## Run the code for one realization from simulation scenarion e) in Schildcrout et al (2015) with the exception that we ## estimate the parameter associated with C_i here. In the paper it was not estimated. ## ## Expect Fit.Biv to take substantially longer to fit than the others odsInt <- read.csv("odsInt.csv") odsSlp <- read.csv("odsSlp.csv") odsBiv <- read.csv("odsSlp.csv") Fit.Int <- acml.linear(y=odsInt$Y, x=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsInt[,c("time","snp","snptime","confounder")])), z=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsInt$time)), id=odsInt$id, InitVals=c(5, 1, -2.5, 0.75, 0, 1.6094379, 0.2231436, -0.5108256, 1.6094379), ProfileCol=NA, cutpoints=c(-2.569621, 9.992718), SampProb=c(1, 0.1228, 1), w.function="intercept") Fit.Slp <- acml.linear(y=odsSlp$Y, x=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsSlp[,c("time","snp","snptime","confounder")])), z=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsSlp$time)), id=odsSlp$id, InitVals=c(5, 1, -2.5, 0.75, 0, 1.6094379, 0.2231436, -0.5108256, 1.6094379), ProfileCol=NA, cutpoints=c(-0.7488912, 3.4557775), SampProb=c(1, 0.1228, 1), w.function="intercept") Fit.Biv <- acml.linear(y=odsBiv$Y, x=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsBiv[,c("time","snp","snptime","confounder")])), z=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsBiv$time)), id=odsBiv$id, InitVals=c(5, 1, -2.5, 0.75, 0, 1.6094379, 0.2231436, -0.5108256, 1.6094379), ProfileCol=NA, cutpoints=c(-4.413225, 11.935188, -1.390172, 4.084768), SampProb=c(0.122807, 1), w.function="bivar") Fit.Int Fit.Slp Fit.Biv