window push version 8.0 window push set more on window push log using SepsisSplineCheck.log, replace window push * window push * window push * Logistic regression of mortality against APACHE score in window push * in the Ibuprofen in Sepsis Study using restricted cubic splines. window push * window push use C:\WDDtext\4.18.Sepsis.dta, clear window push window push generate p = deaths/patients window push generate obs_logodds = logit(p) if p ~=0 & p ~= 1 window push * window push * Regress deaths against apache using simple logistic regression window push * window push glm deaths apache, family(binomial patients) link(logit) window push predict logodds, xb window push * window push * Calculate 95% confidence region for logodds window push * window push predict stderr, stdp window push generate lodds_lb = logodds - 1.96*stderr window push generate lodds_ub = logodds + 1.96*stderr window push * window push * Graph observed logodds with regression line & confidence region window push * window push twoway rarea lodds_lb lodds_ub apache, bcolor(yellow) /// window push || line logodds apache /// window push || scatter obs_logodds apache, ytitle("Log Odds of Death") /// window push , legend(order(2 "Simple log odds" 3 "Observed log odds" /// window push 1 "95% CI") rows(1)) window push more window push * window push * Calculate rc_spline covariates with 3 knots window push * window push mkspline _Sapache=apache [weight=patients], nknots(3) cubic displayknots window push * window push * Regress deaths against spline covariates window push * window push glm deaths _S*, family(binomial patients) link(logit) window push predict logodds3, xb window push line logodds apache, lwidth(thick) color(blue) /// window push || line logodds3 apache, lwidth(thick) color(red) /// window push || scatter obs_logodds apache, ytitle("Log Odds of Death") /// window push , legend(order(1 "Simple log odds" 2 "Spline log odds" /// window push 3 "Observed log odds") rows(1)) window push more window push predict e_deaths, mu window push generate prob = e_deaths/patients window push predict se, stdp window push generate lb_logodds3= logodds3-1.96* se window push generate ub_logodds3= logodds3+1.96* se window push generate ub_prob= exp( ub_logodds3)/(1+exp( ub_logodds3)) window push generate lb_prob= exp( lb_logodds3)/(1+exp( lb_logodds3)) window push twoway rarea lb_prob ub_prob apache, bcolor(yellow) /// window push || line prob apache, color(blue) lwidth(medthick) /// window push || scatter p apache, ytitle("Probability of Death by 30 Days") /// window push legend(order(2 "Expected mortality rate" /// window push 3 "Observed mortality rate" 1 "95% CI") rows(1)) subtitle( /// window push "Restricted Cubic Spline Model with 3 Knots",ring(0) position(11)) window push log close