How to Develop and Run Statistician Teams

Frequently a PhD and an MS biostatistician, or a senior and a junior MS biostatistician, pair to work on long-term projects. On the average, the optimum ratio of MS to PhD percent efforts for projects is 2.5. Our career path for MS biostatisticians enables them to advance in experience, knowledge, and independence to move into leadership roles. The senior biostatistician in the team can work to enhance professional development of junior statisticians by encouraging them to read pertinent methodologic articles and books, attend professional meetings and short courses, assist in methodologic research, and other ways.

Some Issues to Consider

  • Senior biostatisticians need to work with first authors to insure that junior statisticians are listed as co-authors whenever appropriate
  • Project meetings with PIs are important, and junior biostatisticians should attend all of them and count the time spent as part of the project
  • As junior biostatisticians advance, they work more and more directly with PIs
Topic revision: r3 - 26 Apr 2013, JohnBock
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