library(survival) source('sensitivity/R/sensitivitySGD.R') rnewdist2 <- function(N, a, b, tau, beta, alpha) { ## If ## - beta*I(beta < 0)*tau - alpha ## Pi*(%e + 1) ## c = ----------------------------------------- ## p ## ## and ## ## - beta*min(y, tau) - alpha ## Pi*(%e + 1) ## r = ------------------------------------- ## c*p ## ## If c is substituted into r then ## ## - beta*min(y, tau) - alpha ## %e + 1 ## r = ------------------------------------ ## - beta*I(beta < 0)*tau - alpha ## %e + 1 ## ## preallocate vectors y <- r <- numeric(1000L) y.min <- accept <- logical(1000L) dist <- numeric(N) count <- 0L ## calculate the denominator of r and the value of r when y >= tau if(beta < 0) { r.denom <- 1 + exp(-alpha - beta * tau) r.y.max <- 1 } else { r.denom <- 1 + exp(-alpha) r.y.max <- (1 + exp(-alpha - beta * tau))/r.denom } ## Loop until specified number of values have been collected repeat { y[] <- rweibull(1000L, a, b) y.min[] <- y < tau r[y.min] <- (1+exp(-alpha-beta*y[y.min]))/r.denom r[!y.min] <- r.y.max ## generate acceptace boolean vector for y and subset y.accept <- y[as.logical(rbinom(1000L, 1L, r))] y.len <- length(y.accept) if(y.len > N) dist[, length.out=N)] <- y.accept[seq_len(length.out=N)] else dist[seq(to=N, length.out=y.len)] <- y.accept if(y.len >= N) break N <- N - y.len } return(dist) } ## Function to generate a sample set of length N generate.sample <- function(N, a, b, tau, psi, p0, beta0, alpha0, p1, beta1, alpha1, event=FALSE) { N <- as.integer(N) if(event == TRUE) { s <- NULL z <- NULL N.samp <- trunc(ceiling(N/(p0 + p1) * 1.05)) while(sum(s) < N) { new.z <- matrix(rep(c(FALSE,TRUE), each=N), ncol=2L) mat <- matrix(as.logical(rbinom(length(new.z), 1L, ifelse(new.z, p1, p0))), ncol=2L) rsum <- rowSums(mat) nTotal <- sum(s) + cumsum(rsum) if(any(nTotal >= N)) { loc <- which(nTotal >= N)[1L] indx <- seq_len(loc) z <- c(z, new.z[indx,]) s <- c(s, mat[indx,]) } else { z <- c(z, new.z) s <- c(s, mat) } } N <- length(z) N0 <- sum(!z) N1 <- N - N0 } else { N0 <- trunc(floor(N/2L)) N1 <- N - N0 ## assign half of group to placebo and the rest to treatment z <- rep(c(FALSE,TRUE), each=c(N0,N1)) ## randomly choose infected placebo's with a problitity of p0 ## randomly choose infected vaccine's with a prob of p1 s <- as.logical(rbinom(N, 1L, ifelse(z, p1, p0))) } n0 <- sum(s[!z]) n1 <- sum(s[z]) t <- rep(NA, N) p0.est <- n0/N0 p1.est <- n1/N1 Pi <- ifelse(abs(psi) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), p0.est*p1.est, -(sqrt(((p1.est+p0.est)*(exp(psi)-1)+1)^2-4*p0.est*p1.est*(exp(psi)-1)*exp(psi))+(-p1.est-p0.est)*exp(psi)+p1.est+p0.est-1)/(2*exp(psi)-2)) ## for those with z = FALSE and s = TRUE generate Y from a modified wyble distribution t[!z&s] <- rnewdist2(N=n0, a=a, b=b, tau=tau, beta=beta0, alpha=alpha0) t[z&s] <- rnewdist2(N=n1, a=a, b=b, tau=tau, beta=beta1, alpha=alpha1) c <- pmin(24L, runif(N, 0L, 100L)) y <- pmin(c, t) d <- y == t return(list(z=z,s=s,d=d,y=y)) } calc.sen <- function(data.set, tau, psi, beta0, beta1, time.points, N.boot, Nevent) { cat('.',file='') ans <- sensitivitySGD(z=data.set$z, y=data.set$y, s=data.set$s, d=data.set$d,tau=tau, psi=psi, beta0=beta0, beta1=beta1, time.points=time.points, selection=1, groupings=c(0,1), ci.method='boot', trigger=1, N.boot=N.boot, ci=.95, oneSidedTest=TRUE, twoSidedTest=TRUE) ## return(c(unlist(ans),coverage=ifelse(ans[["ci.SCE.min"]] > ans[["SCE"]] | ans[["ci.SCE.max"]] < ans[["SCE"]], 0, 1))) results <- list( = ifelse(ans[[""]][1L,,,,] <= 0 & ans[[""]][2L,,,,] >= 0, 1L, 0L), coverage.var=ifelse(ans[["SCE"]] + sqrt(ans[["SCE.var"]])*qnorm(0.975) >= 0L & ans[["SCE"]] + sqrt(ans[["SCE.var"]])*qnorm(0.025) <= 0L, 1L, 0L)) return(c(lapply(ans, drop), lapply(results, drop))) } my.sapply <- function(X, FUN) { FUN <- answer <- lapply(X, FUN) if(length(answer) && length(common.len <- unique(unlist(lapply(answer, length)))) == 1L) { if(common.len == 1L) unlist(answer, recursive=FALSE) else if(common.len > 1L) matrix(unlist(answer, recursive=FALSE), byrow=TRUE, ncol=common.len, nrow=length(X), dimnames=if (!(is.null(n1 <- names(answer[[1L]])) & is.null(n2 <- names(answer)))) list(n2,n1) ) else answer } else answer } my.replicate <- function(n, expr, simplify=TRUE) {, c(lapply(integer(n), eval.parent(substitute(function(...) expr))), FUN=rbind, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)) } tointegrate<-function(x, beta, tau, a, b) { (a/b)*(x/b)^(a-1)*exp(-beta*pmin(x,tau)-(x/b)^a) } calc.alpha <- function(p, beta, Pi, tau, a, b) { int.val <- integrate(tointegrate, 0, 24, beta=beta, tau=tau, a=a, b=b, subdivisions=2^25, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5)$value ans <- -log((p-Pi)/(Pi*(int.val + exp(tau * -beta) * (1 - pweibull(tau, a, b))))) return(ans) } args <- commandArgs(TRUE) project <- args[1L] comp.num <- args[2L] setwd(args[3L]) load(paste(project, "_input_params_slave", comp.num, ".rda", sep='')) output <- paste(project, "_output_slave", comp.num, '.txt', sep='') cat("begining calculation run at ", format(Sys.time()), "\n", sep='', file=output, append=TRUE) cat("\n", append=TRUE, file=output) calc.result <- function(varName, p0, p1, beta0, beta1, N, psi, alpha0, alpha1, nRep, nBoot, event=FALSE) { if(file.exists(paste(varName, 'rda', sep='.'))) { load(file=paste(varName, 'rda', sep='.'), envir=.GlobalEnv) } else { title <- paste(ifelse(event, "Events", "Records"), " = ", N, ", p0 = ", p0, ", p1 = ", p1, ", beta0 = ", beta0, ", beta1 = ", beta1, " Num replications = ", nRep, " Num bootstraps = ", nBoot, "\n", sep='') cat("Calculating results for ", title, "\n", sep='') cat("Calculating results for ", title, "\n", sep='', file=output) assign(varName, lapply(my.replicate(nRep, calc.sen(generate.sample(N=N, p0=p0, p1=p1, a=a, b=b, psi=psi, tau=tau, alpha0=alpha0, alpha1=alpha1, beta0=beta0, beta1=beta1, event=event), beta0=beta0, beta1=beta1, psi=psi, tau=tau, time.points=tau, N.boot=nBoot)), FUN=drop), envir = .GlobalEnv) cat(" saving ... ") save(list=varName, file=paste(varName, 'rda', sep='.')) cat("done\n") } get(varName, envir=.GlobalEnv) }, args=c(FUN=calc.result, dat, list(SIMPLIFY=FALSE))) warnings() cat("Processing Done\n")