library('splines') ## for 'bs' library('scatterplot3d') ## for 'scatterplot3d' library('manipulate') ## for 'manipulate' library('beeswarm') ### Linear regression examples ### ## load prostate data prostate <- read.table(url( '')) pairs(prostate) ## predict lcavol from lcp ## fit linear model with squared error loss fit <- lm(lcavol ~ lcp, data=prostate) summary(fit) coef(fit) residuals(fit) plot(prostate$lcp, prostate$lcavol, xlab='lcp', ylab='lcavol') abline(fit) ## use linear spline in lcp with 1 knots quants <- function(x, n) { nb <- as.integer(n + 1) qs <- seq(1/nb, n/nb, 1/nb) quantile(x, probs=qs) } lcp_knots <- quants(prostate$lcp, 1) fit <- lm(lcavol ~ bs(lcp, knots=lcp_knots, degree=1), data=prostate) summary(fit) coef(fit) residuals(fit) plot(prostate$lcp, prostate$lcavol, xlab='lcp', ylab='lcavol') x_grid <- seq(min(prostate$lcp), max(prostate$lcp), length.out=100) lines(x_grid, predict(fit, data.frame(lcp=x_grid))) abline(v=lcp_knots, lty=3) ## consider two predictors fit <- lm(lcavol ~ lcp + age, data=prostate) summary(fit) coef(fit) residuals(fit) manipulate({ s3d <- scatterplot3d( x=prostate$lcp, y=prostate$age, z=prostate$lcavol, xlab='lcp', ylab='age', zlab='lcavol', color='blue', pch=19, angle=angle.slider) # Add regression surface s3d$contour3d(fit) }, angle.slider=slider(0,90,55,'angle')) ## two predictors with interaction fit <- lm(lcavol ~ lcp + age + lcp:age, data=prostate) summary(fit) coef(fit) residuals(fit) manipulate({ s3d <- scatterplot3d( x=prostate$lcp, y=prostate$age, z=prostate$lcavol, xlab='lcp', ylab='age', zlab='lcavol', color='blue', pch=19, angle=angle.slider) # Add regression surface s3d$contour3d(fit) }, angle.slider=slider(0,90,55,'angle')) ## two predictors with linear splines lcp_knots <- quants(prostate$lcp, 1) age_knots <- quants(prostate$age, 1) fit <- lm(lcavol ~ bs(lcp, knots=lcp_knots, degree=1) + bs(age, knots=age_knots, degree=1), data=prostate) summary(fit) coef(fit) residuals(fit) manipulate({ s3d <- scatterplot3d( x=prostate$lcp, y=prostate$age, z=prostate$lcavol, xlab='lcp', ylab='age', zlab='lcavol', color='blue', pch=19, angle=angle.slider) # Add regression surface s3d$contour3d(function(x, y) { predict(fit, data.frame(lcp=x, age=y)) }) }, angle.slider=slider(0,90,55,'angle')) ## two predictors with linear splines and interaction lcp_knots <- quants(prostate$lcp, 1) age_knots <- quants(prostate$age, 1) fit <- lm(lcavol ~ bs(lcp, knots=lcp_knots, degree=1) * bs(age, knots=age_knots, degree=1), data=prostate) summary(fit) coef(fit) residuals(fit) manipulate({ s3d <- scatterplot3d( x=prostate$lcp, y=prostate$age, z=prostate$lcavol, xlab='lcp', ylab='age', zlab='lcavol', color='blue', pch=19, angle=angle.slider) # Add regression surface s3d$contour3d(function(x, y) { predict(fit, data.frame(lcp=x, age=y)) }) }, angle.slider=slider(0,90,55,'angle')) ## categorical (binary) predictor table(prostate$svi) prostate$svi <- as.factor(prostate$svi) fit <- lm(lcavol ~ svi, data=prostate) summary(fit) coef(fit) residuals(fit) beeswarm(lcavol ~ svi, data=prostate, xlab='svi', ylab='lcavol') x_grid <- factor(c('0','1'), levels(prostate$svi)) points(x=x_grid, y=predict(fit, data.frame(svi=x_grid)), pch=4, col='red', cex=2, lwd=4) ## categorical (multiclass) predictor table(prostate$gleason) prostate$gleason <- as.factor(prostate$gleason) fit <- lm(lcavol ~ gleason, data=prostate) summary(fit) coef(fit) residuals(fit) beeswarm(lcavol ~ gleason, data=prostate, xlab='gleason', ylab='lcavol') x_grid <- factor(levels(prostate$gleason), levels(prostate$gleason)) points(x=x_grid, y=predict(fit, data.frame(gleason=x_grid)), pch=4, col='red', cex=2, lwd=4) ## categorical and quantitative predictor fit <- lm(lcavol ~ gleason + age, data=prostate) summary(fit) coef(fit) residuals(fit) manipulate({ s3d <- scatterplot3d( x=prostate$gleason, y=prostate$age, z=prostate$lcavol, xlab='gleason', ylab='age', zlab='lcavol', color='blue', pch=19, angle=angle.slider) # Add regression surface gleason_lev <- levels(prostate$gleason) s3d$contour3d(function(x, y) { predict(fit, data.frame( gleason=factor(gleason_lev[x], gleason_lev), age=y)) }) }, angle.slider=slider(0,90,55,'angle')) ## categorical and quantitative predictor with interaction fit <- lm(lcavol ~ gleason * age, data=prostate) summary(fit) coef(fit) residuals(fit) manipulate({ s3d <- scatterplot3d( x=prostate$gleason, y=prostate$age, z=prostate$lcavol, xlab='gleason', ylab='age', zlab='lcavol', color='blue', pch=19, angle=angle.slider) # Add regression surface gleason_lev <- levels(prostate$gleason) s3d$contour3d(function(x, y) { suppressWarnings(predict(fit, data.frame( gleason=factor(gleason_lev[x], gleason_lev), age=y))) }) }, angle.slider=slider(0,90,55,'angle'))