use "" gen total = daysatt + daysabs summ * Histograms hist daysabs hist daysabs, by(male) * Unadjusted model, classical standard errors poisson daysabs male, exposure(total) * Unadjusted model, robust standard errors poisson daysabs male, exposure(total) robust * Male adjusted for math scores poisson daysabs male math, expsoure(total) robust * Male adjusted for language arts scores poisson daysabs male langarts, exposure(total) robust * Multivariable model with male, math scores, and language arts scores poisson daysabs male math langarts, exposure(total) robust * For predictions in Stata, the following commands will display the * regression coefficients from the previosly fit model di _b[male] di _b[math] di _b[langarts] di _b[_cons] * I will calculate the predictions by hand for females (yhat0) and males (yhat1) * The prediction is just exp('linear predictor') gen yhat0 = exp(_b[_cons] + _b[male]*0 + _b[math]*48 + _b[langarts]*langarts)*100 gen yhat1 = exp(_b[_cons] + _b[male]*1 + _b[math]*48 + _b[langarts]*langarts)*100 * Scatter plot of the prediction twoway (line yhat0 langarts, sort) (line yhat1 langarts, sort), ytitle(Expected Number of Days Absent) xtitle(Language Arts Score) legend(on order(1 "Female" 2 "Male"))