calc.coeff <- function(Pi, p0, p1, beta0, beta1, dF0, dF1, t0, t1, tau, time.points) { calc.time.seq <- function(time.point, times) which(times <= time.point) q.seq.list <- lapply(time.points, t0, FUN=calc.time.seq) r.seq.list <- lapply(time.points, t1, FUN=calc.time.seq) names(q.seq.list) <- names(r.seq.list) <- time.points tplus0 <- c(pmin(t0, tau), tau) tplus1 <- c(pmin(t1, tau), tau) calc.beta.tplus <- function(beta,i,time) return(list(bt=beta*time, i=i)) beta.tplus0 <- mapply(FUN=calc.beta.tplus, beta=beta0, i=seq_along(beta0), MoreArgs=list(time=tplus0), USE.NAMES=TRUE, SIMPLIFY=FALSE) beta.tplus1 <- mapply(FUN=calc.beta.tplus, beta=beta1, i=seq_along(beta1), MoreArgs=list(time=tplus1), USE.NAMES=TRUE, SIMPLIFY=FALSE) Pi..p0 <- Pi/p0 Pi..p1 <- Pi/p1 coeffs <- mapply(FUN=calc.Pi.coeff, Pi..p0=Pi..p0, Pi..p1=Pi..p1,, MoreArgs=list(beta.tplus0=beta.tplus0, beta.tplus1=beta.tplus1, q.seq.list=q.seq.list, r.seq.list=r.seq.list, dF0=dF0, dF1=dF1), USE.NAMES = FALSE, SIMPLIFY=FALSE) return(coeffs) } calc.Pi.coeff <- function(Pi..p0, Pi..p1, i, beta.tplus0, beta.tplus1, q.seq.list, r.seq.list, dF0, dF1, dV, dW, VmF0, WmF1, p0, p1) { beta0.coeff <- lapply(beta.tplus0, q.list=q.seq.list, dF=dF0, Pi..p=Pi..p0, FUN=calc.beta.coeff) beta1.coeff <- lapply(beta.tplus1, q.list=r.seq.list, dF=dF1, Pi..p=Pi..p1, FUN=calc.beta.coeff) return(list(beta0.coeff=beta0.coeff, beta1.coeff=beta1.coeff, i=i)) } calc.beta.coeff <- function(beta.tplus, q.list, dV, dF, p, Pi..p, Pi.N) { calc.alphahat <- function(beta.tplus, dF, B) { ee <- function(a, beta.tplus, dF, B) { tmp <- sum((1L + exp(-a - beta.tplus))^(-1) * dF) - B tmp*tmp } overflow <- double(0) range <- c(-100L,100L) while(TRUE) { alphahat <- optimize(ee, range, beta.tplus=beta.tplus, dF=dF, B=B)$minimum limits <- range + c(-10L, 10L) if(alphahat < limits[2] && alphahat > limits[1]) break warning("optimize overflow alphahat value invalid ", alphahat, imediate=TRUE) overflow <- c(overflow, alphahat) if(alphahat > limits[2]) range <- range + 75 else if(alphahat < limits[1]) range <- range - 75 else stop("limit failure") } nInvalid <- length(overflow) if(nInvalid > 0L) warning("optimize overflow detected\n Final alphahat value is ", alphahat, "\n ", nInvalid, "invalid alphahat values found:\n", paste(alphahat, collapse=', '), sep='') return(alphahat) } alphahat <- calc.alphahat(beta.tplus$bt, dF=dF, B=Pi..p) w <- (1L + exp(-alphahat - beta.tplus$bt))^(-1) SCE <- sapply(q.list, w.dF=w*dF, FUN=function(q.seq, w.dF) sum(w.dF[q.seq])) / Pi..p return(list(i=beta.tplus$i, alphahat=alphahat, SCE=SCE)) } makeBootstrapEvntIndx <- function(s, indx.seq, N) { numEvents <- 0L index <- integer(0L) storage.mode(indx.seq) <- "integer" storage.mode(N) <- "integer" repeat { subIndx <- sample(indx.seq, 1000L, replace=TRUE) numSubEvents <- sum(s[subIndx]) newNumEvents <- numEvents + sumSubEvents if(newNumEvents > N) subIndx <- subIndx[cumsum(s[subIndx]) + numEvents <= N] index <- c(index, subIndx) if(newNumEvents >= N) break numEvents <- newSubEvents } return(index) } makeBootstrapLenIndx <- function(s, indx.seq, N) sample(indx.seq, N, replace=TRUE) sensitivitySGD <- function(z, s, d, y, beta0, beta1, phi, Pi, psi, tau, time.points, ci, selection, groupings, trigger, ci.method=c("analytic", "bootstrap"), na.rm=FALSE, N.boot=100L,, oneSidedTest=FALSE, twoSidedTest=TRUE, inCore=TRUE, verbose=getOption("verbose"), colsPerFile=1000L) { if(!require(survival)) stop("require's the survival package to function") ## z - group that subject belongs to ## s - subject met selection cirteria ## d - subject had event ## y - time until event ocurred if(!missing(ci.method) && is.null(ci.method)) isSlaveMode <- TRUE else isSlaveMode <- FALSE ci.method <- sort(unique(match.arg(ci.method, several.ok=TRUE))) if(na.rm == TRUE) { naIndex <- !( | | (s & ( | z <- z[naIndex] s <- s[naIndex] d <- d[naIndex] y <- y[naIndex] } if(!is.null(ci)) { selected <- s event <- d } s <- s == selection d <- d == trigger ErrMsg <- character(0L) if(!is.null(ci)) { ## Not running a boot strap mode ## Run error checks on variables. ErrMsg <- character(0) if(is.null(selection) || length(selection) != 1L) ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "'selection' argument must be a single element vector") if(length(selection) && ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "'selection' may not be NA") else if(!(selection %in% s)) ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "'selection' value does not appear in specified levels of 's'") if(is.null(groupings) || length(groupings) != 2L) ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "'groupings' argument must be a two element vector") if(length(groupings) && any( ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "'groupings' may not contain a NA") if(is.null(trigger) || length(trigger) != 1L) ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "'trigger' argument must be a single element vector") if(length(trigger) && ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "'trigger' may not be NA") if(!all(! ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "'z' cannot contain any NA values") if(!all(z %in% groupings | ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "All values of 'z' must match one of the two values in 'groupings'") if(any( ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "argument 's' cannot contain any NA values") if(length(unique(s[!])) > 2L) ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "All values of 's' must match one of the two values in 'empty.principle.stratum'") if(length(unique(d[!])) > 2L) ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "argument 'd' can contain at most 2 unique non-NA values") if(length(trigger) && all(d != trigger | ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, "Value of 'trigger' does not match any value of 'd'") if(length(selection) && !any( && any(! & s == selection & ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, sprintf("argument 'd' cannont contain a 'NA' value if the corresponding 's' is %s", selection)) if(length(selection) && length(trigger) && !any(, trigger))) && any(! & ! & s == selection & d == trigger & ErrMsg <- c(ErrMsg, sprintf("argument 'y' cannont contain a NA value if the corresponding 's' is %s and 'd' is %s", selection, trigger)) if(length(ErrMsg) > 0L) stop(paste(ErrMsg, collapse="\n ")) } s <- s == selection d <- d == trigger z <- z == groupings[2L] ## N - number subjects ## N0 - number of subjects in group 0 ## N1 - number of subjects in group 1 N <-length(z) N1 <- sum(z) N0 <- N-N1 z0.s1 <- !z & s z1.s1 <- z & s ## n0 - number of subjects in group 0 that were selected ## n1 - number of subjects in group 1 that were selected n0 <- sum(z0.s1) n1 <- sum(z1.s1) ## p0 - probiblity that subject in group 0 was selected ## p1 - probablity that subject in group 1 was selected p0 <- n0/N0 p1 <- n1/N1 if(all(z0.s1 == FALSE) || all(z1.s1 == FALSE)) if(isSlaveMode) { return(list(SCE = logical(0))) } else { stop("No events occured in one or more of the treatment arms") } if(!missing(psi) && !is.null(psi)) { Pi <- ifelse(abs(psi) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), p0*p1, -(sqrt((p1^2-2*p0*p1+p0^2)*exp(2*psi)+p1^2 +exp(psi) *(-2*p1^2+2*p1-2*p0^2+2*p0) +(2*p0-2)*p1+p0^2-2*p0+1) +p1+exp(psi)*(-p1-p0)+p0-1) /(2*exp(psi)-2)) phi <- Pi/p1 } else if(!missing(phi) && !is.null(phi)) { Pi <- p1*phi psi <- log((p1 * phi^2 + (1 - p0 - p1)*phi)/ (p1 * phi^2 - (p1 + p0)* phi + p0)) } else { psi <- log(Pi * (1 - p1 - p0 + Pi)/(p1 - Pi)/(p0 - Pi)) phi <- Pi/p1 } ## summary survfit of length of time til event for group 0 and group 1. ## temp <- summary(survfit(Surv(y[z0.s1],d[z0.s1])~1L)) ## t0 <- temp$time ## F0 <- 1L - temp$surv ## temp <- summary(survfit(Surv(y[z1.s1],d[z1.s1])~1L)) ## t1 <- temp$time ## F1 <- 1L - temp$surv ## Alt implementation ## survfit of length of time til event for group 0 and group 1. temp <- with(survfit(Surv(y[s], d[s]) ~ z[s],, { who <- n.event > 0 strata <-, times=strata)[who] time <- time[who] F <- 1L - surv[who] data.frame(strata=strata, time=time, F=F) }) t0 <- temp$time[temp$strata==1] F0 <- temp$F[temp$strata==1] t1 <- temp$time[temp$strata==2] F1 <- temp$F[temp$strata==2] len.t0 <- length(t0) len.t1 <- length(t1) ## total length of phi vector <- 4L + len.t0 + len.t1 if(len.t0 == 0L || len.t1 == 0) { if(isSlaveMode) { return(list(SCE = logical(0))) } else { stop("No times occured in one or more of the treatment arms") } } dF0 <- diff(c(0L,F0,1L)) dF1 <- diff(c(0L,F1,1L)) coeffs <- calc.coeff(Pi=Pi, p0=p0, p1=p1, beta0=beta0, beta1=beta1, dF0=dF0, dF1=dF1, t0=t0, t1=t1, tau=tau, time.points=time.points) SCE.dim <- c(length(time.points), length(beta0), length(beta1), length(psi)) SCE.length <- prod(SCE.dim) SCE.dimnames <- list(time.points=as.character(time.points), beta0=as.character(beta0), beta1=as.character(beta1), psi=as.character(psi)) SCE <- array(numeric(SCE.length), dim=SCE.dim, dimnames=SCE.dimnames) ## iterate across all betas and Pi values for(Pi.coeff in coeffs) { for(beta0.coeff in Pi.coeff$beta0.coeff) { for(beta1.coeff in Pi.coeff$beta1.coeff) { SCE[,beta0.coeff$i,beta1.coeff$i, Pi.coeff$i] <- beta0.coeff$SCE - beta1.coeff$SCE } } } if(is.null(ci)) return(list(SCE = SCE)) cdfs <- list(alphahat0=sapply(coeffs, FUN=function(coeff) sapply(coeff$beta0.coeff, FUN=function(b) b$alphahat)), beta0=beta0, alphahat1=sapply(coeffs, FUN=function(coeff) sapply(coeff$beta1.coeff, FUN=function(b) b$alphahat)), beta1=beta1) z.seq <- seq_len(N) if(twoSidedTest) { if(ci < 0.5) ci.probs <- c(ci, 1L) - ci/2L else ci.probs <- c(0L, ci) + (1-ci)/2 } else { ci.probs <- NULL } if(oneSidedTest) { ci.probs <- c(ci.probs, ci) } if(ci.method == "analytic") { stop("Analytic method is not currently implemented") } if(ci.method == "bootstrap") { <- sys.function() N.boot <- as.integer(N.boot) if(is.null( { nVal <- N mkBsIndex <- makeBootstrapLenIndx } else { nVal <- as.integer( mkBsIndex <- makeBootstrapEvntIndx } bootCalc <- function(i, z.seq, nVal, beta0, beta1, psi, tau, time.points,, verbose) { samp <- mkBsIndex(s, indx.seq=z.seq, N=nVal) ans <- as.vector([samp], s=s[samp], d=d[samp], y=y[samp], beta0=beta0, beta1=beta1, psi=psi, tau=tau, selection=TRUE, groupings=c(FALSE,TRUE), trigger=TRUE, time.points=time.points, ci=NULL, ci.method=NULL)$SCE) if(verbose) cat(".") return(ans) } if(inCore) { vals <- apply(, lapply(integer(N.boot), FUN=bootCalc, z.seq=z.seq, nVal=nVal, beta0=beta0, beta1=beta1, psi=psi, tau=tau, time.points=time.points,, verbose=verbose)), 2L, FUN=function(x) return(c(var(x), quantile(x, probs=ci.probs)))) SCE.boot <- list(SCE.var = vals[1L,,drop=FALSE], = vals[-1L,,drop=FALSE]) } else { colsPerFile <- as.integer(colsPerFile) tmpfile <- tempfile() fieldWidth <- nchar(sprintf("%+a", .Machine$double.xmax)) recordWidth <- fieldWidth + 1L lineWidth <- recordWidth*SCE.length fieldFmt <- sprintf("%%+%da%s", fieldWidth, rep(c(" ", "\n"), times=c(SCE.length - 1L, 1L))) lapply(logical(N.boot), FUN=function(...) cat(sprintf(fieldFmt, bootCalc(...)), sep="", file=tmpfile, append=TRUE), z.seq=z.seq, nVal=nVal, beta0=beta0, beta1=beta1, psi=psi, tau=tau, time.points=time.points,, verbose=verbose) if(verbose) cat('\n') needFiles <- (SCE.length %/% colsPerFile) remainder <- SCE.length %% colsPerFile filesNCols <- rep(c(colsPreFile, remainder), times=c(needFiles, remainder > 0L)) readWidths <- filesNCols*recordWidth outFilenames <- sprintf("%s_split_%0*d", tmpfile, nchar(length(readWidths)), seq_along(readWidths)) inConn <- file(tmpfile, open="r") on.exit(close(inConn)) cullColumns <- function(offset, readWidth, outFilename, inConn, lineWidth, N.boot) { outConn <- file(outFilename, open='w') on.exit(close(outConn)) seek(inConn, where=offset, origin="start") lapply(logical(N.boot), FUN = function(j, inConn, outConn, readWidth, lineWidth) { section <- readChar(inConn, readWidth) if(substr(section, readWidth, readWidth) == " ") substr(section, readWidth, readWidth) <- "\n" writeChar(section, outConn, readWidth, eos=NULL) seek(inConn, where=lineWidth - readWidth, origin="current") return(NULL) }, inConn=inConn, outConn=outConn, readWidth=readWidth, lineWidth=lineWidth) cat("*") return(NULL) } mapply(FUN=cullColumns, offset=cumsum(c(0L, readWidths[-1L])), readWidth=readWidths, outFilename=outFilenames, MoreArgs=list(inConn=inConn, lineWidth=lineWidth, N.boot=N.boot)) if(verbose) cat("\n") SCE.boot <-, mapply(MoreArgs=list(ci.probs=ci.probs), FUN=function(filename, numCols, ci.probs) { dat <- scan(filename, what=rep(list(double(0L)), numCols), quiet=TRUE) ans <- sapply(dat, FUN=function(column) c(var(column), quantile(column, ci.probs, names=TRUE))) if(verbose) cat('.') return(ans) }, filename=outFilenames, numCols=filesNCols)) if(verbose) cat('\n') } dim(SCE.boot$SCE.var) <- SCE.dim dimnames(SCE.boot$SCE.var) <- SCE.dimnames dim(SCE.boot$ <- c(nrow(SCE.boot$, SCE.dim) dimnames(SCE.boot$ <- c(list(ci.probs), SCE.dimnames) } ans <- structure(c(list(SCE=SCE), cdfs, SCE.boot)) return(ans) }