Expectations for reporting to work during an inclement weather yellow or orange alert.

Department exempt and non-exempt staff should use good judgment in deciding whether to travel to the office during severe weather conditions. On these rare occasions, staff have two options: to work remotely or to take a personal/vacation day. Staff should e-mail their direct supervisor regarding plans for the day. Faculty are welcome to work from home as well.

Departmental Emergency Operations Sub Plan.

Definition: A sub plan that describes how a specific department/service will respond to emergencies that would significantly impact the normal operations of the Medical Center.

1. Each department sub plan includes specific procedures outlining how a specific department/service will respond to, mitigate and recover from emergencies. This includes:

  • a. Chain of Command: Frank Harrell, Department Chair 429.5164 Linda Stewart, Department Administrator 720.4444

  • b. Scope of Services: Biostatistics is a basic science department and working from remote location does not affect ability to meet work demand.

  • c. Communication protocol to ensure that accurate information is provided to staff members in a timely manner:

  • d. Defining roles and responsibilities of staff.

2. Departments are expected to maintain a current call tree list, which includes the following for each faculty/staff member:

  • a. Name: | Frank Harrell | Linda Stewart |
  • b. Position title: | Department Chair | Department Administrator |
  • c. Contact numbers for home phone, pager, and cell phone: | 429-5164 | 720-4444 |
  • d. Emergency contact names and phone numbers: | Liana Harrell | Sharon Beck 482-3534 |



-- LindaStewart - 10 Jan 2011

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Inclement_Weather_Policy.pdfpdf Inclement_Weather_Policy.pdf manage 151.7 K 10 Jan 2011 - 15:05 LindaStewart VUMC Inclement Weather Policy
This topic: Main > DeptOps > EmergencyPreparednessPlan
Topic revision: revision 1
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