readme -- GIST package, version 0.3 Last update 03/24/2004 0. The GIST package (version 0.3) contains the following files: gist.c -- main program CORR.h -- library containing estimated correlation coefficients readme -- this file sample.dat -- sample input file sample.out -- sample output -- sample SAS code for calculating the three weight variables history -- version history 1. To extract these files from the package, type tar -zxf gist.tar.gz This will generate a subdirectory GIST, which contains the files listed above. To compile the program in Unix/Linux, go into the GIST directory and type gcc -lm -o gist.exe gist.c 2. The program can be executed by command: gist.exe inputfile [outputfile] If the output file name is omitted, the standard output will be used. 3. The format of the input file is as follows: The first line has one number -- the frequency of the target allele. Starting from the second line, each line corresponds to a family and should have four numbers -- weight for dominant model, weight for recessive model, weight for additive model, and family NPL score at the marker locus, respectively. A sample input file is included in this package. A number of existing programs can output allele frequency. The three weight variables can be calculated using software like SAS, S-plus, and R. A sample SAS program is included in this package. The family NPL scores can be obtained from GENEHUNTER output files. 4. The method is described in Li C, Scott LJ, Boehnke M. (2004) Assessing Whether an Allele Can Account in Part for a Linkage Signal: The Genotype-IBD Sharing Test (GIST). Am. J. Hum. Genet. 74:418-431 GIST is developed and maintained by Dr. Chun Li of Vanderbilt University. Please send your comments and suggestions to The latest version of the software can be obtained from