library("rgl") ## for 3D graphics library("e1071") ## for SVM ## load data from authors' website # load(url(paste0("", # "ElemStatLearn/datasets/ESL.mixture.rda"))) #dat <- ESL.mixture ## load data from ESL R package library("ElemStatLearn") data(mixture.example) dat <- mixture.example datf <- data.frame(y=as.factor(dat$y), x1=dat$x[,1], x2=dat$x[,2]) ## fit SVM with radial kernel ## cost - the 'C' penalty ## gamma - parameter of the radial kernel function ## cost and gamma set to match HTF Fig 12.5 fit.svm <- svm(y ~ x1 + x2, kernel = "radial", cost = 1, gamma=1, data=datf) ## compute decision surface - f(x) dsf.svm <- predict(fit.svm, decision.values=TRUE, newdata = data.frame(x1=dat$xnew[,1], x2=dat$xnew[,2])) dsf.svm <- as.numeric(attr(dsf.svm, "decision.values")) dat$dsf.svm <- dsf.svm dat$dsf.svm <- with(dat, matrix(dsf.svm, length(px1), length(px2))) ## classification boundary - f(x) = 0 dat$cls.svm <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, dsf.svm, levels=0)) ## margins - f(x) = -1 and f(x) = 1 ## because we set ||\beta|| = 1/M, margins occur at -1 and 1 dat$clsneg.svm <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, dsf.svm, levels=-1)) dat$clspos.svm <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, dsf.svm, levels=1)) ## create 3D graphic, rotate to view 2D x1/x2 projection par3d(FOV=1,userMatrix=diag(4)) plot3d(dat$xnew[,1], dat$xnew[,2], dat$prob, type="n", xlab="x1", ylab="x2", zlab="", zlim=range(dsf.svm), axes=FALSE, box=TRUE, aspect=1) ## plot points and bounding box; color margin support vectors black; ## fit.svm$coefs are estimates of 'alpha' multiplied by traning label (-1 or 1); ## the observations for which 0 < alpha < cost are support vectors ## that occur on the margin; idx.svm <- fit.svm$index[which(abs(fit.svm$coefs) < 1)] idx.svm <- 1:nrow(dat$x) %in% idx.svm x1r <- range(dat$px1) x2r <- range(dat$px2) pts <- plot3d(dat$x[,1], dat$x[,2], max(dsf.svm), type="s", add=TRUE, radius=ifelse(idx.svm, 0.05, 0.025), col=ifelse(idx.svm, "black", ifelse(dat$y, "orange", "blue"))) lns <- lines3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2,1)], max(dsf.svm)) ## draw Bayes (True) classification boundary dat$probm <- with(dat, matrix(prob, length(px1), length(px2))) dat$cls <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, probm, levels=0.5)) pls <- lapply(dat$cls, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=max(dsf.svm), col="purple")) ## draw SVM classifier boundary and margins pls <- lapply(dat$cls.svm, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=max(dsf.svm), lwd=2)) plspos <- lapply(dat$clspos.svm, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=max(dsf.svm))) plsneg <- lapply(dat$clsneg.svm, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=max(dsf.svm))) ## plot SVM surface and decision and margin planes sfc <- surface3d(dat$px1, dat$px2, dsf.svm, alpha=1.0, color="gray", specular="gray") qds <- quads3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2)], 0, alpha=0.4, color="gray", lit=FALSE) qdspos <- quads3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2)], 1, alpha=0.4, color="gray", lit=FALSE) qdsneg <- quads3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2)], -1, alpha=0.4, color="gray", lit=FALSE)