Analyses using the diabetes dataset (courtesy John Schorling, UVa) [For demo, get data from /mshes/students/fharrell] Understanding data - univariable looks library(Hmisc, T) datadensity(diabetes) # Stratifies on gender (why not stratify on sex?) ecdf(diabetes, group=diabetes$gender, col=1:2, label.curve=F) Examine missing data nac <- naclus(diabetes) plot(nac) naplot(nac) Relationships among variables v <- varclus(~., data=diabetes) Use recursive partitioning to impute body frame (rpart from Atkinson & Therneau, Mayo Clinic) library(rpart) attach(diabetes) f <- rpart(frame ~ age + gender + height + weight + waist + hip) plot(f); text(f) Once variables to be forced into a predictive model are decided upon, rank them in the predictive potential to guide spending of d.f. r <- spearman2(glyhb ~ age + gender + height + weight + frame + hdl + ratio + bp.1s + bp.1d) plot(f) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Analysis using the titanic3 dataset Univariable descriptive statistics page(describe(titanic3)) datadensity(titanic3) Descriptive statistics, 2-way stratification attach(titanic3) bwplot(sex ~ age | pclass, panel=panel.bpplot) Look at missing data nac <- naclus(titanic3) plot(nac) f <- rpart( ~ sex + pclas + survived) plot(f); text(f) Describe tendencies of response variable with separate stratification by a series of predictors s <- summary(survived ~ age + sex + pclass + embarked + pmin(parch,3)) options(digits=3) s plot(s) Nonparametric regression, treating age as continuous plsmo(age, survived, datadensity=T) plsmo(age, survived, group=sex, col=1:2, datadensity=T) plsmo(age, survived, group=pclass, col=1:3, datadensity=T) plsmo(age, survived, group=interaction(sex,pclass), col=1:6, datadensity=T) Logistic models library(Design,T) dd <- datadist(titanic3) options(datadist='dd') f <- lrm(survived ~ rcs(age,5)*sex+pclass, x=T, y=T) f plot(f) plot(f, age=NA, sex=NA, anova(f) plot(anova(f)) plot(summary(f), log=T) Validate model for statistical indexes validate(f, B=10) # usually use B=150 Validate model for calibration cal <- calibrate(f, B=10) plot(cal) Make nomogram for obtaining predictions nomogram(f, fun=plogis, funlabel='Prob[survive]') Make an S+ function for deriving predictions g <- Function(f) plogis(g(30,c('female''male'),'2nd')) Make a dialog for obtaining predictions drep <- dataRep(~roundN(age,10)+sex+pclass) Dialog(fitPar('f', lp=F, fun=list('Pr[Survived]'=plogis)), basename='Titanic', datarep=drep) runmenu.Titanic() Generate multiple imputations for age given survived, sex, pclass titanic.trans <- transcan(~survived + sex + pclass + age, transformed=F, trantab=T, n.impute=10, imputed=T) Use these to fit 10 models on 10 completed datasets, average betas, correct variances for multiple imputation fmi <- fit.mult.impute(formula(f), lrm, titanic.trans) plot(anova(fmi))