#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Script intended to be run by svn's post-commit hook # # Updates a TWiki page with log information from commits, # similar to svn's commit-email script except with TWiki # # syntax: # ./commit-twiki.pl [options] # # ex: # ./commit-twiki.pl -m clinicalsultan /usr/local/svn 301 Main ClinicalSultan # # IMPORTANT: # For this script to work, the topic file in twiki/data # must be writable to the person commiting stuff. # # This script should probably live where the other subversion # hook scripts live (/usr/lib/subversion/hook-scripts/). use strict; use lib '/home/www/html/twiki/lib'; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX qw(strftime); use TWiki; use TWiki::Store::RcsWrap; # for saveTopicText use vars qw($startTag $endTag $syntax $svnlook $repos $rev $regex $append $web $topicName $dry $limit $replace $aliasFile %aliases); # Configuration: # This script will prepend log information by default just after the # $startTag in a TWiki page, so make sure $startTag is unique enough # so that it doesn't appear anywhere unintended. If you specify # the -a tag, log entries will be appended just before the $endTag # instead. # my $startTag = "\n"; my $endTag = ""; my $syntax = < options: -m only display files that match -n only show the last num log entries -l use an aliases file to convert usernames -a append instead of prepend -d dry run notes: here's what an aliases file should look like: stephej1 => JeremyStephens dupontct => CharlesDupont EOF ; my $svnlook = "/usr/bin/svnlook"; # grab the arguments $append = 0; # prepend by default $dry = 0; $limit = 0; $replace = 0; $aliasFile = ""; while (@ARGV) { my $arg = shift @ARGV; if ($arg =~ /^-/) { if ($arg eq '-m') { my $value = shift @ARGV; die "$0: -m requires a regular expression." if (! defined $value); $regex = $value; } elsif ($arg eq '-a') { $append = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-d') { $dry = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-n') { my $value = shift @ARGV; die "$0: -n requires a number." if (! defined $value); $limit = $value; $replace = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-l') { my $value = shift @ARGV; die "$0: -l requires a filename." if (! defined $value); die "$0: $value doesn't exists." if (! -e $value); $aliasFile = $value; } else { die "$0: command line option `$arg' is not recognized.\n"; } } else { if (! defined $repos) { $repos = $arg; } elsif (! defined $rev) { $rev = $arg; } elsif (! defined $web) { $web = $arg; } elsif (! defined $topicName) { $topicName = $arg; } else { # here is where other arguments might go, but for now, this shouldn't happen warn "$0: ignored argument: $arg"; } } } if (!defined $repos || !defined $rev || !defined $web || !defined $topicName) { die "syntax error: missing arguments\n$syntax\n"; } if ($aliasFile ne "") { open(ALIAS, "< $aliasFile"); while (my $line = ) { $line =~ /^\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*=>\s*(.+)\s*$/; $aliases{$1} = $2; } close(ALIAS); } my @svnInfos; $limit = 1 if ($limit == 0); for (my $i = 0; $i < $limit && ($rev-$i) > 0; $i++) { my $info = getInfo($svnlook, $repos, $rev-$i, $regex); push(@svnInfos, $info) if ($info ne ""); $limit++ if ($info eq ""); } # get text my $svnInfo = join("\n\n", @svnInfos); $svnInfo = TWiki::Render::decodeSpecialChars( $svnInfo ); $svnInfo =~ s/ {3}/\t/go; # update TWiki page, only if there's a match if ($dry) { # print out what I would have done print "I would have replaced the log in $web.$topicName to this:\n\n" if ($replace); print "I would have added this to $web.$topicName:\n\n" unless ($replace); print $svnInfo; } else { # prepend info to TWiki page my $topicText = TWiki::Func::readTopicText( $web, $topicName ); # should I append or prepend or replace? if ($replace) { # replace it! my $before = $topicText; $topicText =~ s/$startTag.*$endTag/$startTag$svnInfo$endTag/s; if ($before eq $topicText) { print "===== Nothing changed! =====\n"; print $topicText."\n"; } } elsif ($append) { # put the log info at the end of the current log $topicText =~ s/$endTag/$svnInfo$endTag/; } else { # put the log info at the beginning of the current log $topicText =~ s/$startTag/$startTag$svnInfo/; } $TWiki::userName = "SubversionUser"; TWiki::Func::saveTopicText( $web, $topicName, $topicText, "0", "0" ); # unlock the topic TWiki::Store::lockTopicNew( $web, $topicName, 1 ); } sub getInfo { my ($svnlook, $repos, $rev, $regex) = @_; # grab info from svnlook; shamelessly ganked from commit-email.pl (mostly) my @svnlooklines = &read_from_process($svnlook, 'info', $repos, '-r', $rev); # get alias if available my $author = shift(@svnlooklines); $author = $aliases{$author} if (defined %aliases && exists $aliases{$author}); my $date = shift @svnlooklines; shift @svnlooklines; my @log = map { "$_\n" } @svnlooklines; my $logtext = join( "", @log ); # figure out what directories have changed using svnlook. my @dirschanged = &read_from_process($svnlook, 'dirs-changed', $repos, '-r', $rev); # lose the trailing slash in the directory names if one exists, except # in the case of '/'. my $rootchanged = 0; for (my $i=0; $i<@dirschanged; ++$i) { if ($dirschanged[$i] eq '/') { $rootchanged = 1; } else { $dirschanged[$i] =~ s#^(.+)[/\\]$#$1#; } } # figure out what files have changed using svnlook. @svnlooklines = &read_from_process($svnlook, 'changed', $repos, '-r', $rev); # parse the changed nodes. my @adds; my @dels; my @mods; foreach my $line (@svnlooklines) { my $path = ''; my $code = ''; # split the line up into the modification code and path, ignoring # property modifications. if ($line =~ /^(.). (.*)$/) { $code = $1; $path = $2; } if ($code eq 'A') { push(@adds, $path); } elsif ($code eq 'D') { push(@dels, $path); } else { push(@mods, $path); } } # format adds/mods/dels my @changes; push(@changes, "\%GREEN\% A \%ENDCOLOR\% $_") foreach (@adds); push(@changes, "\%BLUE\% M \%ENDCOLOR\% $_") foreach (@mods); push(@changes, "\%RED\% D \%ENDCOLOR\% $_") foreach (@dels); # grep out matching files @changes = grep(/$regex/, @changes) if (defined $regex); return "" if (scalar(@changes) == 0); my $svnInfo = <r$rev [$date] by $author
Files EOF ; $svnInfo .= "\t* $_\n" foreach (@changes); $svnInfo .= "
\n"; return $svnInfo; } ### # functions I snagged from svn's commit-email script ### sub safe_read_from_pipe { unless (@_) { warn "$0: safe_read_from_pipe passed no arguments.\n"; } my $pid = open(SAFE_READ, '-|'); unless (defined $pid) { die "$0: cannot fork: $!\n"; } unless ($pid) { open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") or die "$0: cannot dup STDOUT: $!\n"; exec(@_) or die "$0: cannot exec `@_': $!\n"; } my @output; while () { s/[\r\n]+$//; push(@output, $_); } close(SAFE_READ); my $result = $?; my $exit = $result >> 8; my $signal = $result & 127; my $cd = $result & 128 ? "with core dump" : ""; if ($signal or $cd) { warn "$0: pipe from `@_' failed $cd: exit=$exit signal=$signal\n"; } if (wantarray) { return ($result, @output); } else { return $result; } } # Use safe_read_from_pipe to start a child process safely and return # the output if it succeeded or an error message followed by the output # if it failed. sub read_from_process { unless (@_) { warn "$0: read_from_process passed no arguments.\n"; } my ($status, @output) = &safe_read_from_pipe(@_); if ($status) { return ("$0: `@_' failed with this output: @output"); } else { return @output; } } ##