Recommendations for User Workstation Directory and E-mail Folder Structure | See also this
It is important to organize your work in a very hierarchical tree so that you will be able to find documents, e-mails, datasets, etc., and so that directory listings do not become huge. We have found that the more sub- and sub-sub folders you create the better you will be able to keep your system organized. Note that one way
not to split files into separate directories is by applications using the various files. For example, it is better to keep LaTeX, Openoffice, and R files related to a single project in the same directory.
An Example Directory Structure for Users
|-- R # for general-purpose R packages you develop
| |-- Design
| | |-- CVS
| | | |-- Entries
| | | |-- Repository
| | | `-- Root
| | |-- INDEX
| | |-- R
| | | |-- CVS
| | | | |-- Entries
| | | | |-- Repository
| | | | `-- Root
| | | |-- Design.Misc.s
| | | |-- Design.s
. . . .
| |-- test
|-- bin # contains personal executables
| |-- syncFiles # tells rsync which files to sync
| |-- syncfromvu # script to sync home computer
| |-- sync2vu # script to sync work computer
|-- data # global, example, teaching data
|-- doc # general documents - not programs
| |-- Department # or analyses
| | |-- Admin
| | |-- Computing
| | | |-- hardware
| | | |-- software
| | |-- Faculty
| | |-- Goals
| | |-- MS
| | |-- OtherAreas
| | | |-- Bioinformatics
| | | |-- Meharry
| | |-- Philosophy
| | |-- Problems
| | |-- Projects
| | | |-- Outside
| | | |-- VUwide
| | |-- Resources
| | |-- School
| | |-- Staff
| | |-- Web
| | `-- todo
| | |-- Staff
| |-- Papers
| |-- Proposals # after grant award, move to ~/projects
| | |-- Cardiology # example divisions/departments
| | |-- Forms
| | | `-- biosketch.pdf
| | |-- GI
| | |-- K30
| | | `-- supportLetter.sxw
| | |-- Medicine
| | |-- Meharry
| | |-- Neurology
| | | `-- pd.doc
| | |-- Pediatrics
| | |-- methods
| | | |-- budgeting.phases
| | | |-- nih.howto.txt
| | | `-- subcontract.forms.txt
| | |-- Orthopedics
| | |-- Radiology
| |-- R
| |-- Schedule
| |-- Seminars
| |-- Talks # slides, handouts, 1 folder/talk
| |-- cv
| |-- data
| |-- databank
| |-- emacs
| | |-- hints
| |-- html
| |-- images
| |-- latex
| | |-- NIH
| | |-- emacs
| | |-- hints
| | |-- pdf
| | |-- texinput
| |-- letters
| | |-- Proposals
| |-- miscSystems
| | `-- openoffice
| |-- perl
| |-- refs
| |-- reports
| |-- reviews
| | |-- Books
| | |-- Departments
| | |-- Grants
| | |-- Letters
| | |-- Promotions
| |-- societies
| |-- travel
| | `-- Reservations
| |-- twiki
| | `-- pages
| `-- writing
|-- methods.research
| |-- Bayes
| |-- Economic
| |-- bootstrap
|-- projects # perhaps the most important dir
| |-- Cardiology # organize by major area, within this
| |-- Gerontology # have a folder for each project; sometimes
| |-- Hospital # have a directory for each PI
| |-- Medicine
. . .
| |-- misc
| |-- reduce # major outside project
|-- tmp # holds emacs backups etc.
`-- web
|-- latex
An Example E-mail Folder Structure
|-- Consulting # for small consulting projects,
| |-- BioNumerik # 1 folder/client
| |-- GSK
|-- Department
| |-- Admin
| |-- Computing
| | |-- Accounts
| | |-- DBManagement
| | |-- Hardware
| | |-- Software
| | |-- Todo
| | `-- Web
| |-- Faculty
| | |-- MS
| | |-- PhD
| | |-- Recruiting
| | |-- SecondaryAppt
| | `-- Visitors
| |-- Goals
| |-- GrantProposals
| | |-- ClinInvest
| | |-- HSR
| |-- MS
| | |-- Admin
| | |-- JobClasses
| | |-- Recruiting
| |-- OtherAreas
| | |-- BME
| | |-- Bioinformatics
| | |-- CCI
| | |-- CancerCenter
| |-- Seminars
| |-- Teaching
| | |-- CE
| | |-- GradProgram
| | |-- IGP
| | `-- MSCI
| `-- Todo
| `-- Web
|-- Grants
| |-- ClinInvest
| `-- MethodologyTraining
|-- Letters
|-- Methods
| |-- DBM
| |-- Research
| `-- Stat
| |-- Bayes
| |-- Bootstrap
|-- Personal
|-- Projects
| |-- GSK
| | `-- REDUCE
| | |-- Contract
| | |-- Data
| | `-- Travel
| |-- Merck
| | `-- Travel
| |-- Papers
| | `-- CADIndex
| |-- Pfizer
| | |-- Course
| | |-- Distributions
| | |-- Todo
| | `-- Travel
| `-- WHO
|-- Software
| |-- BUGS
| |-- HTMLJavascript
| |-- LaTeX
| |-- Linux
| | |-- CVS
| | |-- Debian
| | |-- Office
| | |-- Security
| |-- Misc
| |-- R
| | |-- CRAN
| | |-- Debian
| | |-- Devel
| | |-- Documentation
| | |-- Emacs
| | |-- GUI
| | |-- GraphicsLowLevel
| | |-- GridLattice
| | |-- ImportExport
| | |-- ModelingFunctions
| | |-- Namespace
| | |-- Perl
| | |-- Remote
| | |-- S4
| | |-- SQL
| | |-- Sweave
| | |-- Teaching
| | |-- Tricks
| | |-- Validation
| | |-- Web
| |-- Teaching
| |-- Todo
|-- Teaching
| |-- Biostat Modeling
| | |-- Data
| |-- CI
| |-- Methods.Procedures
| |-- Online Courses
| |-- ShortCourses
| | `-- RMS
`-- Todo
|-- Invitations
|-- MeetingCommittees
|-- Papers
|-- Personal
|-- Reviews
`-- TravelTalks
|-- ASA
Useful Links