library('rgl') library('class') load(url("")) dat <- ESL.mixture ## create 3D graphic, rotate to view 2D x1/x2 projection par3d(FOV=1,userMatrix=diag(4)) plot3d(dat$xnew[,1], dat$xnew[,2], dat$prob, type="n", xlab="x1", ylab="x2", zlab="", axes=FALSE, box=TRUE, aspect=1) ## plot points and bounding box x1r <- range(dat$px1) x2r <- range(dat$px2) pts <- plot3d(dat$x[,1], dat$x[,2], 1, type="p", radius=0.5, add=TRUE, col=ifelse(dat$y, "orange", "blue")) lns <- lines3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2,1)], 1) ## draw Bayes (True) classification boundary dat$probm <- with(dat, matrix(prob, length(px1), length(px2))) dat$cls <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, probm, levels=0.5)) pls <- lapply(dat$cls, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=1)) ## plot marginal probability surface and decision plane sfc <- surface3d(dat$px1, dat$px2, dat$prob, alpha=1.0, color="gray", specular="gray") qds <- quads3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2)], 0.5, alpha=0.4, color="gray", lit=FALSE) ## clear the surface, decision plane, and decision boundary par3d(userMatrix=diag(4)); pop3d(id=sfc); pop3d(id=qds) for(pl in pls) pop3d(id=pl) ##### k-NN ##### ## use 15-NN to estimate probability of class assignment preds.knn <- knn(train=dat$x, test=dat$xnew, cl=dat$y, k=15, prob=TRUE) probs.knn <- attr(preds.knn, 'prob') probs.knn <- ifelse(preds.knn == 1, probs.knn, 1-probs.knn) dat$probm.knn <- with(dat, matrix(probs.knn, length(px1), length(px2))) dat$cls.knn <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, probm.knn, levels=0.5)) ## plot classification boundary pls <- lapply(dat$cls.knn, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=1)) ## plot probability surface and decision plane sfc <- surface3d(dat$px1, dat$px2, probs.knn, alpha=1.0, color="gray", specular="gray") qds <- quads3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2)], 0.5, alpha=0.4, color="gray", lit=FALSE) ## clear the surface, decision plane, and decision boundary par3d(userMatrix=diag(4)); pop3d(id=sfc); pop3d(id=qds) for(pl in pls) pop3d(id=pl) ## use 1-NN to estimate probability of class assignment preds.knn <- knn(train=dat$x, test=dat$xnew, cl=dat$y, k=1, prob=TRUE) probs.knn <- attr(preds.knn, 'prob') probs.knn <- ifelse(preds.knn == 1, probs.knn, 1-probs.knn) dat$probm.knn <- with(dat, matrix(probs.knn, length(px1), length(px2))) dat$cls.knn <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, probm.knn, levels=0.5)) ## plot classification boundary pls <- lapply(dat$cls.knn, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=1)) ## plot probability surface and decision plane sfc <- surface3d(dat$px1, dat$px2, probs.knn, alpha=1.0, color="gray", specular="gray") qds <- quads3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2)], 0.5, alpha=0.4, color="gray", lit=FALSE) ## clear the surface, decision plane, and decision boundary par3d(userMatrix=diag(4)); pop3d(id=sfc); pop3d(id=qds) for(pl in pls) pop3d(id=pl) ## use linear LS to estimate probability of class assignment ddat <- data.frame(y=dat$y, x1=dat$x[,1], x2=dat$x[,2]) fit.lin <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=ddat) probs.lin <- predict(fit.lin, data.frame(x1=dat$xnew[,1],x2=dat$xnew[,2])) dat$probm.lin <- with(dat, matrix(probs.lin, length(px1), length(px2))) dat$cls.lin <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, probm.lin, levels=0.5)) ## plot classification boundary pls <- lapply(dat$cls.lin, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=1)) ## plot probability surface and decision plane sfc <- surface3d(dat$px1, dat$px2, probs.lin, alpha=1.0, color="gray", specular="gray") qds <- quads3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2)], 0.5, alpha=0.4, color="gray", lit=FALSE) ## clear the surface, decision plane, and decision boundary par3d(userMatrix=diag(4)); pop3d(id=sfc); pop3d(id=qds) for(pl in pls) pop3d(id=pl) ##### Local contstant ##### ## compute probabilities plot classification boundary ## associated with local constant kernal method ## lambda = 1 ddat <- data.frame(y=dat$y, x1=dat$x[,1], x2=dat$x[,2]) probs.loc0 <- apply(dat$xnew, 1, function(x0) { ## smoothing parameter l <- 1 ## compute (Gaussian) kernel weights d <- colSums((rbind(ddat$x1, ddat$x2) - x0)^2) k <- exp(-d/2/l^2) ## local fit at x0 fit <- lm(y ~ 1, data=ddat, weights=k) ## predict at x0 as.numeric(predict(fit, }) dat$probm.loc0 <- with(dat, matrix(probs.loc0, length(px1), length(px2))) dat$cls.loc0 <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, probm.loc0, levels=0.5)) pls <- lapply(dat$cls.loc0, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=1)) ## plot probability surface and decision plane sfc <- surface3d(dat$px1, dat$px2, probs.loc0, alpha=1.0, color="gray", specular="gray") qds <- quads3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2)], 0.5, alpha=0.4, color="gray", lit=FALSE) ## clear the surface, decision plane, and decision boundary par3d(userMatrix=diag(4)); pop3d(id=sfc); pop3d(id=qds) for(pl in pls) pop3d(id=pl) ## compute probabilities plot classification boundary ## associated with local constant kernal method ## lambda = 0.5 ddat <- data.frame(y=dat$y, x1=dat$x[,1], x2=dat$x[,2]) probs.loc0 <- apply(dat$xnew, 1, function(x0) { ## smoothing parameter l <- 0.5 ## compute (Gaussian) kernel weights d <- colSums((rbind(ddat$x1, ddat$x2) - x0)^2) k <- exp(-d/2/l^2) ## local fit at x0 fit <- lm(y ~ 1, data=ddat, weights=k) ## predict at x0 as.numeric(predict(fit, }) dat$probm.loc0 <- with(dat, matrix(probs.loc0, length(px1), length(px2))) dat$cls.loc0 <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, probm.loc0, levels=0.5)) pls <- lapply(dat$cls.loc0, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=1)) ## plot probability surface and decision plane sfc <- surface3d(dat$px1, dat$px2, probs.loc0, alpha=1.0, color="gray", specular="gray") qds <- quads3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2)], 0.5, alpha=0.4, color="gray", lit=FALSE) ## draw Bayes (True) classification boundary dat$probm <- with(dat, matrix(prob, length(px1), length(px2))) dat$cls <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, probm, levels=0.5)) pls2 <- lapply(dat$cls, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=1, col='purple')) ## clear the surface, decision plane, and decision boundaries par3d(userMatrix=diag(4)); pop3d(id=sfc); pop3d(id=qds) for(pl in pls) pop3d(id=pl) for(pl in pls2) pop3d(id=pl) ## kernel density classification ## compute kernel density estimates for each class dens.kde <- lapply(unique(ddat$y), function(uy) { apply(dat$xnew, 1, function(x0) { ## subset to current class dsub <- subset(ddat, y==uy) ## smoothing parameter (bandwidth; implies 2x2 diagonal) l <- 1/2 ## kernel density estimate at x0 mean(dnorm(dsub$x1-x0[1], 0, l)*dnorm(dsub$x2-x0[2], 0, l)) }) }) ## plot the KDE for each class scale_zero_one <- function(x) { rngx <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE) (x-rngx[1])/diff(rngx) } sfc_1 <- surface3d(dat$px1, dat$px2, scale_zero_one(dens.kde[[1]]), alpha=1.0, color="blue", specular="blue") sfc_2 <- surface3d(dat$px1, dat$px2, scale_zero_one(dens.kde[[2]]), alpha=1.0, color="orange", specular="orange") pop3d(id=sfc_1); pop3d(id=sfc_2); ## compute prior for each class (sample proportion) prir.kde <- table(ddat$y)/length(dat$y) ## compute posterior probability Pr(y=1|x) probs.kde <- prir.kde[2]*dens.kde[[2]]/ (prir.kde[1]*dens.kde[[1]]+prir.kde[2]*dens.kde[[2]]) ## plot classification boundary associated ## with kernel density classification dat$probm.kde <- with(dat, matrix(probs.kde, length(px1), length(px2))) dat$cls.kde <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, probm.kde, levels=0.5)) pls <- lapply(dat$cls.kde, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=1)) ## plot probability surface and decision plane sfc <- surface3d(dat$px1, dat$px2, probs.kde, alpha=1.0, color="gray", specular="gray") qds <- quads3d(x1r[c(1,2,2,1)], x2r[c(1,1,2,2)], 0.5, alpha=0.4, color="gray", lit=FALSE) ## draw Bayes (True) classification boundary dat$probm <- with(dat, matrix(prob, length(px1), length(px2))) dat$cls <- with(dat, contourLines(px1, px2, probm, levels=0.5)) pls2 <- lapply(dat$cls, function(p) lines3d(p$x, p$y, z=1, lty=2, color="purple"))