library('class') library('dplyr') ## load binary classification example data from author website ## 'ElemStatLearn' package no longer available load(url('')) dat <- ESL.mixture plot_mix_data <- function(dat, datboot=NULL) { if(!is.null(datboot)) { dat$x <- datboot$x dat$y <- datboot$y } plot(dat$x[,1], dat$x[,2], col=ifelse(dat$y==0, 'blue', 'orange'), pch=20, xlab=expression(x[1]), ylab=expression(x[2])) ## draw Bayes (True) classification boundary prob <- matrix(dat$prob, length(dat$px1), length(dat$px2)) cont <- contourLines(dat$px1, dat$px2, prob, levels=0.5) rslt <- sapply(cont, lines, col='purple') } plot_mix_data(dat) ## fit linear classifier fit_lc <- function(y, x) { x <- cbind(1, x) beta <- drop(solve(t(x)%*%x)%*%t(x)%*%y) } ## make predictions from linear classifier predict_lc <- function(x, beta) { cbind(1, x) %*% beta } ## fit model to mixture data and make predictions lc_beta <- fit_lc(dat$y, dat$x) lc_pred <- predict_lc(dat$xnew, lc_beta) ## reshape predictions as a matrix lc_pred <- matrix(lc_pred, length(dat$px1), length(dat$px2)) contour(lc_pred, xlab=expression(x[1]), ylab=expression(x[2])) ## find the contours in 2D space such that lc_pred == 0.5 lc_cont <- contourLines(dat$px1, dat$px2, lc_pred, levels=0.5) ## plot data and decision surface plot_mix_data(dat) sapply(lc_cont, lines) ## fit knn classifier ## use 5-NN to estimate probability of class assignment knn_fit <- knn(train=dat$x, test=dat$xnew, cl=dat$y, k=5, prob=TRUE) knn_pred <- attr(knn_fit, 'prob') knn_pred <- ifelse(knn_fit == 1, knn_pred, 1-knn_pred) ## reshape predictions as a matrix knn_pred <- matrix(knn_pred, length(dat$px1), length(dat$px2)) contour(knn_pred, xlab=expression(x[1]), ylab=expression(x[2]), levels=c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)) ## find the contours in 2D space such that knn_pred == 0.5 knn_cont <- contourLines(dat$px1, dat$px2, knn_pred, levels=0.5) ## plot data and decision surface plot_mix_data(dat) sapply(knn_cont, lines) ## do bootstrap to get a sense of variance in decision surface resample <- function(dat) { idx <- sample(1:length(dat$y), replace = T) dat$y <- dat$y[idx] dat$x <- dat$x[idx,] return(dat) } ## plot linear classifier for three bootstraps par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(b in 1:3) { datb <- resample(dat) ## fit model to mixture data and make predictions lc_beta <- fit_lc(datb$y, datb$x) lc_pred <- predict_lc(datb$xnew, lc_beta) ## reshape predictions as a matrix lc_pred <- matrix(lc_pred, length(datb$px1), length(datb$px2)) ## find the contours in 2D space such that lc_pred == 0.5 lc_cont <- contourLines(datb$px1, datb$px2, lc_pred, levels=0.5) ## plot data and decision surface plot_mix_data(dat, datb) sapply(lc_cont, lines) } ## plot 5-NN classifier for three bootstraps par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(b in 1:3) { datb <- resample(dat) knn_fit <- knn(train=datb$x, test=datb$xnew, cl=datb$y, k=5, prob=TRUE) knn_pred <- attr(knn_fit, 'prob') knn_pred <- ifelse(knn_fit == 1, knn_pred, 1-knn_pred) ## reshape predictions as a matrix knn_pred <- matrix(knn_pred, length(datb$px1), length(datb$px2)) ## find the contours in 2D space such that knn_pred == 0.5 knn_cont <- contourLines(datb$px1, datb$px2, knn_pred, levels=0.5) ## plot data and decision surface plot_mix_data(dat, datb) sapply(knn_cont, lines) } ## plot 20-NN classifier for three bootstraps par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(b in 1:3) { datb <- resample(dat) knn_fit <- knn(train=datb$x, test=datb$xnew, cl=datb$y, k=20, prob=TRUE) knn_pred <- attr(knn_fit, 'prob') knn_pred <- ifelse(knn_fit == 1, knn_pred, 1-knn_pred) ## reshape predictions as a matrix knn_pred <- matrix(knn_pred, length(datb$px1), length(datb$px2)) ## find the contours in 2D space such that knn_pred == 0.5 knn_cont <- contourLines(datb$px1, datb$px2, knn_pred, levels=0.5) ## plot data and decision surface plot_mix_data(dat, datb) sapply(knn_cont, lines) }