window push version 11 window push log using 10.8.ERpolymorphism.log, replace window push * 10.7.ERpolymorphism.log window push * window push * Do a one-way analysis of variance to determine whether age window push * at breast cancer diagnosis varies with estrogen receptor (ER) window push * genotype using the data of Parl et al. 1989. window push * window push use C:\wddtext\10.8.ERpolymorphism.dta window push ci age window push by genotype: ci age window push * window push * The following graph type is not available in Stata version 8.0 window push * window push graph7 age, by(genotype ) box oneway window push oneway age genotype window push * window push * Test whether the standard deviations of age are equal in window push * patients with different genotypes. window push * window push robvar age, by(genotype) window push * window push * Repeat analysis using linear regression window push * window push regress age i.genotype window push lincom _cons + 2.genotype window push lincom _cons + 3.genotype window push lincom 3.genotype - 2.genotype window push * window push * Perform a Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance window push * window push kwallis age, by(genotype) window push ranksum age if genotype ~=3, by(genotype) window push ranksum age if genotype ~=2, by(genotype) window push ranksum age if genotype ~=1, by(genotype) window push kwallis age if genotype ~=1, by(genotype) window push log close