) g.id <- cumsum(!together) g.si <- rep(x<-as.vector(table(g.id)), x) vg <- cbind(vs, g.id, g.si)[rank(v),] if (length(v)==1) vg <- as.data.frame(t(vg)) hmsf <- how.many.so.far(vg[,2]) data.frame(vg, hmsf) } groups <- lapply(groups, grouping, dif=dist) # set up new plot unless adding to existing one if (!add) { plot.new() if (horizontal) do.call("localWindow", c(list(ylim, xlim), pars)) else do.call("localWindow", c(list(xlim, ylim), pars)) } panel.first # function to compute the jittering jit.f2 <- function(g.si, hm.sf) { hm.sf - (g.si + 1) / 2 } out <- list() Lme <- 0.2 * c(-1, 1) for (i in 1:ng) { to.plot <- groups[[i]] gs <- to.plot$g.si hms <- to.plot$hmsf x <- rep(at[i], nrow(to.plot)) + jit.f2(gs, hms) * jit y <- to.plot$vs if (type[i] == "bd") { # dots behind boxplotout <- do.call('boxplot', c(list(x=y, at=at[i], plot=FALSE, add=FALSE, axes=FALSE, col=boxcol[i], border=boxborder[i], outline=FALSE, horizontal=horizontal), boxplot.pars)) notoplot <- (y <= boxplotout$stats[5,]) & (y >= boxplotout$stats[1,]) if( sum(notoplot) > 0 ){ col[[i]][notoplot] <- '#BFBFBF' } if (horizontal) do.call("localPoints", c(list(x=y, y=x, pch=pch[[i]], col=col[[i]]), pars)) else do.call("localPoints", c(list(x=x, y=y, pch=pch[[i]], col=col[[i]]), pars)) } if (type[i] %in% c("bd", "b")) { # boxplot in front boxplotout <- do.call("boxplot", c(list(x=y, at=at[i], add=TRUE, axes=FALSE, col=boxcol[i], border=boxborder[i], outline=FALSE, horizontal=horizontal), boxplot.pars)) toplot <- (y > boxplotout$stats[5,]) | (y < boxplotout$stats[1,]) if( sum(toplot) > 0 ){ if( col[[i]][toplot][1] == '#BFBFBF' ) col[[i]][toplot] <- 1 } if (horizontal) do.call("localPoints", c(list(x=y[toplot], y=x[toplot], pch=pch[[i]][toplot], col=col[[i]][toplot]), pars)) else do.call("localPoints", c(list(x=x[toplot], y=y[toplot], pch=pch[[i]][toplot], col=col[[i]][toplot]), pars)) } if (type[i] == "db") # boxplot behind do.call("boxplot", c(list(x=y, at=at[i], add=TRUE, axes=FALSE, col=boxcol[i], border=boxborder[i], outline=FALSE, horizontal=horizontal), boxplot.pars)) if (type[i] %in% c("db", "d")) { # dots in front if (horizontal) do.call("localPoints", c(list(x=y, y=x, pch=pch[[i]], col=col[[i]]), pars)) else do.call("localPoints", c(list(x=x, y=y, pch=pch[[i]], col=col[[i]]), pars)) } if (mean.line[i]) { # mean line ## for(j in 1:length(mean.pars)) mean.pars[[j]] <- rep(mean.pars[[j]], ng) if (horizontal) do.call("lines", c(list(rep(mean(y), 2), at[i]+Lme), mean.pars)) else do.call("lines", c(list(at[i]+Lme, rep(mean(y), 2)), mean.pars)) } if (median.line[i]) { # median line if (horizontal) do.call("lines", c(list(rep(median(y), 2), at[i]+Lme), median.pars)) else do.call("lines", c(list(at[i]+Lme, rep(median(y), 2)), median.pars)) } out[[i]] <- data.frame(to.plot, col=col[[i]], pch=pch[[i]]) } panel.last # add axes if (axes) { do.call("localAxis", c(list(side=1+horizontal, at=at, labels=names), pars)) do.call("localAxis", c(list(side=2-horizontal), pars)) } # optional sample sizes if (show.n){ if(is.null(cex.n)) cex.n <- 1 do.call("localMtext", c(list(paste("n=", l, sep=""), side=3+horizontal, at=at), pars, list(xaxt='s', yaxt='s'))) } # add bounding box if (frame.plot) do.call("localBox", pars) # add titles if (ann) { if (horizontal) do.call("localTitle", c(list(main=main, sub=sub, xlab=ylab, ylab=xlab), pars)) else do.call("localTitle", c(list(main=main, sub=sub, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab), pars)) } names(out) <- names(groups) invisible(out) } tplot.formula <- function(formula, data=parent.frame(), ..., subset) { if (missing(formula) || (length(formula) != 3)) stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") enquote <- function(x) { as.call(list(as.name("quote"), x)) } m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE) if (is.matrix(eval(m$data, parent.frame()))) m$data <- as.data.frame(data) args <- lapply(m$..., eval, data, parent.frame()) nmargs <- names(args) if ("main" %in% nmargs) args[["main"]] <- enquote(args[["main"]]) if ("sub" %in% nmargs) args[["sub"]] <- enquote(args[["sub"]]) if ("xlab" %in% nmargs) args[["xlab"]] <- enquote(args[["xlab"]]) if ("ylab" %in% nmargs) args[["ylab"]] <- enquote(args[["ylab"]]) m$... <- NULL m$na.action <- na.pass subset.expr <- m$subset m$subset <- NULL require(stats, quietly=TRUE) || stop("package 'stats' is missing") m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame") mf <- eval(m, parent.frame()) response <- attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "response") ## special handling of col and pch n <- nrow(mf) # pick out these options group.col <- if ("group.col" %in% names(args)) args$group.col else FALSE group.pch <- if ("group.pch" %in% names(args)) args$group.pch else FALSE # reorder if necessary if ("col" %in% names(args) && !group.col) args$col <- unlist(split(rep(args$col, length.out=n), mf[-response])) if ("pch" %in% names(args) && !group.pch) args$pch <- unlist(split(rep(args$pch, length.out=n), mf[-response])) if (!missing(subset)) { s <- eval(subset.expr, data, parent.frame()) dosub <- function(x) { if (length(x) == n) x[s] else x } args <- lapply(args, dosub) mf <- mf[s,] } do.call("tplot", c(list(split(mf[[response]], mf[-response])), args)) } ############ ## kmplot ## ############ kmplot <- function(km, mark=3, simple=FALSE, xaxis.at=pretty(km$time), xaxis.lab=xaxis.at, lty.surv=1, lwd.surv=1, col.surv=1, lty.ci=0, lwd.ci=1, col.ci=col.surv, #By default (lty.ci=0), confidence intervals are not plotted. group.names=NULL, group.order=seq(length(km$n)), extra.left.margin=4, label.n.at.risk=FALSE, draw.lines=TRUE, cex.axis=1, xlab='', ylab='', main='', xlm=c(0,max(km$time)), ylm=c(0,1), grid=TRUE, lty.grid=1, lwd.grid=1, col.grid=grey(.9), legend=!is.null(km$strata), loc.legend='topright', add=FALSE, returnOutput=FALSE, ... # ... is passed to par() ){ # Version 2.5.5: 2014/5/19 # Version 2.6.1: 2017/3/29 # x-axis limit (xlm) can be specified to truncate the plotting region. # y-axis limit (ylm) can be specified to truncate the plotting region. (Not a very good idea...) # Version 2.6.3: 2017/5/19 ... Fixed the error. Now the lines extend to time=0. # ... Changed the coordinates of the lines by the group names. # Version 2.6.4: 2018/3/22 ... loc.legend (legend location) now accepts c(x-coordinate, y-coordinate). # Version 2.7.1: 2018/4/17 ... Fixed a pretty serious error regarding group order. # km is the output from survfit() function in survival package. # xaxis.at specifies where 'n at risk' will be computed and printed. # xaxis.lab specifies what will be printed at xaixs.at. (see example) # If group names are long, add extra left margin by setting extra.left.margin to something greater than 0. # line specifications (lty.surv, lwd.surv, col.surv) will be recycled. # Set lty.ci to 1 if confidence intervals are needed. # group.names will overwrite whatever is specified in survfit() output. # group.order specifies the order of groups from top in 'n at risk'. 1 is at top, 2 next, and so on. # if add=TRUE, then par() is not refreshed. allows multiple panels by # using, e.g., par(mfrow=c(2,2)). ng0 <- length( km$strata ) ; ng <- max(ng0,1) # When only one group... if(ng0==0){ km$strata <- length(km$time) ; names(km$strata) <- 'All' ; legend <- draw.lines <- FALSE } lty.surv <- rep(lty.surv, ng) ; lwd.surv <- rep(lwd.surv, ng) ; col.surv <- rep(col.surv, ng) lty.ci <- rep(lty.ci, ng) ; lwd.ci <- rep(lwd.ci, ng) ; col.ci <- rep(col.ci, ng) ## group names and error checking gr <- c(km$strata) if( is.null(group.names) ){ group.names <- names(km$strata) } if( length(unique(group.names)) != ng ){ stop('\n','length(unique(group.names)) != number of groups.') } if( suppressWarnings(any( sort(group.order) != 1:ng)) ) { stop('\n', 'Something wrong with group.order.','\n','sort(group.order) must equal 1:', ng, '.') } group.names <- gsub(' *$', '', group.names) #to remove unwanted white spaces in group.names. if(ng==1 & (group.names[1]=='group.names') ){ group.names <- 'N at risk' ; label.n.at.risk = FALSE } ## graphic parameters if(!add){ par(list(oma=c(1,1,1,1), mar=c(4+ng,4+extra.left.margin,4,2)+.1)) if(simple) par( mar=c(3,4,2,1)+.1 ) par( list(...) ) } ## reformat survival estimates dat <- data.frame(time=km$time, n.risk=km$n.risk, n.event=km$n.event, survival=km$surv, std.err=km$std.err, lower=km$lower, upper=km$upper, group=factor(rep(names(gr), gr), levels=names(gr)) ) dat.list <- split(dat, f=dat$group) for(i in 1:length(dat.list)){ dat.list[[i]] <- rbind(dat.list[[i]][1,], dat.list[[i]]) dat.list[[i]][1,c(1,5)] <- 0 dat.list[[i]][1,c(4,6,7)] <- 1 dat.list[[i]][1,3] <- 99 row.names(dat.list[[i]]) <- NULL } ## plot (but not survival curves) plot(0,type='n', xlim=xlm, ylim=ylm, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlab='', ylab='' ) if(grid){ par('xpd'=FALSE) abline(v=xaxis.at, lty=lty.grid, lwd=lwd.grid, col=col.grid ) abline(h=pretty(c(0,1)), lty=lty.grid, lwd=lwd.grid, col=col.grid ) } axis( side=2, at=pretty(c(0,1)), cex.axis=cex.axis ) axis( side=1, at=xaxis.at, label=xaxis.lab, line=-0.5, tick=FALSE, cex.axis=cex.axis ) axis( side=1, at=xaxis.at, label=rep('',length(xaxis.at)), line=0, tick=TRUE ) title(xlab=xlab, line=1.5, adj=.5, ...) ; title(ylab=ylab, ... ) if(!simple){ ## write group names group.name.pos <- par()$usr[1] - (par()$usr[2]-par()$usr[1]) / 8 ; padding <- group.name.pos / 8 line.pos <- (1:ng)[order(group.order)] + 2 mtext( group.names, side=1, line=line.pos, at=group.name.pos, adj=1, col=1, las=1, cex=cex.axis ) ## draw matching lines for n at risk. if(draw.lines){ linePad <- (par()$usr[1] - group.name.pos) * 0.2 linePos1 <- group.name.pos + linePad linePos2 <- par()$usr[1] - linePad par('xpd'=TRUE) for(i in 1:ng){ axis(side=1, at=c(linePos1, linePos2), labels=FALSE, line=line.pos[i]+0.6, lwd.ticks=0, col=col.surv[i], lty=lty.surv[i], lwd=lwd.surv[i] ) } } ## numbers at risk kms <- summary(km, times=xaxis.at) ; if(is.null(kms$strata)) kms$strata <- rep(1,length(kms$time) ) d1 <- data.frame(time = kms$time, n.risk = kms$n.risk, strata = c(kms$strata)) d1 <- d1[ d1$time >= xlm[1] & d1$time <= xlm[2], ] d2 <- split(d1, f=d1$strata) ## Right-justifying the numbers ndigits <- lapply(d2, function(x) nchar(x[,2]) ) max.len <- max( sapply(ndigits, length) ) L <- do.call('rbind', lapply(ndigits, function(z){ length(z) <- max.len ; z} ) ) nd <- apply( L, 2, max, na.rm=T ) for( i in seq(ng) ){ this <- d2[[i]] w.adj <- strwidth('0', cex=cex.axis, font=par('font')) / 2 * nd[1:nrow(this)] mtext( side=1, at=this$time+w.adj, text=this$n.risk, line=line.pos[i], cex=cex.axis, adj=1, col=1, las=1) } if(label.n.at.risk) mtext( side=1, text='N at risk', at=group.name.pos, line=1.5, adj=1, col=1, las=1, cex=cex.axis ) } ## End of if(!simple) # Legend rlp <- group.order if(legend){ bgc <- ifelse( par('bg')=='transparent', 'white', par('bg') ) legend(x=loc.legend[1], y=loc.legend[2], legend=group.names[rlp], col=col.surv[rlp], lty=lty.surv[rlp], lwd=lwd.surv[rlp], bty='o', cex=cex.axis, bg=bgc, box.col='transparent', inset=.01 ) } ## draw confidence intervals and survival curves par(xpd=FALSE) for(i in 1:ng){ this <- dat.list[[i]] x <- this$time L <- this$lower U <- this$upper S <- this$survival n <- this$n.event naL <- which( is.na(L) ) ; L[naL] <- L[naL-1] ; U[naL] <- U[naL-1] lines( x, L, type='s', col=col.ci[i], lty=lty.ci[i], lwd=lwd.ci[i] ) lines( x, U, type='s', col=col.ci[i], lty=lty.ci[i], lwd=lwd.ci[i] ) lines( x, S, type='s', col=col.surv[i], lty=lty.surv[i], lwd=lwd.surv[i]) #lines(km, conf.int=FALSE, col=col.surv, lty=lty.surv, lwd=lwd.surv, mark=mark, xmax=xlm[2], ymin=ylm[1] ) points( x[n==0], S[n==0], pch=mark, col=col.surv[i]) } box(bty=par('bty')) # par(op) if(returnOutput) return(dat.list) } #-----------# #- example -# #-----------# if(!TRUE){ library(survival) kma <- survfit( Surv(time, status) ~ rx + adhere, data=colon ) km <- survfit( Surv(time, status) ~ rx, data=colon ) kmplot(kma, mark='', xaxis.at=c(0,.5,1:9)*365, xaxis.lab=c(0,.5,1:9), # n.risk.at lty.surv=c(1,2), lwd.surv=1, col.surv=c(1,1,2,2,4,4), # survival.curves lty.ci=0, lwd.ci=1, col.ci=1, # confidence intervals not plotted group.names=c('Obs ','Obs tumor adh','Lev','Lev tumor adh','Lev+5FU ','Lev+5FU tumor adh'), group.order=c(5,3,1,6,4,2), # order of appearance in the n.risk.at table and legend. extra.left.margin=6, label.n.at.risk=FALSE, draw.lines=TRUE, cex.axis=.8, xlab='Years', ylab='Survival Probability', # labels grid=TRUE, lty.grid=1, lwd.grid=1, col.grid=grey(.9), legend=TRUE, loc.legend='bottomleft', xlm=c(365*0, 365*7), ylm=c(0,1), add=FALSE, simple=FALSE, cex.lab=.8, xaxs='r', bty='L', las=1, tcl=-.2 # other parameters passed to plot() ) title(main='Chemotherapy for stage B/C colon cancer', adj=.5, font.main=1, line=0.5, cex.main=1) } ############ ## jmplot ## ############ jmplot <- function(x, y, levels, names=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, log="", main=NULL, sub=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, xratio=.8, yratio=xratio, show.n=FALSE, cex.n=NULL, ann=par("ann"), axes=TRUE, frame.plot=axes, panel.first=NULL, panel.last=NULL, asp=NA, ...) { ## Version 1.1 2012/3/8 localTplot <- function(..., type="b", horizontal=FALSE) tplot(..., type=type, axes=FALSE, horizontal=horizontal) eliminateTplot <- function(func, ..., type, dist, jit, names, group.col, boxcol, boxborder, group.pch, median.line, mean.line, median.pars, mean.pars, boxplot.pars, my.gray, axes, frame.plot, add, horizontal) func(...) localPlot <- function(xy, ..., lwd) eliminateTplot(plot.xy, xy, "p", ...) localAxis <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) eliminateTplot(axis, ...) localBox <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) eliminateTplot(box, ...) localWindow <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) eliminateTplot(plot.window, ...) localTitle <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) eliminateTplot(title, ...) levels <- as.factor(levels) xy <- xy.coords(x, y, deparse(substitute(x)), deparse(substitute(y)), log) # Set up defaults if (is.null(names)) names <- levels(levels) if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- xy$xlab if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- xy$ylab # Save plotting parameters pars <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) mar <- pars$mar # Set the layout layout(matrix(c(1,3,0,2), 2), widths=c(xratio,1-xratio), heights=c(1-yratio,yratio)) par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), oma=c(5,5,mar[3],mar[4])+pars$oma) # Calculate xlim, ylim lim <- function(z) { r <- range(z, na.rm=TRUE, finite=TRUE) #pm <- diff(r) / 20 #r + pm * c(-1,1) } if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- lim(xy$x) if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- lim(xy$y) # plot X distribution on top par(mar=c(0,mar[2],0,0)) localTplot(x~levels, ylim=xlim, horizontal=TRUE, show.n=FALSE, ...) if (axes) localAxis(side=2, at=1:nlevels(levels), labels=names, tick=FALSE, ...) # plot Y distribution on right par(mar=c(mar[1],0,0,0)) localTplot(y~levels, ylim=ylim, show.n=show.n, cex.n=cex.n, ...) if (axes) localAxis(side=1, at=1:nlevels(levels), labels=names, tick=FALSE, ...) # plot X-Y points par(mar=c(mar[1],mar[2],0,0)) plot.new() localWindow(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) panel.first localPlot(xy, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...) panel.last # add axes if (axes) { localAxis(side=1, ...) localAxis(side=2, ...) } if (frame.plot) localBox(...) # add titles if (ann) { localTitle(sub=sub, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...) localTitle(main=main, outer=TRUE, ...) } # Restore plotting parameters par(pars) } #x <- rexp(100) #y <- rexp(100) #levels <- as.factor(sample(c("Male","Female"), 100, TRUE)) #jmplot(x, y, levels, col=levels) ############ ## dsplot ## ############ dsplot <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("dsplot") dsplot.default <- function(x, y, bkgr=TRUE, col=1, pch=19, cex=0.8, ...) { # Scatter plot for discrete data # Only works with 'integer-valued' data. #if (any(x!=round(x), na.rm=TRUE) | any(y!=round(y), na.rm=TRUE)) { stop('This only works with integers. Sorry.', '\n') } L <- length(x) cc <- complete.cases(x, y) if (length(pch) < L) { pch <- rep(pch, length.out=L) } if (length(col) < L) { col <- rep(col, length.out=L) } if (length(cex) < L) { cex <- rep(cex, length.out=L) } x <- x[cc] y <- y[cc] pch <- pch[cc] col <- col[cc] cex <- cex[cc] x.levels <- sort(unique(x)) x.levels <- c(x.levels, max(x.levels)+1) y.levels <- sort(unique(y)) y.levels <- c(y.levels, max(y.levels)+1) tab <- table(x, y) max.freq <- max(tab) box.size <- ceiling(sqrt(max.freq)) X <- range(x) + c(0, 1) Y <- range(y) + c(0, 1) plot(X, Y, las=1, type='n', xaxs='i', yaxs='i', bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ...) axis(1, at=pretty(x)+.5, labels=pretty(x), tick=FALSE, las=1) axis(2, at=pretty(y)+.5, labels=pretty(y), tick=FALSE, las=1) if (!bkgr) { for (i in y.levels) { segments(min(x), i, max(x)+1, i, col=grey(.9)) } for (i in x.levels) { segments(i, min(y), i, max(x)+1, col=grey(.9)) } } every.other.element.x <- function(n) { # to make 1,n,2,n,3,n, ..., n,n vector c(rbind(1:n, rep(n, n)))[-(2*n)] } every.other.element.y <- function(n) { c(rbind(rep(n, n), 1:n))[-(2*n)] } square.coordinates <- function(box.size) { x.c <- y.c <- 1 for (i in 2:box.size) { x.c <- c(x.c, every.other.element.x(i)) } for (j in 2:box.size) { y.c <- c(y.c, every.other.element.y(j)) } data.frame(x.c, y.c) } sc <- square.coordinates(box.size) coord <- (1:box.size) / (box.size+1) off.set <- coord[1]/4 grey.scale <- rev(seq(.65, .95, length=max.freq)) dat <- data.frame(id=1:length(x), x, y) dat <- dat[order(dat$x, dat$y),] within <- c(t(tab)) within <- within[within > 0] idx <- NULL hm <- NULL for (i in within) { idx <- c(idx, 1:i) # index within category hm <- c(hm, rep(i, i)) } dat$idx <- idx dat$ly <- (box.size - ceiling(sqrt(hm))) / (box.size + 1) / 2 # local offset dat$lx <- dat$ly + ((ceiling(sqrt(hm - 1)) ** 2 == hm - 1) & (hm > 1)) / (box.size + 1) / 2 dat <- dat[order(dat$id),] dat$col <- col dat$pch <- pch if (bkgr) { for (i in x.levels) { for (j in y.levels) { n <- sum(x==i & y==j) if (n > 0) { rect(i+off.set, j+off.set, i+1-off.set, j+1-off.set, border=grey(grey.scale[n]), col=grey(grey.scale[n])) } } } } points(dat$x + coord[sc[dat$idx, 1]] + dat$lx, dat$y + coord[sc[dat$idx, 2]] + dat$ly, pch=dat$pch, col=dat$col, cex=cex) table(factor(y, levels=rev(min(y):max(y))), factor(x, levels=min(x):max(x))) } dsplot.formula <- function(formula, data=parent.frame(), ..., subset) { if (missing(formula) || (length(formula) != 3)) stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") enquote <- function(x) { as.call(list(as.name("quote"), x)) } m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE) if (is.matrix(eval(m$data, parent.frame()))) m$data <- as.data.frame(data) args <- lapply(m$..., eval, data, parent.frame()) nmargs <- names(args) if ("main" %in% nmargs) args[["main"]] <- enquote(args[["main"]]) if ("sub" %in% nmargs) args[["sub"]] <- enquote(args[["sub"]]) if ("xlab" %in% nmargs) args[["xlab"]] <- enquote(args[["xlab"]]) if ("ylab" %in% nmargs) args[["ylab"]] <- enquote(args[["ylab"]]) m$... <- NULL #m$na.action <- na.pass subset.expr <- m$subset m$subset <- NULL require(stats, quietly=TRUE) || stop("package 'stats' is missing") m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame") m <- as.call(c(as.list(m), list(na.action = NULL))) mf <- eval(m, parent.frame()) response <- attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "response") if (!missing(subset)) { s <- eval(subset.expr, data, parent.frame()) n <- nrow(mf) dosub <- function(x) { if (length(x) == n) x[s] else x } args <- lapply(args, dosub) mf <- mf[s,] } do.call("dsplot", c(list(mf[[response]], mf[[-response]]), args)) } ################# ## show.colors ## ################# show.colors <- function(){ par(mfrow=c(1,1)) # par(mai=c(.4,.4,.4,.4), oma=c(.2,0,0,.2)) x <- 22 ; y <- 30 plot(c(-1,x),c(-1,y), xlab='', ylab='', type='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', bty='n') for(i in 1:x){for(j in 1:y){ k <- y*(i-1)+j ; co <- colors()[k] rect(i-1, j-1, i, j, col=co, border=grey(.5) )}} text(rep(-.5,y),(1:y)-.5, 1:y, cex=1.2-.016*y) text((1:x)-.5, rep(-.5,x), y*(0:(x-1)), cex=1.2-.022*x) title('col=colors()[n]') }