Interest Groups

* DTI Journal Club: 1st and 3rd Friday 3:30-4:30pm MCN R0107
* fMRI Users Meeting: 2nd Monday 2-3pm MCN AA1119
* Cancer Imaging Group Meeting: Every Thursday 12-1pm MCN AA1119


* Dr. Tom Yankeelov (1/4/08-5/23/08) Evaluation and Validation of Imaging Biomarkers of Tumor Response to Treatment.
* Dr. Michael Miga (1/12/09-2/4/09) A Murine Cross-scale Study of Elasticity Imaging.
* Dr. Kevin Waddell (2/4/09-2/11/09) Novel Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 Biomarkers for Metabolic Imaging of Lung Cancer
* Dr. Tom Yankeelov (2/19/09-3/3/09) Evaluation and Validation of Imaging Biomarkers of Tumor Response to Treatment.(2nd submission)
* Dr. Michelle Martin (3/12/09-)


* Zhaoying Han, Drs. John Gore , Benoit Dawant (6/3/08-now) Variations in Neuroanatomy correspond to Different Mathematical Abilities.
* Dr. Tom Yankeelov (9/2/08-10/15/08) Reference Region Modeling Reduces the Temporal Sampling Requirements for Quantitative DCE-MRI in Human Breast Cancer.


* Zhaoying Han, Drs. John Gore , Benoit Dawant (6/3/08-now) Statistical Methods for DBM Analysis.
* Dr. Zhaohua Ding, Xi Wu (10/1/08-now) Statistical charactorization of brain structure connectivity in correlation with functional connectivity


* A Simulation Study on Combining Voxel Intensity and Cluster Sizes: the Type I error and the Power. 9/11/08, MCN R0107

Consultation and short data analysis

* Dr. Malcolm Avison, Dr. Efrain Garcia, Maria Maguire (1/29/08-2/18/08)
* Dr. Victoria Morgan (2/26/08-4/21/08)
* Dr. Chad Quarles (3/26-3/27/08, 5/2/08)
* Dr. Junzhong Xu (12/30/08)
* Dr. Kevin Waddell (2/23/09-)

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