#### Data analysis programms for testing for association between two #### ordinal variables while adjusting for covariates. #### #### Chun Li #### October 20, 2009 #### Chun Li and Bryan E. Shepherd (2010) Test of association between #### two ordinal variables while adjusting for covariates. Journal of #### the American Statistical Association, 105:612-620 #### Version history: ## ## 12/06/2010: Old version did not work for ordinal variables with 3 levels ## Change a line in ordinal.scores() from ## if(na > 1) diag(rowdiff[,-1]) = -1 ## to ## if(na > 1) rowdiff[cbind(1:(na-1),2:na)] = -1 ## ## 12/04/2011: references to the R Design package is replaced by rms package ## ## 07/23/2012: a bug fix in the ifelse() calls inside COBOT.scores(). #### This implementation of our methods assumes proportional odds #### relationship between y and Z and between x and Z. In principle, #### any other multinomial regression analysis can be used in place of #### proportional odds models. #### R library requirement: ## Design package is needed for the lrm() function. #### functions defined: ## diagn(): a modification of diag(), for consistent coding ## tau(): Goodman-Kruskal's gamma ## COBOT.stat(): called by COBOT.emp() ## COBOT.emp(): calculates p-values using empirical distributions ## ordinal.scores(): called by COBOT.scores() ## COBOT.scores(): calculates p-values using asymptotics #### Data analysis functions: ## COBOT.emp(data, Nemp=1000) ## COBOT.scores(data) ## ## COBOT.emp() calculates p-values using empirical distributions ## COBOT.scores() calculates p-values using asymptotics ## ## The argument "data" must be a list with three elements: ## y: a vector with integer values representing levels (1 to ny) ## x: a vector with integer values representing levels (1 to nx) ## z: a vector or matrix of numerical covariate values ## The lengths of y, x, z (or nrow(z) if matrix) must be the same. ## ## Subjects with missing data are removed by these functions. ## ## Variables y and x are recoded to so that if variable x (y) has nx (ny) ## categories, the categories are coded from 1 to nx (ny). ## ## For COBOT.emp(), two sets of p-values are estimated: ## Set a: proportion of abs(emp) >= abs(test.stat) ## Set b: two times the proportion of smaller tail #### This works like diag() except when x is a single integer value. #### When used on the left hand side, use diag(). diagn = function(x) { diag(x, length(x), length(x)) } #### Goodman-Kruskal's gamma. Unfortunately we had started using "tau" #### all over the place before realizing this. tau = function(M) { nrow = nrow(M) ncol = ncol(M) scon = sdis = 0 for(i in 1:(nrow-1)) { for(j in 1:ncol) { if(j1) sdis = sdis + M[i,j] * sum(M[(i+1):nrow, 1:(j-1)]) } } list(scon=scon, sdis=sdis, tau = (scon-sdis)/(scon+sdis)) } #### This function is called from COBOT.emp(). #### Calculation of the three test statistics COBOT.stat = function(data, nx0, ny0) { # require(Design) ## for the lrm() function require(rms) ## for the lrm() function ## Ensure code works if called from somewhere else (not COBOT.emp()). ## Make z a matrix if it is a vector. This makes later coding consistent. if(!is.matrix(data$z)) data$z = matrix(data$z, ncol=1) x = data$x y = data$y z = data$z nx = length(table(x)) ny = length(table(y)) nax = nx - 1 nay = ny - 1 nz = ncol(z) N = length(y) ## Fit separate proportional odds models under the null ## lrm() may fail if the slope is very close to zero. This is rare but ## needs to be taken care of. NAs are returned when this happens. ## polr() in MASS library seems to have problems too. ## modxz = lrm(x ~ z) ## modyz = lrm(y ~ z) assign("EE", 0, pos=1) suppressWarnings(tryCatch(assign("modxz", lrm(x ~ z, tol=1e-50, maxit=100)), error = function(x) assign("EE", 1, pos=1))) suppressWarnings(tryCatch(assign("modyz", lrm(y ~ z, tol=1e-50, maxit=100)), error = function(x) assign("EE", 1, pos=1))) if(EE == 1) return(list(stat=rep(NA,1), pred.probx=NULL, pred.proby=NULL)) ## Obtain predicted cumulative probabilities. Each subject is a column. ## Because lrm() fits y>=c instead of y<=c, the cumulative probabilities ## are 1- 1/[1+exp(-alpha-beta*z)] = 1/[1+exp(alpha+beta*z)] px = (1 + exp(outer(modxz$coeff[1:nax], as.vector(z%*%modxz$coeff[-(1:nax)]), "+"))) ^ (-1) py = (1 + exp(outer(modyz$coeff[1:nay], as.vector(z%*%modyz$coeff[-(1:nay)]), "+"))) ^ (-1) ## sum of predicted probability matrix pred.probx = rbind(px,1) - rbind(0,px) pred.proby = rbind(py,1) - rbind(0,py) sum.matrix = tcrossprod(pred.proby, pred.probx) ## T1 is to contrast tau of observed and expected frequencies. T1 = tau(table(y,x))$tau - tau(sum.matrix)$tau ## Fill in the categories that are missed in the empirical data set if(nx0 > nx) { px.fill = matrix(0, nx0-1, N) catx = as.numeric(names(table(x))) kk = 0 for(i in 1:(nx0-1)) { if(i %in% catx) kk = kk + 1 if(kk == 0) { px.fill[i,] = 0 } else if(kk == nx) { px.fill[i,] = 1 } else px.fill[i,] = px[kk,] } px = px.fill } if(ny0 > ny) { py.fill = matrix(0, ny0-1, N) caty = as.numeric(names(table(y))) kk = 0 for(i in 1:(ny0-1)) { if(i %in% caty) kk = kk + 1 if(kk == 0) { py.fill[i,] = 0 } else if(kk == ny) { py.fill[i,] = 1 } else py.fill[i,] = py[kk,] } py = py.fill } ## components of residuals low.x = rbind(0,px)[cbind(x,1:N)] hi.x = 1 - rbind(px,1)[cbind(x,1:N)] low.y = rbind(0,py)[cbind(y,1:N)] hi.y = 1 - rbind(py,1)[cbind(y,1:N)] ## T2 is correlation of residuals T2 = cor(hi.x - low.x, hi.y - low.y) Cprob = low.x*low.y + hi.x*hi.y Dprob = low.x*hi.y + hi.x*low.y Cmean = mean(Cprob) Dmean = mean(Dprob) ## T3 is Cmean-Dmean T3 = Cmean - Dmean list(stat=c(T1,T2,T3), pred.probx=pred.probx, pred.proby=pred.proby) } #### P-value estimation for the three test statistics using empirical #### distributions. Two sets of p-values are estimated: #### Set a: proportion of abs(emp) >= abs(test.stat) #### Set b: two times the proportion of smaller tail COBOT.emp = function(data, Nemp=1000) { ## Make z a matrix if it is a vector. This makes later coding consistent. if(!is.matrix(data$z)) data$z = matrix(data$z, ncol=1) ## Check missing data. exclude = is.na(data$y) | is.na(data$x) | apply(data$z, 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x))) ## Exclude subjects with missing data. ## Ensure categories are coded from 1 to ny and from 1 to nx. data$y = as.numeric(as.factor(data$y[!exclude])) data$x = as.numeric(as.factor(data$x[!exclude])) data$z = data$z[!exclude, ] ## This is ensure data$z is a matrix. The above statement will make ## data$z a vector if ncol=1. if(!is.matrix(data$z)) data$z = matrix(data$z, ncol=1) nx = length(table(data$x)) ny = length(table(data$y)) nxny = nx*ny nxnym1 = nxny - 1 N = length(data$y) test.stat = COBOT.stat(data, nx, ny) ## cum.mult.prob has cummalative probabilities cum.mult.prob = matrix(, nxnym1, N) for(i in 1:N) cum.mult.prob[,i] = cumsum(outer(test.stat$pred.proby[,i], test.stat$pred.probx[,i]))[-nxny] ## Generate empirical distribution of the test statistic under the null ## First, generate data using the product predicted probabilities xyemp = matrix(,N,Nemp) aa = matrix(runif(N*Nemp), N) for(k in 1:N) xyemp[k,] = outer(aa[k,], cum.mult.prob[,k], ">") %*% rep(1,nxnym1) xemp = xyemp %/% ny + 1 yemp = xyemp %% ny + 1 test.stat.emp = matrix(,3,Nemp) for(j in 1:Nemp) { test.stat.emp[,j] = COBOT.stat(list(x=xemp[,j], y=yemp[,j], z=data$z), nx, ny)$stat } # print(sum(is.na(test.stat.emp[1,]))) ## Obtain p-values. Since test.stat.emp may have NAs, apply() is ## used instead of the faster matrix multiplication. # pvala = ((abs(test.stat$stat) <= abs(test.stat.emp)) %*% rep(1,Nemp))/Nemp # tmp = ((test.stat$stat <= test.stat.emp) %*% rep(1,Nemp))/Nemp pvala = apply(abs(test.stat$stat) <= abs(test.stat.emp), 1, mean, na.rm=T) tmp = apply(test.stat$stat <= test.stat.emp, 1, mean, na.rm=T) pvalb = 2*pmin(tmp, 1-tmp) c(pvala, pvalb) } #### This function is called from COBOT.scores(). #### It calculates all values needed for estimating equations. ordinal.scores = function(y, X) { ## y is a numeric vector ## X is a vector or matrix with one or more columns. # require(Design) ## for the lrm() function require(rms) ## for the lrm() function ## Ensure code works if called from somewhere else (not COBOT.scores()). ## Make X a matrix if it is a vector. This makes later coding consistent. if(!is.matrix(X)) X = matrix(X, ncol=1) ## N: number of subjects; ny: number of y categories N = length(y) ny = length(table(y)) ## na, nb: number of parameters in alpha and beta na = ny - 1 nb = ncol(X) npar = na + nb ## Z is defined as in McCullagh (1980) JRSSB 42:109-142 Z = outer(y, 1:ny, "<=") ## Fit proportional odds model and obtain the MLEs of parameters. mod = lrm(y ~ X, tol=1e-50, maxit=100) alpha = -mod$coeff[1:na] beta = -mod$coeff[-(1:na)] ## Scores are stored for individuals. dl.dtheta = matrix(NA, N, npar) ## Information matrices are stored as sums over all individuals. d2l.dalpha.dalpha = matrix(0,na,na) d2l.dalpha.dbeta = matrix(0,na,nb) d2l.dbeta.dbeta = matrix(0,nb,nb) d2l.dbeta.dalpha = matrix(0,nb,na) ## Predicted probabilities p0 and dp0.dtheta are stored for individuals. p0 = matrix(,N,ny) dp0.dtheta = array(0,c(N,ny,npar)) ## Cumulative probabilities Gamma = matrix(0,N,na) dgamma.dtheta = array(0,c(N,na,npar)) for (i in 1:N) { z = Z[i,] ## z has length ny x = X[i,] ## gamma and phi are defined as in McCullagh (1980) gamma = 1 - 1/(1 + exp(alpha + sum(beta*x))) ## gamma has length na diffgamma = diff(c(gamma,1)) invgamma = 1/gamma invgamma2 = invgamma^2 invdiffgamma = 1/diffgamma invdiffgamma2 = invdiffgamma^2 phi = log(gamma / diffgamma) ## phi has length na Gamma[i,] = gamma #### Some intermediate derivatives ## g(phi) = log(1+exp(phi)) dg.dphi = 1 - 1/(1 + exp(phi)) ## l is the log likelihood (6.3) in McCullagh (1980) dl.dphi = z[-ny] - z[-1] * dg.dphi t.dl.dphi = t(dl.dphi) ## dphi.dgamma is a na*na matrix with rows indexed by phi ## and columns indexed by gamma dphi.dgamma = matrix(0,na,na) diag(dphi.dgamma) = invgamma + invdiffgamma if(na > 1) dphi.dgamma[cbind(1:(na-1), 2:na)] = -invdiffgamma[-na] dgamma.base = gamma * (1-gamma) dgamma.dalpha = diagn(dgamma.base) dgamma.dbeta = dgamma.base %o% x dgamma.dtheta[i,,] = cbind(dgamma.dalpha, dgamma.dbeta) d2gamma.base = gamma * (1-gamma) * (1-2*gamma) ## d2l.dphi.dphi = diagn(-z[-1] * dg.dphi * (1-dg.dphi)) d2l.dphi.dalpha = d2l.dphi.dphi %*% dphi.dgamma %*% dgamma.dalpha d2l.dphi.dbeta = d2l.dphi.dphi %*% dphi.dgamma %*% dgamma.dbeta ## d2phi.dgamma.dalpha = array(0,c(na,na,na)) d2phi.dgamma.dalpha[cbind(1:na,1:na,1:na)] = (-invgamma2 + invdiffgamma2) * dgamma.base if(na > 1) { d2phi.dgamma.dalpha[cbind(1:(na-1),1:(na-1),2:na)] = -invdiffgamma2[-na] * dgamma.base[-1] d2phi.dgamma.dalpha[cbind(1:(na-1),2:na,1:(na-1))] = -invdiffgamma2[-na] * dgamma.base[-na] d2phi.dgamma.dalpha[cbind(1:(na-1),2:na,2:na)] = invdiffgamma2[-na] * dgamma.base[-1] } ## d2phi.dgamma.dbeta = array(0,c(na,na,nb)) rowdiff = matrix(0,na,na) diag(rowdiff) = 1 if(na > 1) rowdiff[cbind(1:(na-1),2:na)] = -1 d2phi.dgamma.dbeta.comp1 = diagn(-invdiffgamma2) %*% rowdiff %*% dgamma.dbeta d2phi.dgamma.dbeta.comp2 = diagn(-invgamma2) %*% dgamma.dbeta - d2phi.dgamma.dbeta.comp1 for(j in 1:na) { d2phi.dgamma.dbeta[j,j,] = d2phi.dgamma.dbeta.comp2[j,] if(j < na) d2phi.dgamma.dbeta[j,j+1,] = d2phi.dgamma.dbeta.comp1[j,] } ## d2gamma.dalpha.dbeta = array(0,c(na,na,nb)) for(j in 1:na) d2gamma.dalpha.dbeta[j,j,] = d2gamma.base[j] %o% x ## d2gamma.dbeta.dbeta = d2gamma.base %o% x %o% x #### First derivatives of log-likelihood (score functions) dl.dalpha = dl.dphi %*% dphi.dgamma %*% dgamma.dalpha dl.dbeta = dl.dphi %*% dphi.dgamma %*% dgamma.dbeta dl.dtheta[i,] = c(dl.dalpha, dl.dbeta) #### Second derivatives of log-likelihood #### Since first derivative is a sum of terms each being a*b*c, #### second derivative is a sum of terms each being (a'*b*c+a*b'*c+a*b*c'). #### d2l.dalpha.dalpha ## Obtain aprime.b.c ## Transpose first so that matrix multiplication is meaningful. ## Then transpose so that column is indexed by second alpha. aprime.b.c = t(crossprod(d2l.dphi.dalpha, dphi.dgamma %*% dgamma.dalpha)) ## Obtain a.bprime.c ## run through the index of second alpha a.bprime.c = matrix(,na,na) for(j in 1:na) a.bprime.c[,j] = t.dl.dphi %*% d2phi.dgamma.dalpha[,,j] %*% dgamma.dalpha ## Obtain a.b.cprime ## cprime = d2gamma.dalpha.dalpha = 0 if indices of the two alphas differ. d2gamma.dalpha.dalpha = diagn(d2gamma.base) a.b.cprime = diagn(as.vector(dl.dphi %*% dphi.dgamma %*% d2gamma.dalpha.dalpha)) ## summing over individuals d2l.dalpha.dalpha = aprime.b.c + a.bprime.c + a.b.cprime + d2l.dalpha.dalpha #### d2l.dalpha.dbeta aprime.b.c = t(crossprod(d2l.dphi.dbeta, dphi.dgamma %*% dgamma.dalpha)) a.bprime.c = a.b.cprime = matrix(,na,nb) for(j in 1:nb) { a.bprime.c[,j] = t.dl.dphi %*% d2phi.dgamma.dbeta[,,j] %*% dgamma.dalpha a.b.cprime[,j] = t.dl.dphi %*% dphi.dgamma %*% d2gamma.dalpha.dbeta[,,j] } d2l.dalpha.dbeta = aprime.b.c + a.bprime.c + a.b.cprime + d2l.dalpha.dbeta #### d2l.dbeta.dalpha # dl.dbeta = dl.dphi %*% dphi.dgamma %*% dgamma.dbeta # aprime.b.c = t(crossprod(d2l.dphi.dalpha, dphi.dgamma %*% dgamma.dbeta)) # a.bprime.c = a.b.cprime = matrix(,na,nb) # for(j in 1:nb) { # a.bprime.c[,j] = t.dl.dphi %*% d2phi.dgamma.dalpha[,,j] %*% dgamma.dbeta # a.b.cprime[,j] = t.dl.dphi %*% dphi.dgamma %*% d2gamma.dbeta.dalpha[,,j] # } # d2l.dbeta.dalpha = aprime.b.c + a.bprime.c + a.b.cprime + d2l.dbeta.dalpha #### d2l.dbeta.dbeta aprime.b.c = t(crossprod(d2l.dphi.dbeta, dphi.dgamma %*% dgamma.dbeta)) a.bprime.c = a.b.cprime = matrix(,nb,nb) for(j in 1:nb) { a.bprime.c[,j] = t.dl.dphi %*% d2phi.dgamma.dbeta[,,j] %*% dgamma.dbeta a.b.cprime[,j] = t.dl.dphi %*% dphi.dgamma %*% d2gamma.dbeta.dbeta[,,j] } d2l.dbeta.dbeta = aprime.b.c + a.bprime.c + a.b.cprime + d2l.dbeta.dbeta #### Derivatives of predicted probabilities p0[i,] = diff(c(0, gamma, 1)) rowdiff = matrix(0,ny,na) diag(rowdiff) = 1 rowdiff[cbind(2:ny,1:na)] = -1 dp0.dalpha = rowdiff %*% dgamma.dalpha dp0.dbeta = rowdiff %*% dgamma.dbeta dp0.dtheta[i,,] = cbind(dp0.dalpha, dp0.dbeta) } #### Final assembly d2l.dtheta.dtheta = rbind( cbind(d2l.dalpha.dalpha, d2l.dalpha.dbeta), cbind(t(d2l.dalpha.dbeta), d2l.dbeta.dbeta)) ## sandwich variance estimate: ABA', where ## A = (-d2l.dtheta.dtheta/N)^(-1) ## B = B0/N ## One way of coding: ## A0 = solve(d2l.dtheta.dtheta) ## B0 = t(dl.dtheta) %*% dl.dtheta ## var.theta = A0 %*% B0 %*% t(A0) ## Suggested coding for better efficiency and accuracy SS = solve(d2l.dtheta.dtheta, t(dl.dtheta)) var.theta = tcrossprod(SS, SS) ## The sum of scores should be zero at the MLE. ## apply(dl.dtheta, 2, sum) ## Sandwich variance estimate should be similar to information matrix, I, ## which is the same as the lrm() output mod$var. ## I = -solve(d2l.dtheta.dtheta) ## print(I) ## print(mod$var) ## print(var.theta) list(mod = mod, dl.dtheta = dl.dtheta, d2l.dtheta.dtheta = d2l.dtheta.dtheta, var.theta = var.theta, p0 = p0, dp0.dtheta = dp0.dtheta, Gamma = Gamma, dgamma.dtheta = dgamma.dtheta) } #### P-value estimation for the three test statistics using M-estimation. COBOT.scores = function(data) { ## Make z a matrix if it is a vector. This makes later coding consistent. if(!is.matrix(data$z)) data$z = matrix(data$z, ncol=1) ## Check missing data. exclude = is.na(data$y) | is.na(data$x) | apply(data$z, 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x))) ## Exclude subjects with missing data. ## Ensure categories are coded from 1 to ny and from 1 to nx. data$y = as.numeric(as.factor(data$y[!exclude])) data$x = as.numeric(as.factor(data$x[!exclude])) data$z = data$z[!exclude, ] ## This is ensure data$z is a matrix. The above statement will make ## data$z a vector if ncol=1. if(!is.matrix(data$z)) data$z = matrix(data$z, ncol=1) score.xz = ordinal.scores(data$x, data$z) score.yz = ordinal.scores(data$y, data$z) npar.xz = dim(score.xz$dl.dtheta)[2] npar.yz = dim(score.yz$dl.dtheta)[2] xx = data$x; yy = data$y nx = length(table(xx)) ny = length(table(yy)) N = length(yy) #### Asymptotics for T3 = mean(Cprob) - mean(Dprob) ## If gamma.x[0]=0 and gamma.x[nx]=1, then ## low.x = gamma.x[x-1], hi.x = (1-gamma.x[x]) low.x = cbind(0, score.xz$Gamma)[cbind(1:N, xx)] low.y = cbind(0, score.yz$Gamma)[cbind(1:N, yy)] hi.x = cbind(1-score.xz$Gamma, 0)[cbind(1:N, xx)] hi.y = cbind(1-score.yz$Gamma, 0)[cbind(1:N, yy)] Cprob = low.x*low.y + hi.x*hi.y Dprob = low.x*hi.y + hi.x*low.y mean.Cprob = mean(Cprob) mean.Dprob = mean(Dprob) T3 = mean.Cprob - mean.Dprob dgammax.dthetax = score.xz$dgamma.dtheta dgammay.dthetay = score.yz$dgamma.dtheta dlowx.dthetax = dhix.dthetax = matrix(, npar.xz, N) dlowy.dthetay = dhiy.dthetay = matrix(, npar.yz, N) for(i in 1:N) { if (xx[i] == 1) { dlowx.dthetax[,i] <- 0 } else { dlowx.dthetax[,i] <- dgammax.dthetax[i,xx[i]-1,] } if (yy[i] == 1) { dlowy.dthetay[,i] <- 0 } else { dlowy.dthetay[,i] <- dgammay.dthetay[i,yy[i]-1,] } if (xx[i] == nx) { dhix.dthetax[,i] <- 0 } else { dhix.dthetax[,i] <- -dgammax.dthetax[i,xx[i],] } if (yy[i] == ny) { dhiy.dthetay[,i] <- 0 } else { dhiy.dthetay[,i] <- -dgammay.dthetay[i,yy[i],] } ## Old incorrect code: #dlowx.dthetax[,i] = ifelse(xx[i] == 1, 0, dgammax.dthetax[i,xx[i]-1,]) #dlowy.dthetay[,i] = ifelse(yy[i] == 1, 0, dgammay.dthetay[i,yy[i]-1,]) #dhix.dthetax[,i] = ifelse(xx[i] == nx, 0, -dgammax.dthetax[i,xx[i],]) #dhiy.dthetay[,i] = ifelse(yy[i] == ny, 0, -dgammay.dthetay[i,yy[i],]) } dCsum.dthetax = dlowx.dthetax %*% low.y + dhix.dthetax %*% hi.y dCsum.dthetay = dlowy.dthetay %*% low.x + dhiy.dthetay %*% hi.x dDsum.dthetax = dlowx.dthetax %*% hi.y + dhix.dthetax %*% low.y dDsum.dthetay = dlowy.dthetay %*% hi.x + dhiy.dthetay %*% low.x dT3sum.dtheta = c(dCsum.dthetax-dDsum.dthetax, dCsum.dthetay-dDsum.dthetay) ## Estimating equations for (theta, p3) ## theta is (theta.xz, theta.yz) and the equations are score functions. ## p3 is the "true" value of test statistic, and the equation is ## p3 - (Ci-Di) bigphi = cbind(score.xz$dl.dtheta, score.yz$dl.dtheta, T3-(Cprob-Dprob)) ## sandwich variance estimate of var(thetahat) Ntheta = npar.xz + npar.yz + 1 A = matrix(0,Ntheta,Ntheta) A[1:npar.xz, 1:npar.xz] = score.xz$d2l.dtheta.dtheta A[npar.xz+(1:npar.yz), npar.xz+(1:npar.yz)] = score.yz$d2l.dtheta.dtheta A[Ntheta, -Ntheta] = -dT3sum.dtheta A[Ntheta, Ntheta] = N ## One way of coding: ##B = t(bigphi) %*% bigphi ##var.theta = solve(A) %*% B %*% solve(A) ## Suggested coding for better efficiency and accuracy: SS = solve(A, t(bigphi)) var.theta = tcrossprod(SS, SS) varT3 = var.theta[Ntheta, Ntheta] pvalT3 = 2 * pnorm(-abs(T3)/sqrt(varT3)) #### Asymptotics for T4 = (mean(Cprob)-mean(Dprob))/(mean(Cprob)+mean(Dprob)) T4 = (mean.Cprob - mean.Dprob)/(mean.Cprob + mean.Dprob) ## Estimating equations for (theta, P4) ## theta is (theta.xz, theta.yz) and the equations are score functions. ## P4 is a vector of (cc, dd, p4). Their corresponding equations are: ## cc - Ci ## dd - Di ## p4 - (cc-dd)/(cc+dd) ## Then p4 is the "true" value of test statistic. bigphi = cbind(score.xz$dl.dtheta, score.yz$dl.dtheta, mean.Cprob - Cprob, mean.Dprob - Dprob, 0) ## sandwich variance estimate of var(thetahat) Ntheta = npar.xz + npar.yz + 3 A = matrix(0,Ntheta,Ntheta) A[1:npar.xz, 1:npar.xz] = score.xz$d2l.dtheta.dtheta A[npar.xz+(1:npar.yz), npar.xz+(1:npar.yz)] = score.yz$d2l.dtheta.dtheta A[Ntheta-3+(1:3), Ntheta-3+(1:3)] = diag(N, 3) A[Ntheta-2, 1:(npar.xz+npar.yz)] = -c(dCsum.dthetax, dCsum.dthetay) A[Ntheta-1, 1:(npar.xz+npar.yz)] = -c(dDsum.dthetax, dDsum.dthetay) revcpd = 1/(mean.Cprob + mean.Dprob) dT4.dcpd = (mean.Cprob-mean.Dprob)*(-revcpd^2) A[Ntheta, Ntheta-3+(1:2)] = -N * c(revcpd+dT4.dcpd, -revcpd+dT4.dcpd) ## One way of coding: ##B = t(bigphi) %*% bigphi ##var.theta = solve(A) %*% B %*% solve(A) ## Suggested coding for better efficiency and accuracy: SS = solve(A, t(bigphi)) var.theta = tcrossprod(SS, SS) varT4 = var.theta[Ntheta, Ntheta] pvalT4 = 2 * pnorm(-abs(T4)/sqrt(varT4)) #### Asymptotics for T2 = cor(hi.x - low.x, hi.y - low.y) xresid = hi.x - low.x yresid = hi.y - low.y T2 = cor(xresid, yresid) xbyyresid = xresid * yresid xresid2 = xresid^2 yresid2 = yresid^2 mean.xresid = mean(xresid) mean.yresid = mean(yresid) mean.xbyyresid = mean(xbyyresid) ## T2 also equals numT2 / sqrt(varprod) = numT2 * revsvp numT2 = mean.xbyyresid - mean.xresid * mean.yresid var.xresid = mean(xresid2) - mean.xresid^2 var.yresid = mean(yresid2) - mean.yresid^2 varprod = var.xresid * var.yresid revsvp = 1/sqrt(varprod) dT2.dvarprod = numT2 * (-0.5) * revsvp^3 ## Estimating equations for (theta, P5) ## theta is (theta.xz, theta.yz) and the equations are score functions. ## P5 is a vector (ex, ey, crossxy, ex2, ey2, p5). ## Their corresponding equations are: ## ex - (hi.x-low.x)[i] ## ey - (hi.y-low.y)[i] ## crossxy - ((hi.x-low.x)*(hi.y-low.y))[i] ## ex2 - (hi.x-low.x)[i]^2 ## ey2 - (hi.y-low.y)[i]^2 ## p5 - (crossxy-ex*ey)/sqrt((ex2-ex^2)*(ey2-ey^2)) ## Then p5 is the "true" value of test statistic bigphi = cbind(score.xz$dl.dtheta, score.yz$dl.dtheta, mean.xresid - xresid, mean.yresid - yresid, mean.xbyyresid - xbyyresid, mean(xresid2) - xresid2, mean(yresid2) - yresid2, 0) ## sandwich variance estimate of var(thetahat) Ntheta = npar.xz + npar.yz + 6 A = matrix(0,Ntheta,Ntheta) A[1:npar.xz, 1:npar.xz] = score.xz$d2l.dtheta.dtheta A[npar.xz+(1:npar.yz), npar.xz+(1:npar.yz)] = score.yz$d2l.dtheta.dtheta A[Ntheta-6+(1:6), Ntheta-6+(1:6)] = diag(N, 6) dxresid.dthetax = dhix.dthetax - dlowx.dthetax dyresid.dthetay = dhiy.dthetay - dlowy.dthetay bigpartial = rbind(c(dxresid.dthetax %*% rep(1, N), rep(0, npar.yz)), c(rep(0, npar.xz), dyresid.dthetay %*% rep(1, N)), c(dxresid.dthetax %*% yresid, dyresid.dthetay %*% xresid), c(dxresid.dthetax %*% (2*xresid), rep(0, npar.yz)), c(rep(0, npar.xz), dyresid.dthetay %*% (2*yresid))) A[Ntheta-6+(1:5), 1:(npar.xz+npar.yz)] = -bigpartial smallpartial = N * c(-mean.yresid * revsvp + dT2.dvarprod * (-2*mean.xresid*var.yresid), -mean.xresid * revsvp + dT2.dvarprod * (-2*mean.yresid*var.xresid), revsvp, dT2.dvarprod * var.yresid, dT2.dvarprod * var.xresid) A[Ntheta, Ntheta-6+(1:5)] = -smallpartial ## One way of coding: ##B = t(bigphi) %*% bigphi ##var.theta = solve(A) %*% B %*% solve(A) ## Suggested coding for better efficiency and accuracy: SS = solve(A, t(bigphi)) var.theta = tcrossprod(SS, SS) varT2 = var.theta[Ntheta, Ntheta] pvalT2 = 2 * pnorm(-abs(T2)/sqrt(varT2)) #### Asymptotics for T1 = tau - tau0 ## dtau0/dtheta ## P0 is the sum of product predicted probability matrix with dim(nx,ny) P0 = crossprod(score.xz$p0, score.yz$p0) / N cdtau0 = tau(P0) C0 = cdtau0$scon D0 = cdtau0$sdis ## C0 = sum_{l>j,m>k} {P0[j,k] * P0[l,m]} ## D0 = sum_{l>j,m1 & j>1, sum(P0[1:(i-1), 1:(j-1)]), 0) + ifelse(i1 & j1, sum(P0[(i+1):nx, 1:(j-1)]), 0) } ## tau0 = (C0-D0)/(C0+D0) dtau0.dC0 = 2*D0/(C0+D0)^2 dtau0.dD0 =-2*C0/(C0+D0)^2 ## P0 is already a matrix dP0.dtheta.x = array(0, c(nx, ny, npar.xz)) for(j in 1:ny) { aa = matrix(0, nx, npar.xz) for(i in 1:N) aa = aa + score.xz$dp0.dtheta[i,,] * score.yz$p0[i,j] dP0.dtheta.x[,j,] = aa/N ## simpler but mind-tickling version #dP0.dtheta.x[,j,] = (score.yz$p0[,j] %*% matrix(score.xz$dp0.dtheta,N))/N } dP0.dtheta.y = array(0, c(nx, ny, npar.yz)) for(j in 1:nx) { aa = matrix(0, ny, npar.yz) for(i in 1:N) aa = aa + score.yz$dp0.dtheta[i,,] * score.xz$p0[i,j] dP0.dtheta.y[j,,] = aa/N } ## dC0.dtheta and dD0.dtheta dC0.dtheta.x = as.numeric(dC0.dP0) %*% matrix(dP0.dtheta.x, nx*ny) dD0.dtheta.x = as.numeric(dD0.dP0) %*% matrix(dP0.dtheta.x, nx*ny) dC0.dtheta.y = as.numeric(dC0.dP0) %*% matrix(dP0.dtheta.y, nx*ny) dD0.dtheta.y = as.numeric(dD0.dP0) %*% matrix(dP0.dtheta.y, nx*ny) ## dtau0/dtheta dtau0.dtheta.x = dtau0.dC0 * dC0.dtheta.x + dtau0.dD0 * dD0.dtheta.x dtau0.dtheta.y = dtau0.dC0 * dC0.dtheta.y + dtau0.dD0 * dD0.dtheta.y ## dtau/dPa ## tau = (C-D)/(C+D) Pa = table(data$x, data$y) / N cdtau = tau(Pa) C = cdtau$scon D = cdtau$sdis dtau.dC = 2*D/(C+D)^2 dtau.dD =-2*C/(C+D)^2 ## Pa[nx,ny] is not a parameter, but = 1 - all other Pa parameters. ## Thus, d.Pa[nx,ny]/d.Pa[i,j] = -1. ## Also, d.sum(Pa[-nx,-ny]).dPa[i,j] = 1 when ij,m>k} {Pa[j,k] * Pa[l,m]}, Pa[i,j] appears in ## Pa[i,j] * XX (minus Pa[nx,ny] if ij,m1 & j>1, sum(Pa[1:(i-1), 1:(j-1)]), 0) + ifelse(i1 & j1, sum(Pa[(i+1):nx, 1:(j-1)]), 0) } dtau.dPa = dtau.dC * dC.dPa + dtau.dD * dD.dPa dtau.dPa = dtau.dPa[-length(dtau.dPa)] ## remove the last value ## Estimating equations for (theta, phi) ## theta is (theta.xz, theta.yz) and the equations are score functions. ## phi is (p_ij) for (X,Y), and the equations are ## I{subject in cell (ij)} - p_ij phi.Pa = matrix(0, N, nx*ny) phi.Pa[cbind(1:N, xx+(yy-1)*nx)] = 1 phi.Pa = phi.Pa - rep(1,N) %o% as.numeric(Pa) phi.Pa = phi.Pa[,-(nx*ny)] bigphi = cbind(score.xz$dl.dtheta, score.yz$dl.dtheta, phi.Pa) ## sandwich variance estimate of var(thetahat, phihat) Ntheta = npar.xz + npar.yz + nx*ny-1 A = matrix(0,Ntheta,Ntheta) A[1:npar.xz, 1:npar.xz] = score.xz$d2l.dtheta.dtheta A[npar.xz+(1:npar.yz), npar.xz+(1:npar.yz)] = score.yz$d2l.dtheta.dtheta A[-(1:(npar.xz+npar.yz)), -(1:(npar.xz+npar.yz))] = -diag(N, nx*ny-1) ## One way of coding: ##B = t(bigphi) %*% bigphi ##var.theta = solve(A) %*% B %*% solve(A) ## Suggested coding for better efficiency and accuracy: ##SS = solve(A, t(bigphi)) ##var.theta = SS %*% t(SS) ## Or better yet, no need to explicitly obtain var.theta. See below. ## Test statistic T1 = tau - tau0 T1 = cdtau$tau - cdtau0$tau ## dT.dtheta has length nx + ny + nx*ny-1 dT1.dtheta = c(-dtau0.dtheta.x, -dtau0.dtheta.y, dtau.dPa) ## variance of T, using delta method ##varT = t(dT.dtheta) %*% var.theta %*% dT.dtheta SS = crossprod(dT1.dtheta, solve(A, t(bigphi))) varT1 = sum(SS^2) pvalT1 = 2 * pnorm(-abs(T1)/sqrt(varT1)) c(pvalT1, pvalT2, pvalT3) }