Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Dataset

This dataset is from M. Percy, listed in Table 38 of DF Andrews and AM Herzberg: Data, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1985 and also available on StatLib. The 209 observations correspond to blood samples on 192 patients (17 patients have two samples in the dataset) collected in a project to develop a screening program for female relatives of boys with DMD. The program's goal was to inform a woman of her chances of being a carrier based on serum markers as well as her family pedigree. Another question of interest is whether age and season should be taken into account. Enzyme levels were measured in known carriers (75 samples) and in a group of non-carriers (134 samples). Note that the original observation numbers (within subject) on this dataset do not agree with replicates of hospital IDs, so they have been recomputed here. Another anomaly of the dataset is that 16 out of 17 subjects having two blood samples drawn had differing carrier status for the two observations.

The first two serum markers, creatine kinase and hemopexin (ck,h), are inexpensive to obtain, while the last two, pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydroginase (pk,ld), are more expensive. It is of interest to measure how much pk and ld add toward predicting the carrier status. The importance of age and sample date is also of interest. Percy noted that the water supply for the lab changed during the study.

Frank E Harrell Jr
Last modified: Fri Dec 27 16:55:37 EST 2002